Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

filete con patatas
steak with potatoes

The Spanish phrase 'filete con patatas' translates to 'steak with potatoes' in English. It is a commonly used term in Spanish cuisine to refer to a dish comprised of a cut of beef, typically cooked by grilling or frying, and served with potatoes. Potatoes can be prepared in a variety of ways, including fried or boiled. The phrase 'filete con patatas' can be used to order this meal in a restaurant, or describe it in a menu.


The word 'Filosofía' in Spanish translates to 'Philosophy' in English. It is derived from the ancient Greek word 'philosophia', meaning 'love of wisdom'. Philosophy is a field of study that explores fundamental questions about existence, reality, consciousness, ethics, and human nature, among others. In Spanish-speaking cultures, as globally, philosophy often forms a crucial part of academic and intellectual discourse.

Example sentences with  filosofía

The Spanish word 'filosófico' translates to 'philosophical' in English. It is an adjective that describes something related to or concerning the theoretical basis of a particular branch of knowledge or experience, especially in the moral, social, or aesthetic aspects of life. It can also refer to a person who is learned, wise, and has an inquisitive mind, often pondering the fundamental nature of things, such as the meaning of life, morality, truth, existence and reality.

Example sentences with  filosófico

The Spanish word 'filósofo' translates to 'philosopher' in English. A 'filósofo' or 'philosopher' is a person who seeks wisdom or enlightenment, principally engaged in the search for understanding and knowledge. This individual is known for questioning and exploring many things such as life, existence, values, reason, mind, and reality. The term 'philosopher' comes from the Ancient Greek word for 'lover of wisdom'.

Example sentences with  filósofo
filósofo moralista
moral philosopher

The Spanish term 'filósofo moralista' translates to 'moral philosopher' in English. A moral philosopher generally studies or teaches about topics such as ethics, morals, virtue, ethics, moral psychology, ethical theory, and moral epistemology. It is a professional or academic occupation where the individual philosophically contemplates the nature of human morality, exploring concepts such as right and wrong, good and evil, justice, virtue, and the ethical nature of various actions.

Example sentences with  filósofo moralista
filósofo sofista
Sophist philosopher

The term 'filósofo sofista' comes from Spanish, where 'filósofo' translates to 'philosopher' and 'sofista' to 'sophist'. In English, 'sophist philosopher' refers to an ancient Greek kind of philosopher who, in the fifth and fourth centuries BC, specialized in one or more subject areas, such as philosophy, rhetoric, music, athletics, and mathematics. They are known for their critical or speculative thought and the fact that they charged fees, something that was against Socratic thought. Sophists have been known to teach persuasive skills that could be applied in public and political life.

Example sentences with  filósofo sofista
filtrar el agua
filter the water

The Spanish phrase 'filtrar el agua' translates to 'filter the water' in English. This phrase could be related to a water purification process where impurities are removed from water by a fine physical barrier, a chemical process, or a biological process. It could also be used metaphorically in different contexts where something needs to be sifted out or separated from a mixture.

Example sentences with  filtrar el agua
filtrar los residuos
filter waste

The Spanish phrase 'filtrar los residuos' translates to 'filter waste' in English. It's often used in the context of environmental conservation or industrial practices where unwanted materials are separated from the desirable ones via a process known as filtration. This phrase is common in the realm of waste management and water treatment, similar to how it would be used in English.

Example sentences with  filtrar los residuos

The Spanish word 'final' translates directly to 'final' in English. It's used similarly to the English word -- to denote the end or conclusion of something. For instance, you might use it to discuss the final exam ('examen final') at the end of a course, or the final scene ('escena final') in a play or movie. The way you use 'final' will largely depend on the context of your conversation.

Example sentences with  final
final abierto
open ended

The Spanish word 'final abierto' directly translates to 'open ended' in English. It refers to a situation, statement or question that does not have a definitive or clear conclusion, allowing for multiple outcomes or interpretations. This term can be used in a variety of contexts, including discussions, debates, literature, and arts where unresolved, unlimited or flexible results are possible.

Example sentences with  final abierto
final feliz
Happy ending

In Spanish, 'final feliz' translates to 'happy ending' in English. It can be used in literature or film to refer to a conclusion where all loose ends are tied up and all main characters experience a positive outcome or resolution. Similarly, it can be used in real-life situations to represent a satisfactory ending or a solution to a problem or conflict.

Example sentences with  final feliz
final inesperado
unexpected ending

The Spanish term 'final inesperado' translates to 'unexpected ending' in English. In Spanish literature and cinema, it is often used to describe a twist or a conclusion that the audience did not foresee. Beyond the realm of storytelling, it can also be used more broadly to describe the conclusion of any event, situation, or process that ends in a way that no one expected.

Example sentences with  final inesperado
final previsible
predictable outcome

The Spanish phrase 'final previsible' translates to 'predictable outcome' in English. It is a compound noun consisting of 'final' meaning 'end' or 'outcome' and 'previsible' meaning 'predictable' or 'foreseeable'. This phrase is typically used in contexts where the result or end state of a situation or event can be expected or foreseen based on the circumstances leading up to it. This is akin to the English usage of 'predictable outcome', where the term is used to describe a situation where the end result is not surprising given the events leading up to it.

Example sentences with  final previsible
final triste
sad ending

The Spanish phrase 'final triste' directly translates to 'sad ending' in English. It is often used to describe the conclusion of a story, movie, or event that concludes with melancholic or depressing results. This phrase is pertinent in contexts where the outcome invokes feelings of sorrow and despair.

