Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

facturación total
total invoice

The Spanish term 'facturación total' translates to 'total invoice' in English. This phrase is related to finance and business concepts. 'Facturación' refers to the total amount charged for goods or services, typically before any discounts or promotions are applied, while 'total' means that all charges related to a particular transaction have been accounted for. Therefore, it is a complete billing statement for a transaction, and could be used in commercial or financial situations like during business transactions, financial discussions, or in accounting terms.

facturar el equipaje
check the luggage

The phrase 'facturar el equipaje' in Spanish translates to 'check the luggage' in English. It is typically used in the context of travel, particularly at airports. When you 'facturar el equipaje', you are handing your luggage over to airport staff for it to be securely placed in the aircraft's storage area for the duration of the flight. After landing at your destination, you retrieve your 'facturado' luggage from the baggage claim area.

Example sentences with  facturar el equipaje
facturar las maletas
check the bags

The Spanish phrase 'facturar las maletas' translates to 'check the bags' in English. It is a common term used in travel context, particularly at airports, bus stations, or train stations. Essentially, it means to give your luggage to the travel company so they can put it on the vehicle you are traveling by. It comes before the boarding process and it is usually necessary when the luggage is too big to be carried inside the passenger cabin. After checking, your luggage is usually accessible only after reaching your destination.

Example sentences with  facturar las maletas

The Spanish word 'falda' translates to 'skirt' in English. In many cultures, it is a garment typically worn by women, and it hangs from the waist and covers all or part of the legs. There are many styles of skirts including mini, maxi, pencil, and pleated skirts. The term 'falda' is commonly used in many Spanish-speaking countries and regions.

falda corta
short skirt

The Spanish term 'falda corta' translates to 'short skirt' in English. It's a common women's attire that ends above the knee. This piece of clothing is versatile and can be styled in many ways. It can be paired with various tops and shoes, making it a popular choice for many occasions, including casual outings, office wear, or special events. The term 'short skirt' or 'falda corta' in Spanish is a staple in women's fashion worldwide.

falda larga
long skirt

The Spanish term 'falda larga' translates to 'long skirt' in English. It is a two-word phrase where 'falda' means 'skirt' and 'larga' means 'long'. This phrase is typically used to describe a style of clothing that extends normally down to the ankles. The long skirt is a common item of clothing globally, popular among many cultures and often seen in a variety of materials and styles.


The term 'fallar' is used in Spanish to denote the act of not succeeding in achieving one's goal or not functioning properly, similar to 'fail' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including academic, professional, or personal scenarios. However, keep in mind that idiomatic usage can slightly alter its connotation, similar to many verbs.

Example sentences with  fallar

The word 'falsificación' in Spanish translates to 'forgery' in English. Forgery is a process that refers to the act of falsely making or altering a document with the intent to defraud or deceive. It can be associated with signing someone else's name to a document without their consent or authorization, making a fake ID card, creating fake certifications, or even producing counterfeit money. Therefore, 'falsificación' can be used in various contexts in Spanish language where the concept of forgery or unlawful copying is involved.

Example sentences with  falsificación
falsificar una obra de arte
forge a work of art

The Spanish phrase 'falsificar una obra de arte' translates to 'forge a work of art' in English. This refers to the act of creating a copy or imitation of a valuable item, particularly artwork, intending to deceive others into believing it is the original. Forging art involves reproducing the artist's original style and technique so convincingly that even art critics can find it difficult to distinguish from the original. It is considered a serious crime in many countries.

Example sentences with  falsificar una obra de arte

A group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.

Example sentences with  familia
familia adoptiva
adoptive family

The Spanish term 'familia adoptiva' translates to 'adoptive family' in English. This refers to a family where one or more of the parents have adopted the child or children, thus becoming their legal parents, rather than biological ones. This term is used to signify the important bond of love, respect, and responsibility shared among everyone in an adoptive family.

familia monoparental
single-parent family

The term 'familia monoparental' is a Spanish phrase that refers to a family structure that is headed by a single parent. This can occur due to various reasons such as the death of a partner, divorce, break-up, or choice. The single parent is responsible for providing and caring for the child or children both financially and emotionally. Despite the difficult challenges single parents face, many manage to provide a loving and nurturing environment for their children.

familia numerosa
large family

The Spanish expression 'familia numerosa' translates to 'large family' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a family with many members, typically more than the norm. It can range from a family with several children, to extended family living under the same roof. 'Familia numerosa' could refer to the notion that the larger the family, the more joyful and lively the atmosphere can be, because each member adds their personality, influence and dynamics. It is regardless of whether the large family is by birth, by marriage, or by choice, applying to blended and adopted families as well.

familia política
political family

The term 'familia política' actually does not mean 'political family' in English. It loosely translates to 'in-laws', referring to your spouse's family or relatives through marriage. This can include your spouse's parents (suegros), siblings (cuñados), and their children (sobrinos políticos). Despite the word 'política' in the term, it has no connections with politics or political activities.

familiar cercano
close family

The Spanish term 'familiar cercano' translates directly as 'close family' in English. This phrase is often used to denote family members who are closely related such as parents, siblings, and children. In many cultures, the concept of a 'familiar cercano' is considered important due to the strong emotional bonds and close relationships typically shared among such kin. Thus, the term 'familiar cercano' embodies more than just a familial connection, but also a sense of emotional closeness and intimacy.

familiar lejano
distant family

The Spanish term 'familiar lejano' translates to 'distant family' in English. This phrase is usually used to refer to family members who are not part of the immediate family, but still have a blood or legal connection. For instance, it can include relatives like cousins, uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews among others. In some cases, the degree of closeness or distance could be subjective, depending on familial and cultural interpretations.


