Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

favorecer la digestión
to promote digestion

The Spanish phrase 'favorecer la digestión' translates to 'promote digestion' in English. This phrase can be broken down into two parts: 'favorecer' which means to promote or favor, and 'la digestión' which means digestion, referring to the process by which our body breaks down food for absorption and assimilation. Hence, when combined, 'favorecer la digestión' expresses the act of aiding or promoting better digestion.

favorecer una educación de calidad
promote quality education

The Spanish phrase 'favorecer una educación de calidad' translates to 'promote quality education' in English. It is a verb phrase that implies advocating or working towards enhancing the standard of education. The goal is to ensure that every individual has access to good learning resources and opportunities. This kind of objective is often pursued by educational institutions, policy makers, teachers, or any individual who has an interest in advancing the quality of education.


The Spanish word 'fax' is an example of a cognate, a word that has the same linguistic derivation as another word and it sounds similar and has the same meaning in English. Just like in English, 'fax' in Spanish refers to a method of encoding data, transmitting it over a telephone line, and receiving a hard copy of the text, diagrams, images, etc. that were sent. It's commonly used in businesses and is deemed as a very old form of sending documents.


The Spanish word 'fe' is used in the same context as the English word 'faith'. It is often used in religious contexts to denote confidence or trust in a person, thing, or concept. For instance, 'tener fe' means 'to have faith'. It could also be used in non-religious contexts to imply trust or belief.

Example sentences with  fe

The word 'fecha' in Spanish directly translates to 'date' in English. This can refer to either a marked day on the calendar or a romantic outing. For example, you might say 'La fecha de hoy es el 1 de enero', meaning 'Today's date is January 1st.' You could also say 'Tengo una cita esta noche', meaning 'I have a date tonight.' Note that 'cita' in this sense means a romantic date.

Example sentences with  fecha
fecha de expiración
expiration date
fecha de nacimiento
date of birth

The Spanish term 'fecha de nacimiento' translates to 'date of birth' in English. This term is primarily used in formal or legal contexts to refer to the specific day on which a person was born. It is composed of three words: 'fecha', which means 'date', 'de', a preposition that translates as 'of', and 'nacimiento', which means 'birth'. Consequently, the term 'fecha de nacimiento' signifies the registration or recognition of the day someone was born, which is a critical piece of personal information in both Spanish and English-speaking cultures.

fechar una carta
date a letter

The phrase 'fechar una carta' in Spanish means 'to date a letter' in English. It refers to the action of writing down the date on a letter, which typically indicates the day when the letter was written. This is a common practice in formal letter writing where the date is often included at the top of the letter under the sender's address. This phrase can also metaphorically mean to indicate or specify a particular time or period.


The word 'fecundación' in Spanish translates to 'fertilization' in English. This process, in biological terms, refers to the action or process of fertilizing an egg, female animal, or plant, involving the fusion of male and female gametes to form a zygote.

fecundación in vitro
in vitro fertilization

The Spanish phrase 'fecundación in vitro' translates to 'in vitro fertilization' in English. This is a medical procedure performed by fertility specialists, which involves fertilizing an egg with sperm outside of the body, in a laboratory. The fertilized egg, or embryo, is then transferred to the woman’s uterus with the aim of establishing a successful pregnancy.


The Spanish word 'federación' translates to 'federation' in English. A federation is a group of states, organizations, or parties that have united and are governed centrally. This term is often used in politics and organizational structures. For instance, some countries are known as federal states, meaning they are formed through a federation. 'Federación' carries the same concept in Spanish.

Example sentences with  federación

In both English and Spanish, 'federal' is used to describe something that is related to a system of government in which several states form a unity and yet remain independent in internal affairs. It is an adjective that defines a type of jurisdiction, structure, or system related to a central government. For instance, 'gobierno federal' is a term used in Spanish for 'federal government'.

Example sentences with  federal
to federate

The word 'federarse' in Spanish translates to 'federate' in English. Typically used in a political or organizational context, it refers to the action of joining or forming a federation, which is a group of states, organizations or parties, that have agreed to coexist under a centralized governing body, while still retaining individual autonomy. It promotes unity and collective decision-making.

Example sentences with  federarse

The Spanish word 'felicidad' translates to 'happiness' in English. This word is a noun (feminine) and it refers to the state of feeling or showing pleasure or contentment. In other words, it represents a state of well-being and contentment, joy and satisfaction. It's used commonly in everyday conversations, literature, speeches and various forms of media.

to congratulate

The Spanish word 'felicitar' is a verb that translates into English as 'to congratulate'. It is most commonly used in scenarios where one wishes to extend congratulations to another person for an accomplishment or special event, such as a birthday, promotion, or achievement. For example, 'Quiero felicitarte por tu promoción' translates to 'I want to congratulate you on your promotion'.

