Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

physical therapy

The Spanish word 'fisioterapia' translates to 'physical therapy' in English. Physical therapy is a healthcare specialty that includes the evaluation, assessment, and treatment of individuals with limitations in functional mobility. 'Fisioterapia' is commonly used in medical contexts, particularly in rehabilitation after injuries or diseases which have affected a person's ability to move and perform functional activities in their daily lives.

Example sentences with  fisioterapia

Flamenco refers to a genre of Spanish music, song, and dance from Andalusia in southern Spain, infused with both Eastern and Western influences. It can be recognized by its highly emotional performance style, intricate guitar playing, and passionate singing and clapping. The flamenco dance is known for its uplifting rhythm, intense stares, stamping of the feet and dramatic poses. Sometimes, the flamenco style is also represented in certain clothing and fashion designs characterized by elaborate ruffles and vibrant colors.

Example sentences with  flamenco

The word 'flash' in Spanish has the same meaning as in English. It refers to a sudden brief burst of bright light or a short sudden display, appearance, or experience. It can also refer to a device used in photography to give a sudden, brief burst of bright light for taking pictures in less than ideal light conditions.

Example sentences with  flash

A flute is a woodwind instrument that you play by blowing across a hole at the end. The Spanish noun for flute is 'flauta'. It is commonly used in modern and traditional Spanish music.

Example sentences with  flauta
flexibilidad de horario
Time flexibility

The term 'flexibilidad de horario' in Spanish refers to the concept of 'time flexibility' in English. It is commonly used in professional or scholastic contexts, and it implies the ability to adapt or be flexible with regards to scheduling or time management. It can pertain to working hours, study hours or any time frame that can be adjusted according to different needs or requirements.

flor artificial
artificial flower

The term 'flor artificial' in Spanish translates to 'artificial flower' in English. This term consists of two parts; 'flor' refers to 'flower', and 'artificial' directly translates to 'artificial'. It is generally used to refer to a flower that has been artificially made, often from materials such as plastic or silk, rather than a naturally grown one. These types of decorations are popular as they require no maintenance, can be any color, and are not subject to wilting like regular flowers.

Example sentences with  flor artificial
flor delicada
delicate flower

The Spanish phrase 'flor delicada' translates to 'delicate flower' in English. A 'flor delicada' refers to a flower that is fragile or gentle, often associated with flowers known for their soft petal textures and delicate nature.

Example sentences with  flor delicada
flor exótica
exotic flower

The Spanish term 'flor exótica' translates to 'exotic flower' in English. Typically, an exotic flower refers to a type of plant that is not native and relatively unfamiliar or unusual in a particular ecosystem or geographical area. Exotic flowers often have unique, striking appearances and are typically associated with distant, tropical climates. The term 'flor exótica' can also potentially denote rarity, intrigue, and fascination given the distinctive traits and mystique typically associated with items labeled as 'exotic'.

Example sentences with  flor exótica
flor marchita
withered flower

The term 'flor marchita' in Spanish translates to 'withered flower' in English. It is a phrase composed of two words -- 'flor' meaning 'flower' and 'marchita' meaning 'withered or faded'. The phrase could metaphorically represent a state of decline or deterioration, or literally reference a flower that has faded or wilted.

Example sentences with  flor marchita
flor mustia
flower mustia

The Spanish word 'flor mustia' translates to 'wilted flower' in English. This term is used to describe a flower which has started to dry up and lose its life. It is no longer crisp and fresh, but instead looks sad and forlorn as it wilts and fades. This term can also be used metaphorically to describe someone or something that is no longer vibrant and healthy.

Example sentences with  flor mustia
flor natural
natural flower

The Spanish term 'flor natural' translates to 'natural flower' in English. It's a term commonly used when referring to an unadulterated, undyed, or unpreserved flower. In horticulture, 'flor natural' can imply a plant breed or species that hasn't been genetically modified or enhanced with human aid. In ancillary uses, it can metaphorically refer to purity, natural beauty or innate talent.

Example sentences with  flor natural
flor seca
dried flower

The Spanish term 'flor seca' translates to 'dried flower' in English. In a literal sense, it refers to a flower that has been dried for preservation. This term is often used in the world of arts and crafts, where dried flowers might be used in scrapbooking, home decor, or as a keepsake. Drying a flower allows its beauty to be maintained longer than if it were left to naturally wilt and decompose. Not only a botanical term, 'flor seca' can also be used figuratively in literature and poetry to symbolize ephemerality, loss, and the passage of time.

Example sentences with  flor seca
flor silvestre

The Spanish term 'flor silvestre' translates to 'wildflower' in English. It refers to a flower that grows naturally in the wild, not intentionally sown or planted. Wildflowers can be found in diverse environments, from forests and grasslands to deserts and tundras. They range in size, form, and color, and offer aesthetic beauty as well as habitats and food for wildlife.

Example sentences with  flor silvestre

The Spanish word 'florecer' corresponds to the English word 'bloom'. It is usually used to refer to the period or process in which flowers open up or a plant starts to produce flowers. In a broader and metaphorical sense, florecer can also mean to flourish or thrive, much like a flower does when it blooms.

Example sentences with  florecer

The Spanish word 'florero' translates to 'vase' in English. This is a type of container, often decorative, that is used to hold cut flowers. They can be made from a variety of materials, including glass, ceramic, and metal. The word 'florero' can also refer to a person who sells flowers in some Spanish speaking regions.


