Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish term 'ganado' translates to 'livestock' in English. It generally refers to cattle or domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities such as meat, milk, fur, wool and others. The term covers a wide range of animals including cows, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and sometimes even bees and buffalo.

Example sentences with  ganado

The Spanish word 'ganador' translated to English means 'winner'. This term can be used in various contexts such as sports, competitions, or games to refer to a person, group, or entity that has achieved victory or a favorable outcome. For instance, 'el ganador del partido de fútbol' translates to 'the winner of the football match'. It denotes someone who outperForms others in a given activity or endeavor.


The Spanish word 'ganancias' translates to 'profit' in English. This term is widely used in the context of finance and economy, and it refers to the financial benefits that are gained from a business or income-generating activity. In general terms, 'ganancias' means the positive difference between the cost price and the selling price of a product or service, after deducting all the costs associated with its production or provision.

Example sentences with  ganancias

The Spanish word 'ganar' translates to 'win' in English. It is a verb that can be used in several contexts such as winning in a game, competition or lottery. Similar to English, 'ganar' can also relate to earning something, like money in a job. Just like other Spanish verbs, 'ganar' can be conjugated differently depending on the subject and tense.

ganar (las) elecciones
win (the elections)

The phrase 'ganar (las) elecciones' in Spanish translates to 'win (the) elections' in English. It is a phrase used in political context, where 'ganar' means 'to win' and 'elecciones' means 'elections'. It is often used to discuss the outcome of a political race, especially when a candidate or party has received the majority of votes.

Example sentences with  ganar (las) elecciones
ganar clientes
win customers

The Spanish phrase 'ganar clientes' translates to 'win customers' in English. It is often used in business contexts to denote the act of attracting new customers or clients to one's business. It can involve various marketing strategies, such as advertising, promotional offers, quality services, etc., aimed at increasing the customer base. Note: Though the literal translation is 'win customers', it might be more naturally said as 'attract customers' or 'gain customers' in English.

ganar dinero
earn money

The Spanish term 'ganar dinero' translates to 'earn money' in English. It consists of two verbs - 'ganar' meaning 'to win' or 'to earn' and 'dinero' meaning 'money'. Therefore, if someone says 'Yo quiero ganar dinero', they mean 'I want to earn money'. This phrase is used quite commonly in Spanish-speaking countries where it indicates the desire to work and gain financial reward. It is also used in various contexts, whether it is to express the need to work more hours to earn more money, or to achieve success in a business venture.

ganar la copa
win the cup

The phrase 'ganar la copa' in Spanish is interpreted in English as 'win the cup'. This phrase is often used in a competitive context to describe a team or an individual who triumphs in a sports competition or any other form of contest, where a cup or similar trophy is often provided to the winner as a symbol of their achievement.

ganar peso
gain weight

The Spanish phrase 'ganar peso' translates to 'gain weight' in English. It is most often used in contexts related to health, nutrition and fitness. The verb 'ganar' means 'to gain', and 'peso' means 'weight'. Therefore when combined, 'ganar peso' literally means 'to gain weight'. It's used in discussions regarding someone's weight, such as if someone intends to gain weight for health purposes, or if they've unexpectedly gained weight due to changes in their diet or exercise routine.

Example sentences with  ganar peso
ganar un juicio
win a trial

The Spanish phrase 'ganar un juicio' translates to 'win a trial' in English. It is a legal term often used in courts or legal proceedings. 'Ganar' is a verb in Spanish that means 'to win', whilst 'un juicio' is a noun that refers to a 'trial' or 'lawsuit'. Therefore, when these words are combined, it describes the act or process of succeeding in a legal case or court trial.

Example sentences with  ganar un juicio
ganar un sueldo
earn a salary

The Spanish phrase 'ganar un sueldo' directly translates to 'earn a salary' in English. Normally used in the context of employment or work, it refers to the money that an individual regularly receives from their employer as a compensation for their work or services. This phrase can be used in various tenses and forms in Spanish, adjusting to reflect changes in subject or context, just like its English equivalent.

ganar una beca
win a scholarship

The Spanish phrase 'ganar una beca' translates to 'win a scholarship' in English. It's often used in the context of education, where 'ganar' means 'to win' and 'una beca' means 'a scholarship'. So, it refers to the process of earning or being awarded a scholarship, typically through academic, athletic, or artistic merit, to finance one's further education.

ganar una medalla
win a medal

The Spanish phrase 'ganar una medalla' translates to 'win a medal' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of sports, competitions, tournaments, and similar events. When someone 'gana una medalla', it means they have been awarded a medal for their performance or achievement in their respective field. This phrase uses the verb 'ganar' which means 'to win' and the noun 'medalla' which refers to 'a medal'. So, 'ganar una medalla' directly implies winning a medal.


The Spanish word 'ganso' translates to 'goose' in English. This is a type of bird, commonly found in the wild in many parts of the world as well as in domestic settings. Geese are often recognized for their distinctive 'honking' call, their ability to fly in a 'V' formation, and their aggressive behavior when confronted by potential intruders or threats.

Example sentences with  ganso

The Spanish word 'garaje' translates to 'garage' in English. A 'garage' is a building or a part of a building where you keep a car. Garages can be separate structures or integrated into a house or apartment building. They are often used for car storage to protect vehicles from the weather and for storing tools, bikes, and other items. In the same vein, 'garaje' in Spanish serves the exact same purpose.

garantía de calidad
quality assurance

The term 'garantía de calidad' in Spanish translates to 'quality assurance' in English. It is used to describe a systematic process of determining whether products meet customers' expectations. Quality assurance is a method of preventing mistakes or defects in manufactured products and avoiding problems when delivering services or solutions to customers. Its importance is paramount in any production or service industry as it helps instill confidence in the product or service provided and ensures it is free from flaws and errors.


