Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'fuerte' can be used in many contexts just like its English equivalent 'strong'. It can refer to physical strength, great force, or intensity. For example, one can have a 'fuerte grip' (strong grip), be a 'viento fuerte' (strong wind), or even have a 'sabor fuerte' (strong flavor).

Example sentences with  fuerte

In Spanish, 'fuerza' is the translation of 'force'. It can be used in a similar way to the English word, referring to physical power or strength, as well as abstract concepts like a 'force of nature'. It's a noun, commonly used in both conversational and formal contexts.

Example sentences with  fuerza
fuerzas de seguridad
security forces

The Spanish term 'fuerzas de seguridad' translates to 'security forces' in English. This can refer to any organization that enforces laws, regulates public behavior, prevents and combats crimes. It's collectively used for entities such as the police, security guards, or military personnel. Generally, these forces have the authority, by law, to maintain peace and order in society and protect life and property of people.

fuerzas del orden
law enforcement

The phrase 'fuerzas del orden' in Spanish translates as 'law enforcement' in English. It's used to refer to any organization or entities (such as the police, the FBI, etc) that are responsible for maintaining peace and enforcing the law. This term encompasses all such agencies or groups that have the authority to enforce laws, both at a local and national level. Depending on the context, these 'fuerzas del orden' could include police, military police, or any other type of security forces.


The Spanish word 'fumigado' translates into English as 'fumigated'. Fumigated is the past participle of the verb 'to fumigate', which means to apply the action of introducing gas or smoke into a space to disinfect it or get rid of pests. It is often used in the dialogue about pest control, particularly in homes and gardens, and in agricultural settings. The word 'fumigado' has the same use and context in Spanish.

Example sentences with  fumigado
to fumigate

The Spanish word 'fumigar' translates to 'fumigate' in English. This is a verb which implies the action of applying the process of fumigation. Fumigation is a method that uses various chemicals or gases to eliminate pests or insects in certain spaces and environments. This process is usually carried in enclosed areas to ensure the gases do not escape to the surroundings. Thus, when someone says 'fumigar' in Spanish, they refer to conducting this pest removal process.

Example sentences with  fumigar

The Spanish word 'función' translates to 'function' in English. It is a noun and it is used in various contexts. In mathematics, it is used to describe a relationship or expression involving one or more variables. In computer science, it is used to indicate a sequence of instructions that performs a specific task, packaged as a unit. It is also used in everyday language to mean the natural or intended purpose of something or the role that a person or thing has in a particular situation. Similarly, it can refer to a social event or gathering.

Example sentences with  función
función de circo
circus performance

The Spanish phrase 'función de circo' translates to 'circus performance' in English. This phrase is used to describe a show or spectacle presented in a circus. These performances usually involve a variety of acts such as acrobatics, clowning, juggling, trapeze, and animal performances. The phrase encapsulates the excitement, spectacle, and unique entertainment that one can expect at a traditional circus performance.

función de teatro
theatre function

The Spanish phrase 'función de teatro' translates to 'theatre function' in English. This term can refer to a specific performance or showing in a theatre, or the role of theatre in society or in an individual's life. For instance, a 'función de teatro' might be a particular play or musical performance. Additionally, when discussing the cultural or societal 'función de teatro', it refers to the role of theatre as a form of artistic expression, a method of storytelling, and a type of social commentary.


The Spanish word 'funcionario' translates to 'staff' or 'official' in English. It especially refers to someone who is employed in the public sector or a government worker. It is a noun and it is commonly used in formal or official contexts in Spanish speaking countries. Please note that the meaning can vary slightly depending on the context, but generally it denotes someone holding an official position or office in a governmental or public department.


A van is a type of vehicle used for transporting goods or people. Depending on the type of van, it can be bigger or smaller than a pickup truck and SUV, and bigger than a common car.

Example sentences with  furgoneta

The Spanish word 'fusil' translates to 'rifle' in English. The term 'rifle' refers to a firearm designed to be fired from the shoulder, utilizing the energy of the explosive in a fixed metallic cartridge to fire only a single projectile through a rifled bore for each single pull of the trigger.

Example sentences with  fusil

Football, known as soccer in some countries, is a team sport where two teams consisting of 11 players each compete to score goals in each other's nets. It's the most popular sport worldwide.

Example sentences with  Fútbol

The Spanish word 'futuro' is used very similarly to the English word 'future'. It refers to the time that is to come and can be used in contexts which talk about plans, predict forthcoming events or speculate. It can be applied to various scenarios in Spanish speaking conversation or writing.