Example sentences with  final triste

The Spanish term 'finalmente' directly translates to 'finally' in English. It is used in similar contexts as in English, whether to indicate something happening after a long time or at the end of a series. For example, 'Finalmente llegue a casa' means 'I finally got home'.

Example sentences with  finalmente
financiar las medicinas
financing medicines

The Spanish phrase 'financiar las medicinas' translates to 'financing medicines' in English. This generally refers to the provision of necessary funds in order to purchase, produce or distribute medications. This could be done by an individual, organization or government body. The phrase could be used in a variety of situations, such as discussing health care policies, pharmaceutical investments, or personal expenses related to health care.


The Spanish word 'financiero' is used in the same contexts as its English equivalent, 'financial'. It refers to anything related to finance, money or the management of funds. It can be used in various contexts such as banking, investments, budgeting, or any scenario involving economic transactions.

Example sentences with  financiero

The Spanish word 'finca' translates to 'estate' in English. In Spanish speaking countries, a 'finca' can refer to a large piece of land, often with a house or farm on it. It is similar to what English speakers would understand as a ranch, plantation, or a large homestead. The word is often used to describe rural properties used for agricultural or farming purposes. However, it can also refer to any property, including urban buildings and houses.

Example sentences with  finca
firmar la paz
sign peace

The phrase 'firmar la paz' in Spanish directly translates to 'sign peace' in English. This phrase is typically used in a figurative sense, meaning to establish a peaceful agreement or resolution after a conflict or a dispute. For example, after a long argument or disagreements, when two parties finally 'firmar la paz', they are essentially agreeing to let go of any hostility, and move forward in a peaceful manner.

Example sentences with  firmar la paz
firmar las actas
sign the records

The phrase 'firmar las actas' in Spanish translates to 'sign the records' in English. This phrase is typically used in formal contexts or during legal proceedings when official documents or records need to be signed to validate or authorize something. An example of using 'firmar las actas' could be during a business meeting where the participants are asked to sign the meeting minutes (actas) for validation.

firmar un cheque
sign a check

The Spanish phrase 'firmar un cheque' translates to 'sign a check' in English. This is an action where an individual puts their signature on a check, which is a document that orders a bank to pay a certain amount of money from a person's account to the person in whose name the check has been issued. In many contexts, without a signature, a check is invalid.

firmar un contrato
sign a contract

The Spanish phrase 'firmar un contrato' translates to 'sign a contract' in English. This act typically involves legally binding two or more parties to certain terms and conditions. Often used in business contexts, this term could apply in many situations whether formal, like signing an employment contract, or less formal moments like signing a contract for a home rental.

firmar un contrato (de alquiler)
sign a contract (for rent)

The Spanish phrase 'firmar un contrato (de alquiler)' translates to 'sign a contract (for rent)' in English. The verb 'firmar' means 'to sign' and 'el contrato' is 'the contract'. The term 'alquiler' represents the concept of 'rent', typically related to properties such as apartments or houses. Therefore, if you 'firmar un contrato de alquiler', you are signing a rent contract, usually establishing the terms and conditions of a property lease.

firmar un pacto
sign a pact

The Spanish phrase 'firmar un pacto' translates to 'sign a pact' in English. It is a verbal phrase usually used in formal or legal contexts. Here, 'firmar' is the verb meaning 'to sign' or 'to authorize', and 'un pacto' is a noun phrase meaning 'a pact' or 'an agreement'. In use, the phrase describes the action of officially agreeing to a deal or contract by signing it.

Example sentences with  firmar un pacto
firmar un presupuesto
sign a budget

The Spanish phrase 'firmar un presupuesto' translates to 'sign a budget' in English. This phrase is often used in business and finance contexts, referring to the action of legally or officially agreeing to a budget by providing one's signature. In a broad sense, it is about validating an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time, thus making it authorized or approved through the act of signing.

firmar un tratado
sign a treaty

The Spanish phrase 'firmar un tratado' translates to 'sign a treaty' in English. This phrase is typically used in conversations regarding international politics, where it is regularly used to discuss countries making formal agreements with one another. Such a treaty can be about a wide variety of issues, such as trade conditions, peace agreements, or environmental commitments. The act of signing the treaty finalizes the negotiation process between the involved parties, making the agreed upon terms legally binding, assuming the treaty is ratified by the necessary governing bodies.

Example sentences with  firmar un tratado
firmar una declaración
sign a statement

The Spanish phrase 'firmar una declaración' can be translated to English as 'sign a statement'. In a legal or formal context, this refers to the act of putting one's signature on a written assertion, document, or paperwork, typically to confirm its accuracy or accept its terms. In other words, if you are asked to 'firmar una declaración', you are being asked to endorse a written document by adding your personal signature to it.

firmar una hipoteca
sign a mortgage

The term 'firmar una hipoteca' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'sign a mortgage' in English. It refers to the act of putting your signature on a legally binding document where you agree to pay back a loan, typically to a bank, given to purchase a particular property, commonly a house. The mortgage acts as a security for the loan. If you fail to pay back, the lender has the right to take the property. It is very crucial to fully understand the terms and conditions before you 'firmar una hipoteca'.


Physics is the scientific discipline concerned with understanding the nature and properties of matter and energy. The subject matter of physics includes mechanics, heat, light, and other radiation, sound, electricity, magnetism, and the structure of atoms.

Example sentences with  física

The Spanish word 'físico' is used very much the same as the English term 'physical'. It can be used to describe anything related to the body, as in 'físico salud' meaning 'physical health'. Additionally, it can also be used to describe objects that you can touch or see, like 'cuerpo físico' meaning 'physical body'. Furthermore, it can refer to physical science such as 'ciencia física'.

Example sentences with  físico
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