The word 'fanatismo' does not actually translate to 'fantasy' in English. It translates to 'fanaticism', which refers to the behavior or attitude of individuals who have very strong, often excessive or irrational, beliefs or enthusiasm about something, particularly in political or religious contexts.

Example sentences with  fanatismo

The Spanish word 'faringitis' translates to 'pharyngitis' in English. Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the back of the throat, known as the pharynx. It usually results in a sore throat and fever. Other symptoms may include a runny nose, cough, headache, a hoarse voice, and difficulty swallowing. It is one of the most common conditions that make people seek medical advice.

Example sentences with  faringitis

'Farmacéutico' is an individual who is professionally qualified to prepare and dispense medical drugs. A 'farmacéutico' also offers advice about health issues, symptoms and medications in response to customer enquiries.

Example sentences with  farmacéutico

The Spanish word 'farmacia' translates to 'pharmacy' in English. A 'farmacia' is a place where medicines are prepared and sold. It's equivalent to a drug store or a chemist's shop in English-speaking countries. Just like in English-speaking countries, 'farmacias' in Spanish-speaking regions can also provide health consultations and sell over-the-counter drugs, among other health-related products.

Example sentences with  farmacia
farmacia de guardia
pharmacy guard

The Spanish phrase 'farmacia de guardia' does not directly translate to 'pharmacy guard' in English. Rather, it refers to a 'duty pharmacy' or '24-hour pharmacy'. These are pharmacies that are open during non-business hours, including nights, weekends and public holidays, providing a crucial service for people who need medicines or healthcare advice during these times.

Example sentences with  farmacia de guardia

The word 'faro' in Spanish translates to 'lighthouse' in English. A lighthouse is a tower or other structure containing a beacon light to warn or guide ships at sea. The term 'faro' may be used in various contexts, but it primarily refers to a navigational aid for maritime pilots at sea or on inland waterways.

Example sentences with  faro

The Spanish word 'farola' translates to 'streetlight' in English. A streetlight is a raised source of light on the edge of a road or pathway, which is turned on or lit at a certain time every night. Modern lamps may also have light-sensitive photocells to turn them on at dusk, off at dawn, or activate automatically in dark weather. In general, 'farola' represents a device designed to illuminate areas at night or during low light conditions for safety, visibility and aesthetics.


The Spanish word 'fascinado' translates to 'fascinated' in English. To be 'fascinado' is to be intensely interested and attracted by something, that it captivates you completely and draws your absolute attention. It could be a concept, a person, a place, an event, or even an idea. Just like in English, this word has the same context in Spanish wherein it is typically used to express extreme interest and attention towards something.


The word 'fascinar' in English is 'fascinate'. This word is typically used as a verb in Spanish to express a sense of strong interest or admiration for someone or something. It is also used to denote being awed by a person or something that is extremely interesting or captivating. In English, 'to fascinate' carries the same meaning and can be used interchangeably in similar contexts.


Fascismo is a Spanish word that translates to 'fascism' in English. Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian political ideology that is characterized by dictatorial power, strong regimentation of society and the economy, and the suppression of opposition through force and censorship. It emerged in early 20th-century Europe from nationalist and other right-wing ideologies. Fascism is commonly associated with the regimes of Benito Mussolini in Italy, Adolf Hitler in Germany, and Francisco Franco in Spain.

Example sentences with  fascismo
to get annoyed

The Spanish word 'fastidiarse' translates to 'get annoyed' in English. This term refers to the feeling of irritation or discontent that someone experiences when an action or situation is unfavorable or doesn't match their expectations. It illustrates a form of emotional discomfort or displeasure often triggered by an annoying or undesirable event or individual.


The Spanish verb 'fatigarse' translates to 'to get tired' or 'to fatigue' in English. It's often used in the context of expressing physical or mental exhaustion. An example of its usage is: 'Me estoy fatigando de tanto correr', which would translate to 'I'm getting tired from so much running'.


The word 'fauna' in Spanish translates directly to 'fauna' in English. It represents all of the animal life present in a particular region or time. It pertains to the animal kingdom and includes all the species of animals that live in a certain ecosystem or in a specific time period. It covers all types of animals - terrestrial, marine and aerial - in that region or period.

Example sentences with  fauna
favorecer el aprendizaje
encourage learning

The Spanish phrase 'favorecer el aprendizaje' translates to 'encourage learning' in English. It indicates the act of inspiring, stimulating or motivating someone to acquire new knowledge or skills. This phrase might be used in educational settings, but also in any other context where learning is involved. It promotes a positive, supportive environment for growth and development.

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