Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'festividades' refers to celebrations or events marking special occasions or holidays. It can be used in many similar contexts as 'festivities' in English, such as cultural, religious, and national celebrations.

Example sentences with  festividades

The Spanish word 'festivo' stands for festive in English. It is primarily used to denote celebration or something related to a festival. For instance, you can use it to describe a festive mood (estado de ánimo festivo), festive season (temporada festiva), or even festive decorations (decoraciones festivas). Just like in English, it is utilised to contribute to a joyous and celebratory context.

Example sentences with  festivo

The word 'fetichismo' is Spanish for 'fetishism'. In English, it typically refers to an extreme and irrational devotion or commitment to something, which could be an object, a concept, or a ritual. This often extends beyond 'ordinary' interest or appreciation and may take on a pathological dimension. In a psychological context, 'fetishism' describes a scenario where a person derives sexual arousal from non-living objects or specific situations.

Example sentences with  fetichismo

The word 'fibra' in Spanish translates to 'fiber' in English. It is a noun used in various contexts such as diet, clothing, and technology. In diet, it refers to the material in food that aids digestion. In clothing, it refers to a thread used in making cloth. In technology, it refers to a thin, flexible strand used in transmitting data or light.

fidelizar clientes
to build customer loyalty

The phrase 'fidelizar clientes' in Spanish translates to 'build customer loyalty' in English. This term refers to the strategy and practices that a company follows to maintain a long-term relationship with its customers, thereby ensuring their repeated visits or purchases. This generally involves understanding customers' preferences, addressing their concerns, and offering them the best possible services or products. Ultimately, the goal is to enhance customer satisfaction and customer retention, which can lead to increased business revenue.

fiebre alta
high fever

The Spanish phrase 'fiebre alta' translates into English as 'high fever'. It is a commonly used term in medical situations or when discussing health and wellness. A 'fiebre alta' refers to a higher than usual body temperature, most often due to illness such as an infection or other medical condition. This phrase is used in Spanish-speaking countries to describe a symptom of being ill, typically when the body temperature is significantly above the average normal of around 98.6°F or 37°C.

Example sentences with  fiebre alta
fiebre baja
Low fever

The Spanish term 'fiebre baja' is translated as 'low fever' in English. This term is commonly used in the medical field and it refers to a temporarily high body temperature, usually because of an illness. A low fever is a mild elevation of the body temperature, typically ranging between 99.5°F (37.5°C) and 100.3°F (38.5°C).

Example sentences with  fiebre baja

In Spanish, 'fiesta' is the word used to refer to a party or celebration. It can be used to talk about different social gatherings such as birthdays, weddings or festive events. For example, you can say 'Voy a una fiesta de cumpleaños', which translates to 'I'm going to a birthday party'. It is a common term used in both formal and casual contexts.

Example sentences with  fiesta
fiesta (in)formal
party (in)formal

The Spanish word 'fiesta (in)formal' refers to a 'party (in)formal' in English. It is a noun used to describe either a formal or informal gathering or event where people come together to celebrate, have fun, or enjoy themselves. Formal parties often have a specific purpose such as a wedding or a birthday, requiring certain etiquette, dress code, and are usually planned in advance. On the other hand, informal parties are casual gatherings with no specific dress code and often spontaneous or less structured.

fiesta animada
animated party

The Spanish term 'fiesta animada' translates to 'animated party' in English. In a practical context, it can refer to a lively or spirited party where animations or lively entertainments considered as the main part of the event. The term 'animada' implies vibrancy, enthusiasm, and excitement, often indicating that the participants are actively involved, enjoying the activities, and the party atmosphere is energetic or animated.

fiesta concurrida
a busy party

The Spanish term 'fiesta concurrida' translates in English to 'busy party'. This is often used to describe a social event or gathering that is attended by a large number of people. It may refer to various types of events such as a birthday party, a party at a club, a festival, or any event where there are many individuals present. This term can also denote a sense of liveliness or excitement due to the high population present at the event.

fiesta de cumpleaños
Birthday party

The term 'fiesta de cumpleaños' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'birthday party' in English. A 'fiesta de cumpleaños' is a joyful event or gathering that is organized in celebration of the anniversary of someone's birth. It often involves various traditional activities such as gift-giving, games, music, and food, similar to birthday parties in many English-speaking cultures.

fiesta de disfraces
costume party

The Spanish phrase 'fiesta de disfraces' translates to 'costume party' in English. It denotes a kind of party where all guests are required to wear a costume, often themed, and usually involves celebration and various party activities. This is a common tradition in many cultures globally, notable during holidays like Halloween and Carnival.

fiesta de fin de curso
end-of-course party

The term 'fiesta de fin de curso' in Spanish means 'end-of-course party' in English. It refers to a celebratory event that is typically held at the end of an academic period or after a lengthy study course. Students, teachers, and often family members gather to mark the completion of the course, enjoying food, entertainment, and camaraderie. It's a tradition in Spanish-speaking countries and is equivalent to a graduation party or end-of-term celebration in English speaking countries.

fiesta desenfrenada
wild party

The Spanish phrase 'fiesta desenfrenada' translates to 'wild party' in English. This is usually used to describe a party with uninhibited fun and revelry that may involve loud music, dancing, and consumption of alcoholic beverages. It connotes a sense of freedom and euphoria and can also imply a lack of control or regulation. Typically, the atmosphere in such a party is very lively and exciting, often going on until the early hours of the morning.