The Spanish word 'flotador' translates to 'float' in English. It can be used in various contexts, for example: a 'flotador' in swimming refers to a device that helps a person stay afloat on the water. Similarly, in technological context, it can be a mechanical device that moves up and down to control the level of liquid. Context determines the exact usage of this relatively versatile term.

Example sentences with  flotador
fluir un río
flow a river

The Spanish phrase 'fluir un río' directly translates to 'flow a river' in English. This is often used to describe the continuous and smooth movement of a river, much like the natural action of water flowing downstream. It serves as an environmental imagery illustrating the constant motion and free-flowing nature of a river, signifying the concept of moving forward or proceeding unhindered in a particular direction.

Example sentences with  fluir un río

The Spanish word 'folio' translates to 'folio' in English. In terms of physical documents, a folio refers to a sheet of paper folded once to form two leaves (or four pages) of a book. It can also stand for a set or collection of these sheets. Furthermore, in a more contemporary context, 'folio' is also used in the digital world to refer to a portfolio of works or a compilation of digital files. The use varies according to the context, but generally, it implies an organization or a collection of documents or digital files.


The Spanish word 'folleto' translates to 'brochure' in English. A brochure is a type of leaflet or pamphlet that is commonly used for advertising. It holds details about an event, a product, or a service and is typically designed to be eye-catching and informative. The word 'folleto' in Spanish refers to the same concept and is often used in promotional or marketing contexts, as well as for providing information in a concise and readily accessible format.

Example sentences with  folleto

In Spanish, 'fondo' translates to the English word 'background.' However, it is important to understand the context when using this word, as 'fondo' can also mean 'background' or 'bottom' depending on the sentence. For example, in the context of finance or money, 'fondo' refers to a 'fund' or 'pool of money'. However, in a sentence about geography or physical objects, it may refer to the bottom part or background of something.

Example sentences with  fondo
Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The 'Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI)' is the Spanish term for the 'International Monetary Fund (IMF)'. The IMF is an international organization that aims to promote global economic growth and financial stability, to encourage international trade, and to reduce poverty around the world. It is made up of 190 member countries, each of which has representation on the IMF's executive board in proportion to its economic importance.

Example sentences with  Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI)

The Spanish word 'fontanería' translates to 'plumbing' in English. It refers to the system of pipes, tanks, fittings, and other apparatus required for the water supply, heating, and sanitation in a building. Professionals who manage these systems are known as plumbers, or 'fontaneros' in Spanish. Plumbing could concern anything from the installation and repair of piping systems, plumbing fixtures and equipment, to suspecting water or gas leaks and unblocking pipes or drains.


The word 'forestal' in Spanish refers to 'forestry' in English. It typically relates to the science, art, and craft of creating, maintaining, using, conserving, and repairing forests, woodlands, and associated resources to meet desired goals, needs, and values for human and environment benefits. Forestry is practiced in plantations and natural stands.

Example sentences with  forestal

The Spanish word for 'form' is 'forma'. It's used in similar contexts as in English, referring to shape, structure or type. For instance, 'la forma de la casa' means 'the shape of the house', and 'una nueva forma de pensar' means 'a new way of thinking'. Note that in Spanish, the gender and number of the noun will change the determiner 'la' to 'el', 'las', or 'los', depending on whether the noun being referred to is singular, plural, masculine, or feminine.

Example sentences with  forma
formación a cargo de la empresa
training by the company

The phrase 'formación a cargo de la empresa' in Spanish translates to 'training by the company' in English. It refers to the process where a company provides training or instructions to its employees for their professional development. This training can cover a variety of skills necessary for the job and it's typically provided at the expense of the company.

formación académica
academic training

The Spanish term 'formación académica' translates to 'academic training' in English. It refers to the educational background and qualifications acquired through any formal learning environment such as schools, colleges, universities, etc. For example, degree programs, diplomas, or any vocational training that contributes to a person's professional development. This term is often used in contexts such as resumes or curriculum vitae where one needs to elaborate on their schooling or higher education experiences.

formación continua
Continuous training

The Spanish term 'formación continua' translates to 'continuous training' in English. This often refers to the ongoing learning or training opportunities in a business or educational context, allowing individuals to develop their skills over time. Therefore 'formación continua' represents an important concept in sectors requiring ongoing professional development and learning.

formación permanente
continuing training

The Spanish term 'formación permanente' translates to 'continuing training' in English. This term is often used in the context of education and professional development, referring to the process of constantly learning and improving skills throughout one's career. The concept of 'formación permanente' highlights the importance of ongoing education and implies that learning is not a process that ends with formal education, but rather should be a continuous effort throughout one's life and career.

formación profesional
vocational training

The Spanish term 'formación profesional' translates to 'vocational training' in English. Vocational training is a type of education that directly prepares individuals for a certain trade or craft. This form of instruction often focuses on manual or practical activities, traditionally non-academic, and those related to a specific occupation, trade, or occupational group. Vocational training, thus, provides venue for students to gain job-specific technical skills needed for a certain type of work. It can be viewed as a direct pathway into a career, often not requiring the broad education acquired through a comprehensive or liberal arts degree.

formación reglada
regulated training

The Spanish term 'formación reglada' translates to 'regulated training' in English. It refers to a structured and officially recognized type of education or training. This could be elementary, secondary, or vocational studies that have a specific set curriculum. The completion of regulated training is usually identified by the awarding of a certificate or diploma. This form of training is normally mandatory in certain professions and the qualifications obtained are universally acknowledged.

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