felicitar cordialmente
to cordially congratulate

The Spanish phrase 'felicitar cordialmente' translates to 'cordially congratulate' in English. It is often used when one wishes to give warm and friendly congratulations. This could be used in a personal or professional context where there is a need to express sincere congratulations with a polite and respectful tone. It can be employed in various situations for instance celebrating someone's achievements or milestones.

felicitar de (todo) corazón
to congratulate (with all my) heart

The phrase 'felicitar de (todo) corazón' in Spanish directly translates to 'congratulate (with all my) heart' in English. It is used when you want to heartily congratulate someone on an accomplishment or for a special occasion. The '(todo)' is optional and when included, it emphasises that the congratulations come genuinely from the heart. This phrase gives a sense of deep sincerity and warmth when congratulating another individual.

felicitar efusivamente
to congratulate profusely

The Spanish phrase 'felicitar efusivamente' translates into English as 'to congratulate profusely'. This means to express heartfelt and enthusiastic praise or compliment to someone, typically for an achievement, progress, or good performance. It suggests a sense of intensity or an outpouring of positive sentiments towards the person being congratulated.

felicitar sinceramente

The Spanish phrase 'felicitar sinceramente' translates to 'sincerely congratulate' in English. It is often used when one wishes to genuinely express their happiness and well wishes for someone's success or achievement. 'Felicitar' is a verb that means to congratulate, and 'sinceramente' is an adverb that translates to sincerely. Both words together indicate a genuine and heartfelt congratulation.


In Spanish, 'feliz' is used to express a positive emotion or state of satisfaction. It directly translates to 'happy' in English, for example 'Ella está feliz' translates to 'She is happy'.

Example sentences with  feliz

This term 'feo' explains the aesthetic quality characterized by various degrees of unattractiveness.

Example sentences with  feo
feria (de muestras)
(trade) fair

The Spanish term 'feria (de muestras)' translates into English as '(trade) fair'. This typically refers to a large-scale event organized so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, service, study activities of rivals and examine recent market trends and opportunities. It may also imply a periodic gathering for the sale of goods or the exhibition of agricultural, crafts or artistic activities in some contexts. In general, it's a venue that fosters business development and networking.

feria de arte
art fair

The Spanish phrase 'feria de arte' translates to 'art fair' in English. An art fair is a specific type of trade event where art collectors, galleries, and artists come together to showcase and sell artworks. It serves as a platform to introduce new and existing artists and their works to the public, providing exposure and fostering connections between artists, collectors, and interested audiences.

Example sentences with  feria de arte

The Spanish word 'feroz' translates to 'ferocious' in English. It is often used to describe something or someone that is very fierce, violent, or intense. It can reflect physical appearances, as in a ferocious animal, but can also describe non-physical attributes, such as ferocious determination or a ferocious storm.

Example sentences with  feroz

The Spanish word 'fertilizar' translates to 'fertilize' in English. It is a verb that means to make (an egg, female animal, or plant) fertile or (of an egg, female animal, or plant) become fertile. In other words, it is the action of causing something to become fertile, often in terms of agriculture, where it refers to the application of plant or animal waste to soil in order to increase its fertility and promote plant growth.

Example sentences with  fertilizar
festejar el éxito
celebrate success

The Spanish phrase 'festejar el éxito' translates to 'celebrate success' in English. It is often used in contexts where one is appreciating or acknowledging the accomplishment or victory they've achieved in a certain field, whether it be in academics, sports, career, or personal life. The verb 'festejar' means 'to celebrate', and 'el éxito' means 'the success' when translated individually. Thus, when combined, it denotes a positive, celebratory event or action of reveling in a successful endeavor.

festejar el triunfo
celebrate the triumph

The Spanish phrase 'festejar el triunfo' translates to 'celebrate the triumph' in English. It is commonly used to express jubilation, joy, or satisfaction after achieving a major success or victory. This phrase could be used in various situations such as after winning a game, reaching a goal, or overcoming a challenge. It implies not just the act of winning, but also of rejoicing and acknowledging the accomplishment.

festejar la victoria
celebrate victory

The Spanish phrase 'festejar la victoria' translates to 'celebrate victory' in English. This phrase consists of two components, 'festejar' which means 'to celebrate,' and 'la victoria' which means 'the victory.' It is generally used in occasions such as sports or any other competitive events after a successful outcome has been achieved, and a moment of triumph is being celebrated. The phrase communicates the emotion of joy, and the action of participating in fun activities to mark the success.

festival de música
music festival

The Spanish term 'festival de música' translates to 'music festival' in English. This refers to a community event, oriented towards live performances of singing and instrument playing, often presented with a theme such as musical genre, nationality, locality of musicians, holiday, etc. Such festivals could be single or multiple-day events. They could also feature other attractions such as food and merchandise vending, performance art, and social activities.


The Spanish word 'festividad' translates to 'holidays' in English. It is often used to describe a day or period of celebration recognized by a country or culture where typically, normal everyday activities such as work and schooling are suspended. 'Festividad' can also refer to festive activities and celebrations that take place on these special dates. This term encompasses both singular and plural holiday events.

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