The Spanish term 'garbanzos' refers to a type of legume popular in cuisines around the world, known in English as 'chickpeas'. These small, beige, round beans are packed with protein and are a key ingredient in dishes like hummus and falafel. They can be cooked and added to salads, soups and stews, or roasted and eaten as a healthy snack. In Spain, they are commonly used in traditional dishes such as 'cocido madrileño'.


The Spanish word 'garganta' translates to 'throat' in English. It is used in both languages to refer to the passage from the back of the mouth to the start of the esophagus. This term could be found in both medical and everyday contexts. In Spanish, as in English, it is also often used metaphorically to refer to express vocalization or emotional feelings, such as 'deafening silence weighed down on my throat', implying the suppression of expression.

gargantilla de oro
gold hooker

I'm afraid there has been a mistake. 'Gargantilla de oro' in Spanish actually translates to 'gold choker' in English, referring to a piece of jewelry worn around the neck, often made of gold. Please note the context and usage.

gargantilla de plata
silver hooker

'Gargantilla de plata' is a Spanish phrase that doesn't actually translate to 'silver hooker' in English. Instead, it translates to 'silver choker'. A 'gargantilla de plata' is a piece of jewelry, similar to a necklace, but typically worn tight around the neck. These are often made of various materials, including silver, hence the 'de plata' in the phrase. It's essential to note the difference to avoid any potential awkward conversations.


The Spanish word 'gasa' translates to 'gauze' in English. It is commonly used in the medical field to refer to a thin fabric typically made of cotton or linen, possessing an open weave. Gauze is often used for dressings, bandages, and other medical appliances.

Example sentences with  gasa
gasolina normal
Normal gas

The Spanish phrase 'gasolina normal' translates to 'normal gas' in English. It is a form of gas used commonly in vehicles and is often the basic or standard option available at gas stations. The term is generally used to contrast with 'gasolina premium', which would translate to 'premium gas', another type of gasoline which is often more refined and may offer certain benefits such as improved engine performance or longevity.

Example sentences with  gasolina normal
gasolina sin plomo
unleaded gasoline

The Spanish phrase 'gasolina sin plomo' translates to 'unleaded gasoline' in English. This specific term refers to a type of gasoline that does not contain lead additives. Lead was once added to gasoline to increase performance and reduce engine knocking. However, lead is a toxic substance that can harm the environment and human health. 'Sin plomo' literally translates to 'without lead', indicating that the gasoline is lead-free or unleaded. Thus, 'gasolina sin plomo' represents a safer and more eco-friendly fuel option.

Example sentences with  gasolina sin plomo
gasolina súper
Super gasoline

The Spanish term 'gasolina súper' translates to 'super gasoline' in English. This phrase is typically used to refer to high-quality gasoline or gasoline with a high octane rating. The higher the octane number, the greater the fuel's resistance to knocking or pinging during combustion. It might also be mentioned at a service station, where different types of petrol are on offer. The 'super' term indicates that this is a superior or more refined version of ordinary gasoline.

Example sentences with  gasolina súper
gas station

The Spanish word 'gasolinera' translates to 'gas station' in English. It is a facility which sells fuel and engine lubricants for motor vehicles. The services available regarding motor fuel differ greatly around the world. Other services, such as small snacks, vehicle repair services, or even full shopping outlets may also be available at a gas station (or 'gasolinera', in Spanish).

Example sentences with  gasolinera

The word 'gastar' in Spanish is equivalent to 'spend' in English. It can apply to spending money, time or resources. The way it is used in Spanish is not unlike English as 'Yo gasto mucho dinero en ropa' would translate to 'I spend a lot of money on clothes'. It is used in a similar context as well, for instance, 'gastar tiempo' means 'to spend time'.

Example sentences with  gastar

The term 'gasto' is a Spanish noun that refers to the act of spending money or resources. It may pertain to any expenditures or outlays in various areas such as personal finance, business transactions, or public sector spending. In English, it is most accurately translated as 'expenditure'. The purpose of an expenditure is often for the acquisition of goods or services. Both English and Spanish use the concept in the same way, to discuss and calculate economic and financial activities.

gastos de agua
Water costs

The Spanish phrase 'gastos de agua' translates to 'water costs' in English. It is generally used to refer to the cost or expense associated with water consumption in households, businesses, or other settings. This may include the costs of water supplied by a local utility company or costs related to the maintenance and use of privately owned water resources. Notably, it is a phrase often seen in financial context, such as in bills or reports, to refer to expenditures on water.

gastos de comunidad
community expenditure

The word 'gastos de comunidad' in Spanish refers to community expenditure in English. This phrase is typically used in the context of shared buildings or residential communities. These are expenses incurred for the maintenance of common areas and amenities. For example, cleaning, gardening, or utilities for these areas, security services, or any repairs or improvements necessary. It's an amount usually paid regularly by residents of the community or building.

gastos de envío
shipping costs

The Spanish term 'gastos de envío' translates to 'shipping costs' in English. It is a common term used in commerce to refer to the charges that the consumer pays to get the products delivered to their location. This term is often found in e-commerce sites, retail businesses, and shipment services. It varies depending on factors such as the delivery location, the weight of the product, and the shipping company's tariffs.

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