fiesta espectacular
spectacular party

The Spanish phrase 'fiesta espectacular' translates to 'spectacular party' in English. It specifically refers to an event or gathering that is extraordinarily festive and entertaining. It can describe various types of events, from birthday parties to public festivals, that are characterized by a high level of excitement, enjoyment, and often, a large number of attendees.

fiesta local
local party

The term 'fiesta local' in Spanish translates to 'local party' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe a celebration or event happening within a specific local community or neighborhood. It is a social gathering that can denote a variety of things, ranging from public holidays, cultural festivals, birthdays, or any other community events. The major purpose of a 'fiesta local' could be to bring people together to celebrate an occasion, to maintain traditional values, or simply for entertainment. Similar to parties everywhere, expect food, drinks, music, and a lot of socializing.

fiesta nacional
National party

The Spanish term 'fiesta nacional' is translated as 'national party' in English. This term is often used to refer to public holidays or celebrations that are observed in a country-wide manner. These special days may commemorate significant historical events, cultural traditions, or notable figures in the country's history. They can involve various public and private activities, including parades, ceremonies, and festive gatherings, to emphasize patriotism and national unity.

fiesta navideña
Christmas party

The Spanish term 'fiesta navideña' translates to 'Christmas party' in English. This phrase is significant around the holiday season when families, friends, and workplaces often gather together to celebrate Christmas. The word 'fiesta' means 'party' in Spanish while 'navideña' is a derivative of the word 'Navidad', which means 'Christmas'. Therefore, when combined, 'fiesta navideña' symbolizes the celebration or party held during the Christmas season.

fiesta oficial
Official party

The Spanish term 'fiesta oficial' translates to 'official party' in English. It's often used in the context of official or formally organized celebrations and events that are recognized and sometimes even sponsored by a certain institution, organization or government.

fiesta patronal
patron saint's party

The Spanish term 'fiesta patronal' translates to 'patron saint's party' in English. It refers to a festive celebration held in honor of the patron saint of a particular place, usually a city or town. These parties are deeply rooted in religious traditions and are often accompanied by various activities such as processions, dances, performances, and feasts. The 'fiesta patronal' is a staple in many Spanish speaking cultures and signifies a time of harmony, community bonding, and celebration.

fiesta popular
popular party

The Spanish term 'fiesta popular' translates into English as 'popular party'. This term is used to refer to public celebrations that are traditionally held in certain localities, typically annually, to commemorate the town's patron saint or some other significant occasion. These are often grand events that include a variety of festivities, such as parades, food, and music, and are enjoyed by a vast majority of the town's population, hence the 'popular' tag.

fiesta religiosa
religious party

The term 'fiesta religiosa' in Spanish translates to 'religious party' in English. This could refer to a festival, holiday, or celebration that is centered around a specific religious event or deity. Such festivities are common in many cultures around the world. They often involve special rituals, music, dance, meals, or other activities that have religious significances. However, the specific practices and their meanings can vary widely depending on the religion and location.

fiesta típica
typical party

The Spanish term 'fiesta típica' refers to what is often called a 'typical party' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a celebration or gathering that is traditional or common in a particular culture or societal group. This might include annual festivities, culturally significant celebrations, or recurring social gatherings. It's important to note that the nature and characteristics of a 'fiesta típica' can vary greatly depending on regional customs and traditions.

fiesta tradicional
traditional party

The Spanish phrase 'fiesta tradicional' translates to 'traditional party' in English. It refers to events that are deeply rooted in a certain culture or tradition. These parties often include elements such as traditional dance, music, food and can also have some specific customs or rituals associated with them. They are usually celebrations that have been carried on from generation to generation, reflecting the culture and values of a community or a country.


The word 'figura' means 'figure' in English and is used to refer to various context. In mathematics, it can refer to a numerical value (as in 'figure out' which means calculate or solve). It can also refer to an individual's silhouette or shape (for example, 'She has a beautiful figure'). Additionally, in languages and arts, 'figure' could be a significant or notable person, a literary or artistic device, or even a shape in some contexts. Like in English, the versatility of this word in Spanish allows it to fit into numerous contexts, offering a broad range of use.

Example sentences with  figura

The Spanish noun 'fila' translates to 'row' in English. It has various contextual uses, but it generally refers to a line of things or people arranged side by side, such as a row of chairs, a row of buildings, or even a row of people waiting for their turn. This term can also be used when referring to a line of cells in a spreadsheet or a row of elements in a certain order in an array or a list.

Example sentences with  fila
fila de un cine
row of a cinema

The Spanish term 'fila de un cine' translates to 'row of a cinema' in English. This term is often used when talking about seating in a cinema or theater. Just like in English-speaking countries, cinemas or theaters in Spanish-speaking countries are set up with rows of seats. If someone asks you to 'buscar una fila de un cine', they're likely asking you to find a row in a cinema. It basically refers to the lines of seats where viewers sit to watch a movie or performance.

fila de un teatro
row of a theatre

The Spanish phrase 'fila de un teatro' translates to 'row of a theatre' in English. This refers to a horizontal line of seats in a theatre. It is usually used to indicate a specific location within the venue, such as when purchasing tickets or guiding guests to their designated seats.


The Spanish word 'filete' translates to 'fillet' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a strip or compact piece of boneless meat or fish, especially the beef tenderloin. This word finds its origins in French language, adopted by Spanish and English, and hence has the same meaning in both languages. It can also refer to a slice or piece of a boneless cut or from the smaller muscle of an animal or bird.

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