Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

alumno conflictivo
troublesome student

The Spanish term 'alumno conflictivo' translates to 'troublesome student' in English. It is often used to describe a student who frequently causes disruptions in the classroom environment, distracting others and potentially hindering learning. This student might consistently fail to abide by the school or classroom rules and regulations, and they might exhibit defiant or disruptive behavior towards teachers and fellow students. A 'troublesome student' might require additional support or disciplinary measures in order to maintain a conducive educational environment.

alumno de la escuela
school student

The term 'alumno de la escuela' in Spanish translates to 'school student' in English. It generally refers to an individual who is enrolled in an educational institution or school. This person is usually part of a systematic instruction or educational training conducted under the supervision of teachers or instructors. The term is commonly used in the educational context to refer to individuals who are acquiring knowledge or learning concepts in a school setting.

alumno del instituto
high school student

The term 'alumno del instituto' is composed of two parts. 'Alumno' is a Spanish term that translates to 'student' in English. On the other hand, 'instituto' refers to an educational institution that is often used to refer to a high school in English context. Therefore, when combined, 'alumno del instituto' translates to 'high school student' in English.

alzar la mirada
look up

The Spanish phrase 'alzar la mirada' translates to 'look up' in English. It's often used to suggest a shifting of one's attention or gaze upward, such as looking at the sky or observing something above one's usual line of sight. Literal translations may yield phrases 'raise the gaze' or 'lift the look', but the common English equivalent is 'look up'.

ama de casa

The Spanish phrase 'ama de casa' roughly translates to 'housewife' in English. The noun 'ama' can be understood as 'mistress' or 'lady', and 'de casa' implies 'of the house'. So, an ama de casa is a woman who manages her house by doing all the routine chores and maintenance, mostly without employment outside the home.


The Spanish term for 'kindness' is 'amabilidad'. It is used to express the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. This can refer to the way in which individuals treat one another, character traits, or actions performed. You can find it used in various contexts such as personal exchanges and literature.

Example sentences with  amabilidad

The Spanish word 'amable' translates to 'kind' in English. It's used to describe someone who is friendly and considerate. For example, when referring to a person who behaves nicely you might say 'Él es muy amable', which translates to 'He is very kind'.

Example sentences with  amable

In Spanish, we perceive 'amargo' esentially relating to a bitter taste or experience.

Example sentences with  amargo

The Spanish word 'amargor' translates to 'bitterness' in English. It is primarily used in context to represent a strong aversive sense, metaphorically referring to emotions of anger, annoyance, discomfort or dissatisfaction. The word can be usually found in literary works, poetry, and ordinary speech to intensify the sentiment being conveyed.


The Spanish word 'ambición' translates to 'ambition' in English. It is a noun commonly used to depict a strong desire to do or to achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. It's a significant term in both languages, representing the drive or eagerness someone has to achieve goals, whether they are personal, professional, or otherwise.


The Spanish word 'ambicioso' translates to 'ambitious' in English. An ambitious person is someone who has a strong desire and determination to succeed or achieve something. They are willing to work hard, take risks, and persevere to meet their goals. This word can be used in different contexts, from describing someone's professional aspirations to their personal life goals. It is generally considered a positive characteristic to be ambitious, as it shows a person's drive and motivation.

ambiente acogedor
cozy atmosphere

The Spanish phrase 'ambiente acogedor' translates to 'cozy atmosphere' in English. It is a common phrase used in Spanish speaking cultures to describe a warm, welcoming, and comfortable environment. It could be used to describe the vibe or feeling of a small gathering, a welcoming home, a nice restaurant, or any inviting social setting. To break it down, 'ambiente' means 'atmosphere' and 'acogedor' translates to 'cozy'. Thus, these two words combined give us 'cozy atmosphere'.

ambiente cálido
warm atmosphere

The Spanish phrase 'ambiente cálido' translates to 'warm atmosphere' in English. It is often used to describe a friendly, welcoming, or cozy environment. It may refer to the literal temperature of a physical space, such as a room or outdoor location that is comfortably warm. Moreover, 'ambiente cálido' can also describe a situation or a group gathering where the social dynamics are pleasant and inviting.

ambiente íntimo
intimate environment

The Spanish term 'ambiente íntimo' translates to 'intimate environment' in English. This phrase is often used to talk about a physical setting or social situation that is characterized by closeness, familiarity, and privacy. It could refer to a cozy and romantic setting for a date, a private meeting room for high-stakes discussions, or even the emotional atmosphere between two close friends sharing secrets. In all these contexts, an 'ambiente íntimo' is marked by a sense of personal connection and shared understanding.

ambiente moderno
modern environment

The Spanish phrase 'ambiente moderno' translates to 'modern environment' in English. This phrase can be used in various contexts including interior design, fashion, digital technology, and more. It refers to surroundings or conditions that are current, up-to-date, or characteristic of present-day trends or styles.


