Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'fracción' translates to 'fraction' in English. A fraction is a numerical quantity that is not a whole number, representing a part of a whole. The term 'fracción' is used in mathematics and daily life contexts whenever something has to be divided into parts. For example, when talking about a piece of a cake or a part of a group, you would use the word 'fracción' in Spanish just as you would use 'fraction' in English.

Example sentences with  fracción

The Spanish word 'fractura' translates to 'fracture' in English. A fracture, in medical terminology, refers to a broken or cracked bone which happens due to high force impact or stress, such as in accidents, falls, or sports-related injuries. In a broader context, the term 'fracture' could also mean the act of breaking or state of being broken, not necessarily related to bones. This translation and explanation can help in understanding the usage of 'fractura' in different contexts in Spanish language.

Example sentences with  fractura

The word 'fragilidad' in Spanish translates to 'fragility' in English. It is a noun used to describe the quality of being easily broken or damaged, the vulnerability or lack of strength. This could refer to physical objects as well as abstract concepts, such as a fragile ego or mental state. In Spanish, just like in English, it is used to describe the vulnerability or delicacy of something or someone.

Example sentences with  fragilidad

The word 'frambuesa' is a noun in Spanish language. It translates to 'raspberry' in English. A raspberry is a small soft red fruit that grows on bushes. Raspberries are often eaten fresh, used in cooking and baking, or made into jams and jellies. In Spanish, it might be seen in recipes or menus referring to desserts or fruit salads.


The Spanish word 'franqueo' translates to 'postage' in English. This term is commonly used in postal services and essentially refers to the payment for the service of delivering or sending letters, parcels, or packages. For example, one might need to pay for 'franqueo' when sending a letter internationally. Thus, understanding this term can be particularly useful when dealing with postal services or discussing mailing items in Spanish-speaking countries.


The Spanish word 'fraude' translates to 'fraud' in English. It is a noun that describes the act of intentionally deceiving someone for personal gain or to damage another individual. Examples of fraud include, but are not limited to, identity theft, forgery, false representation, and the concealment of information. In both Spanish and English, 'fraude' or 'fraud' carries with it a legal and moral implication of dishonesty and deception.

Example sentences with  fraude
fregar el suelo
water the ground

The phrase 'fregar el suelo' in Spanish does not translate to 'water the ground' in English. Rather, it translates to 'mop the floor' or 'scrub the floor'. It refers to the act of cleaning the floor with a mop or a brush and a detergent or other cleaning liquid.

fregar los platos

'Fregar los platos' in Spanish translates to 'washing the dishes' in English. The verb 'fregar' can be interpreted as 'to scrub' or 'to wash', and 'los platos' means 'the dishes'. Thus, it refers to the task of cleaning the dishes after a meal. It is a common phrase used in Spanish-speaking households to assign or indicate this particular chore.


The Spanish word 'fregona' translates to 'mop' in English. The term is commonly used in Spanish-speaking household settings and refers to a cleaning tool that is typically long-handled and consists of a sponge or a bundle of thick loose strings attached at one end. This tool is used for mopping or cleaning floors.


The Spanish word 'freidora' translates to 'fryer' in English. This term typically refers to a kitchen appliance used for deep frying. It can also refer to a cooking utensil or a part of a stove where frying is done. It is commonly used in both household and commercial kitchens. In Spanish cooking, a 'freidora' is often used for making popular dishes like churros and fried fish.


The Spanish word 'freír' corresponds to the English word 'fry'. It is commonly used in the context of cooking where it refers to the action of cooking or browning something in hot fat or oil. Just like in English, 'freír' can be used in different grammatical situations such as 'Estoy freír' which means 'I am frying', or 'Vamos a freír' which means 'We are going to fry'.

freír huevos
fry eggs

The Spanish term 'freír huevos' translates into English as 'fry eggs'. This is a colloquial phrase that denotes a common food preparation method where eggs are cooked in a frying pan with a small amount of fat (like oil or butter). Depending on preference and tradition, the final result may vary from lightly cooked (with a runny yolk) to well-done (with a fully solid yolk).

freír patatas
fry potatoes

The Spanish term 'freír patatas' translates to 'fry potatoes' in English. It is a verb phrase commonly used in cooking instructions or recipes. 'Freír' is the infinitive form of the verb which means 'to fry', and 'patatas' is a plural noun which translates to 'potatoes'. Therefore, when you're 'freír patatas', you are frying potatoes.

freno (de mano)
(hand) brake

The term 'freno (de mano)' in Spanish refers to a device used in vehicles to facilitate stationary parking or emergency halting. It is an alternative measure to the car's main braking system and can be manually operated. Usually, it appears as a handle in the car with a lever or a foot pedal. In English, this is commonly known as the 'hand brake' or 'parking brake'.

Example sentences with  freno (de mano)

A strawberry is a sweet, red heart-shaped fruit, which is much loved for its delicious taste. They grow on small strawberry plants in the ground.