Example sentences with  futuro

The Spanish word 'gafas' translates to 'glasses' in English. It is a plural noun commonly used in many Spanish-speaking countries to refer to a pair of lenses set into a frame worn on the face to correct vision or protect the eyes. The term 'gafas' can refer to different types of glasses such as prescription glasses, sunglasses, or reading glasses.

gafas de cerca
close-up glasses

The Spanish term 'gafas de cerca' translates to 'close-up glasses' in English. These are a type of eyewear specifically designed to aid in tasks that require focusing on close distances, such as reading or doing close-up work. They are similar to reading glasses in functionality, and are often used by individuals who have difficulties in seeing or focusing on objects up close, otherwise known as nearsightedness or myopia.

gafas de lejos
distance glasses

The Spanish term 'gafas de lejos' translates to 'distance glasses' in English. This phrase is commonly used to refer to a type of eyeglasses used primarily for seeing objects that are far away more clearly. This kind of glasses is opposite to the term 'reading glasses' which are used for seeing objects that are close up. The term highlights an aspect of vision correction in relation to optometry and eye health.

gafas de protección
protective glasses

The Spanish phrase 'gafas de protección' translates to 'protective glasses' in English. Typically used in various professional fields such as science, manufacturing, or sports, these glasses are designed to protect the wearer's eyes from potential harm or injury. They may be specially treated to resist impact, protect against specific types of optical radiation, or prevent fogging. The importance of wearing 'gafas de protección' in certain circumstances cannot be overstated, as they provide an essential layer of safety for the eyes.

gafas de sol

The Spanish phrase 'gafas de sol' translates to 'sunglasses' in English. Sunglasses are a form of protective eyewear designed to prevent bright sunlight and high-energy visible light from damaging or discomforting the eyes. They can sometimes also function as a visual aid, featuring lenses that are colored or darkened, and frames that are cool, stylish and attractive. They are typically used in outdoor activities and are very useful in the summer or in sunny regions to protect from direct sun exposure, and potentially harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays.

gafas graduadas
graduate glasses

The Spanish phrase 'gafas graduadas' literally translates to 'graduate glasses' in English. However, in a more appropriate English usage, these are known as 'prescription glasses'. These are glasses whose lenses have been specially made to correct the vision of the person wearing them based on a prescription from an eye care professional. They come in various styles and make, but their primary function is to aid in vision correction for conditions such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia.


The Spanish term 'gajo' can be translated into English as 'segment'. It's commonly used to refer to the divisions or parts into which something is split, especially when used in the context of fruits, like an orange. For example, an orange could be split into several 'gajos', each referring to a portion or wedge of the whole fruit.


The word 'galaxia' is a noun in Spanish. It corresponds to the English word 'galaxy'. In astronomy, a galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems, all held together by gravity. The word 'galaxia' is used in Spanish-speaking cultures to refer to such a celestial body.

Example sentences with  galaxia
galería (de arte)
gallery (art)

The Spanish word 'galería (de arte)' translates to 'gallery (art)' in English. It is used to refer to a room or building for the exhibition of artistic works. Often, the term specifies an area within an institution, such as a museum or library, designed for this purpose. It can also refer to a commercial establishment operated by art dealers in which artworks, typically by contemporary artists, are shown and sold to the public.


The Spanish word 'galletas' translates to 'cookies' in English. It is a noun and it can be used in sentences to refer to the English snack, 'cookies'. Just like in English, 'galletas' can encompass a wide variety of sweet, baked goods. However, it's important to note that in Spain, 'galletas' generally refers to sweet biscuits, while 'cookies' is specifically used for what Americans call cookies.

Example sentences with  galletas

The Spanish word 'gallinero' translates to 'henhouse' in English. A 'henhouse' is a house or enclosure for female chickens or hens to live and lay their eggs. This term is often used in rural or farming contexts to refer to the specific area where chickens are kept. Henhouses provide safety and shelter for the chickens, protecting them from various weather elements and predators.

Example sentences with  gallinero

The Spanish word 'gallo' translates to 'rooster' in English. It is a gender-specific term used to refer to a male chicken, particularly one that is mature. Roosters, or 'gallos', are well-known for their distinctive crowing in the morning, making them symbols of the dawn or start of a new day in many cultures. This term can also metaphorically refer to an individual who is overly confident or acts like a show-off, similar to the ways a rooster might strut around a barnyard.

Example sentences with  gallo
to gallop

The Spanish word 'galopar' translates to 'gallop' in English. This term is commonly used to describe the fastest pace of a horse or other four-legged animals. In this form of running, all four legs are off the ground at the same time during two phases of the stride. It's a very specific term and tends to be used mainly for this purpose of describing the fast, bounding motion of certain animals. Like many verbs, it can be conjugated differently based on tense, subject, and other factors.

Example sentences with  galopar

The term 'gambas' in Spanish refers to shrimp. Shrimp is a type of seafood that is very popular and it's common in a variety of dishes in Spanish cuisine. Such as 'gambas al ajillo' which means garlic shrimp. In English speaking countries, shrimp is often used in seafood dishes, salads, and is also cooked as shrimp cocktail. Note also, the term could refer to both the groceries, as well as the dish made out of it.


The Spanish word 'ganadería' refers to 'cattle farming' or 'ranching' in English. It denotes a form of animal husbandry where domestic cattle are raised to produce commodities such as meat, dairy products, and leather. This term can also be expanded to include the overall business of raising livestock, which may additionally include species such as sheep, pigs, horses, and various types of poultry.

Example sentences with  ganadería
cattle ranch

The Spanish term 'ganadero' translates to 'cattle ranch' in English. It is derived from the Spanish word 'ganado', which means 'cattle', and the -ero suffix, which can indicate profession or occupation. Therefore, a 'ganadero' is a person or business involved in raising cattle for various purposes such as milk or meat production. In other words, it's a place where cattle are kept and bred, forming a significant part of the agricultural industry in Spanish-speaking areas.

Example sentences with  ganadero
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