The Spanish word for 'both' is 'ambos'. This word is used to refer to two people or things, viewed and identified together. It can also imply that actions or states involve both the people or things that you are talking about.

Example sentences with  ambos

The Spanish word 'ambulancia' translates to 'ambulance' in English. An ambulance is a specially equipped vehicle that is used to transport sick or injured individuals to, from, or between places of treatment such as hospitals and clinics. The word 'ambulancia' in Spanish and 'ambulance' in English originated from the same root, namely the Latin word 'ambulare', meaning 'to walk or move about', which is a reference to early medical care where patients were moved by lifting or wheeling.


The Spanish word 'ambulatorio' translates to 'ambulatory' in English. This term is usually used in the medical field, signifying the ability or process of walking, or something related to walking. It can also refer to a medical procedure or service that doesn't require an overnight stay at a hospital, which is to say, an outpatient procedure or service. Furthermore, 'ambulatorio' could refer to a health center where this type of outpatient service takes place.

Example sentences with  ambulatorio

The Spanish word 'América' is a direct translation of the English word 'America'. It stands for both the continents of North America and South America combined, which are altogether viewed as a single continent in many parts of the world. Moreover, sometimes 'América' is used in a narrow way to denote the United States. The use may vary depending upon the context.

Example sentences with  América

In Spanish, the word 'americano' is used to refer to someone or something from the United States. It can be used in nearly all of the same contexts in which 'American' is used in English, such as describing nationality, cultural affinities, or even products or ideas originating from the U.S.

Example sentences with  americano

This is the Spanish word for 'friendly'. It describes someone or something that is kind and pleasant.

Example sentences with  Amigable
amigo de la infancia
childhood friend

The Spanish phrase 'amigo de la infancia' translates to 'childhood friend' in English. This expression is used to refer to a friend with whom one has shared childhood years. Just as we use 'childhood friend' in English to express our long term friendships from early years of life, 'amigo de la infancia' is used in the same context in Spanish.

amigo de la universidad
college friend

The Spanish phrase 'amigo de la universidad' translates to 'college friend' in English. This refers to a friend or acquaintance that one made while attending college or university. This could be someone you shared classes with, lived with, or simply hung out with during your college years. The term is not strictly for friends from your own college; it can also refer to friends you made in a college environment, even if you didn't attend the same university.

amigo de toda la vida
lifelong friend

The Spanish phrase 'amigo de toda la vida' literally translates to 'friend of all the life' in English. However, its actual meaning is closer to 'lifelong friend' or 'friend for life'. This phrase is used to describe a friend who has been there throughout your life, sharing all the ups and downs, joys, and pains with you. Their friendship is constant, unwavering, and everlastingly valued. This term reflects the deep bond and shared experiences between two individuals who have been friends for a very long time.

amigo entrañable
dear friend

The Spanish phrase 'amigo entrañable' translates to 'dear friend' in English. It refers to a very close friend who holds a special place in one's heart and life. This phrase is usually used to describe friendships that are deeply emotional, intimate, or long-standing, and it often implies a sense of fondness, affection, and loyalty.

amigo inseparable
inseparable friend

The Spanish phrase 'amigo inseparable' is translated into English as 'inseparable friend'. This phrase indicates a level of friendship where two individuals spend a great deal of time together, and are often seen together. They typically share many common interests, experiences, and they deeply understand each other. This phrase underlines the strength and depth of their relationship where separation is unthinkable or extremely challenging.

amigo íntimo
close friend

The Spanish term 'amigo íntimo' translates to 'close friend' in English. This phrase is used to denote a very special kind of friendship, one that is deeply personal, trusted, and meaningful. An 'amigo íntimo' is not just a regular friend, but someone who is known well, trusted implicitly, and cherished deeply. This term goes beyond casual friendships and represents a bond of mutual respect, shared experiences, and emotional connection.


The Spanish word for 'friends' is 'amigos'. It is used commonly in conversational and written Spanish to refer to a group of people with whom one has a personal relationship based on mutual affection and shared interests. Just as in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts, such as when introducing your friends to someone else ('estos son mis amigos'), asking about someone's friends ('¿Cómo están tus amigos?'), or talking about doing activities with friends ('Voy a la playa con mis amigos').

Example sentences with  amigos
amoldarse a un estilo
bend to a style

The Spanish phrase 'amoldarse a un estilo' translates to 'bend to a style' in English. This is often used to refer to the process of adapting or conforming oneself to a certain style, approach, or conduct. This phrase can be applied in various contexts, like fashion, art, behavior, but can also be metaphorically used to talk about adjustments or changes in life, practices, or beliefs.

Example sentences with  amoldarse a un estilo

The word 'amor' in Spanish translates directly to 'love' in English. It is used to express great affection towards someone or something and is often used in a romantic context. For example, 'Te amo' means 'I love you'. It can be used between romantic partners, friends, or family members. But it has a broad scope and can also be used to express love for hobbies, activities, or places.

Example sentences with  amor
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