Example sentences with  fresa

The Spanish word 'fresco' translates to 'fresh' in English. It is an adjective that can be used in various contexts just like its English counterpart. It is commonly used to describe food that is recently prepared or not preserved, such as 'pescado fresco' meaning 'fresh fish'. It can also describe something cool or refreshing, as in 'aire fresco', translating to 'fresh air'. Remembering the English cognate 'fresh', as well as noting its usage in various phrases, will help learners understand and use 'fresco' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  fresco

The Spanish word 'frigorífico' translates to 'refrigerator' in English. A refrigerator is an appliance found in most homes and restaurants, designed to keep food and drinks cool and fresh. The word 'frigorífico' comes from the Latin word 'frigorificus', meaning 'producing cold'. In many Spanish-speaking countries, 'frigorífico' is a common everyday term, just like 'refrigerator' is in English.


The Spanish word 'frívolo' corresponds to the English term 'frivolous'. In general usage, both words describe something or someone not having any serious purpose or value. It is often used to describe superficial individuals, actions, or subjects, those that lack the depth, importance or substance. 'Frívolo' or 'frivolous' can also refer to light-hearted and non-serious behaviour, conversations, or matters.


The Spanish word 'frondoso' translates to 'leafy' in English. It is often used to describe something that is full of leaves or foliage, typically trees or plants. This adjective conveys a sense of lushness or abundance in nature. For example, a 'frondoso' tree would be a tree that is richly filled with green leaves.

Example sentences with  frondoso
to rub

The Spanish verb 'frotar' translates to 'to rub' in English. This term is often used in the context of physical touch where one object is moved in a back and forth motion on the surface of another object. For instance, it's used when describing actions like rubbing a lamp, rubbing your hands together, or rubbing a sore muscle.

frotar una mancha
rub a stain

The Spanish phrase 'frotar una mancha' translates to 'rub a stain' in English. This is typically used in the context of cleaning — for instance, when you are trying to remove a stain from a piece of clothing or other material. In this phrase, 'frotar' is a verb that means 'to rub', and 'una mancha' is a noun phrase that means 'a stain'. It implies the application of a certain level of force or pressure in order to get rid of the unwanted mark or dirt.

fruncir el ceño

The Spanish phrase 'fruncir el ceño' translates to 'frown' in English. It is often used to describe the action of contracting the brow, usually as a display of displeasure, disagreement, or deep thought. A common equivalent in English would be to 'furrow one's brow'. For instance, when someone is upset or confused, they are often said to 'fruncir el ceño' in Spanish.


The term 'fruta' in Spanish is translated as 'fruit' in English. The word 'fruta' represents a significant category in the food pyramid. Fruits are plant-derived, often sweet, and are eaten in a variety of ways. They can be consumed in their fresh form, in salads, desserts or juices. In Spanish-speaking countries, fruits play a key role in daily dietary habits and are often available in a wide variety of types due to a diversity of climates. Similar to English, the term 'fruta' in Spanish is universal and can be used to collectively refer to fruits of all types and forms.


'Frutas' means 'fruits' in Spanish. This term is broadly used in shopping markets or at home to discuss various fruits available in the region.

Example sentences with  frutas
frutos del bosque
fruits of the forest

The Spanish phrase 'frutos del bosque' directly translates to 'fruits of the forest' in English. It is often used to refer to a mix of various small berries like strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, etc. which are typically found in forested areas. It is a phrase frequently used in culinary contexts, especially in the description of flavors for foods such as desserts, jams, yogurts, or ice creams.

frutos secos
Dry fruits

The Spanish phrase 'frutos secos' translates to 'dry fruits' in English. This is a term used to describe a range of fruits which have had their water content removed, either naturally or through methods such as sun drying or use of a dehydrator. This process concentrates the fruit's flavor and increases its shelf-life. Common examples of dry fruits include raisins, apricots, prunes, and dates.


The word 'fuego' in Spanish translates to 'fire' in English. It is commonly used in Spanish to refer to the natural element, fire, that we use for warmth, cooking, destruction and in many other metaphorical contexts just like in English. For example, 'este casa está en fuego' means 'this house is on fire'.

Example sentences with  fuego
fuegos artificiales

The Spanish term for 'fireworks' is 'fuegos artificiales'. It's a masculine noun, so when talking about one firework, you will say 'el fuego artificial'. The term is commonly used in the same way as in English, examples include celebrations like New Year's Eve or Independence Day where 'fuegos artificiales' are lit in celebration.

Example sentences with  fuegos artificiales

The Spanish word 'fuente' is used similarly to the English term 'source'. It can refer to the origin or provider of something, like information, or physical resources. For example, in a report or research paper, if one would cite their 'source', in Spanish they would reference their 'fuente'.

Example sentences with  fuente
fuente de agua potable
drinking water source

The Spanish phrase 'fuente de agua potable' translates to 'drinking water source' in English. It can refer to any source where clean, safe water is obtained for drinking purposes. This could be natural sources like Springs or man-made resources like a water tap in a house. This phrase is critical in discussions around safe water access and sanitation.

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