Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

expresión duro
hard expression

The Spanish term 'expresión duro' translates to 'hard expression' in English. It can be used metaphorically to describe a stern or serious facial expression. However, it is not commonly used in daily conversation. It is more common to refer to a stern look as 'mirada dura', particularly if the context relates to describing someone's intimidating or intense stare.

expresión franco
expression franc

The term 'expresión franco' in Spanish translates to 'expression franc' in English. This phrase can be used in a specific context where 'franco' is often referred to as 'frank' in English. So 'expresión franco' can also imply a 'frank expression' or 'open expression' while conversing in Spanish. The overall connotation of 'expresión franco' draws its essence from frankness and transparency in communication in the Spanish language.

expresión frío
cold expression

The word 'expresión frío' is a Spanish term that is translated into English as 'cold expression'. Generally, it refers to a facial expression that comes off as unemotional, impersonal, or distantly professional. It can be used to describe someone who is not showing any warm or friendly feelings. It may be used metaphorically, to say that someone isn't expressing any emotions, or literally, to mean that someone's face is physically cold. Note that 'frío' actually means 'cold', and 'expresión' means 'expression'. The concept is somewhat similar to the English term 'poker face'.

exprimir un limón
squeeze a lemon

The Spanish phrase 'exprimir un limón' translates to 'squeeze a lemon' in English. In a more detailed sense, 'exprimir' means to exert pressure on something to force out the liquid contained within it, often referred to as 'squeeze' in English; 'un' is an indefinite article used before singular masculine nouns, equivalent to 'a' or 'an' in English; and 'limón' is a noun referring to 'lemon', a type of citrus fruit known for its tart, flavorful juice which is widely used in cooking and beverages.

expulsar a un alumno
expel a student

In English, 'expulsar a un alumno' translates to 'expel a student'. This phrase is often used within an academic context, and it generally refers to the act of formally removing a student from a school or university due to some form of severe misconduct that violates the institution's rules and regulations. The purpose of expelling a student is typically to maintain order and uphold the standards of education within the institution.

expulsar a un profesor
expel a teacher

The Spanish phrase 'expulsar a un profesor' translates to 'expel a teacher' in English. It usually refers to the process of officially removing a teacher from an educational institution due to reasons such as misconduct, violation of rules or inability to perform duties. In this context, 'expulsar' means to expel, 'a' is a preposition translated as 'a' or 'an' in English, 'un' means 'a' or 'an', and 'profesor' refers to 'teacher'.


The Spanish word 'expulsión' translates to 'expulsion' in English. It is often used in an academic context, referring to the action of officially removing someone from an institution, a club or an organization. The term can also indicate a forced removal or ousting of someone from a place or participation in an activity. Moreover, in a scientific context, 'expulsión' can describe the action of forcing or driving out substance from a physical body or system.


The word 'exquisito' in Spanish translates to 'exquisite' in English. It is usually used to denote something that is exceptionally fine or extremely beautiful. It can also refer to a taste or smell that is very pleasant and delicate. The word can be used in various contexts such as food, art, design, or any other item that is thought to be of superb quality or elegance. It is an adjective, so it is used to modify a noun or pronoun in a sentence.


The word 'extensión' in Spanish translates to 'extension' in English. It is a noun and can be used in various contexts. In general sense, it refers to the action or process of becoming longer or larger usually in physical terms. It's also used in technology terms referring to something that is added to an existing product, system, or software to enhance its capabilities.


The Spanish word 'extinguir(se)' translates to extinction(s) in English. The word is a verb and can be used in various contexts but primarily it represents the termination of species or occurrence of a particular entity or phenomenon. It can also be used reflexively as 'extinguirse'. For instance, in the sentence 'Las llamas se extinguieron rápidamente', it translates to 'The flames went out quickly'.

Example sentences with  extinguir(se)
extinguirse (un volcán)
extinct (a volcano)

The term 'extinguirse (un volcán)' in Spanish refers to the event when a volcano becomes extinct. An extinct volcano is a volcano that scientists consider unlikely to erupt again. Volcanoes can become extinct when the lava supply to the magma chamber is cut off or when the volcanic conduit caves in. This process in Spanish is referred to as 'extinguirse'.

Example sentences with  extinguirse (un volcán)
extinguirse (una estrella)
extinct (a star)

The Spanish term 'extinguirse (una estrella)' translates to 'extinct (a star)' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of astronomy, where it refers to the process by which a star exhausts its nuclear fuel and ends its life. This could occur in a number of ways, such as collapsing under its own gravity, or exploding as a supernova. The phrase conveys a sense of finality and the irreversible end of existence.

Example sentences with  extinguirse (una estrella)
extinguirse una especie
extinguishing a species

The phrase 'extinguirse una especie' translates to 'extinguishing a species' in English. This refers to the act or process by which a particular species gets completely wiped out from existence. This could occur naturally due to environmental changes or by the action of humans causing habitat destruction, pollution, hunting, overfishing, or introducing invasive species. The disappearance of any species is a serious concern because it could disrupt the delicate balance in the ecosystem and negatively affect biodiversity.

Example sentences with  extinguirse una especie

The Spanish word 'extorsión' translates to 'extortion' in English. 'Extorsión' is a noun often used in legal and crime contexts, and it refers to the act of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats. It originates from the Latin word 'extorsionem', meaning a twisting out or turning. Just like in English, it is often associated with criminal activities where people are forced to give up their possessions under pressure or threat.

Example sentences with  extorsión
extraer conclusiones
conclusions draw

The phrase 'extraer conclusiones' in Spanish translates to 'draw conclusions' in English. It refers to the process of making a judgement or decision based on the information that has been gathered. It's an essential part of problem solving, research, and analysis. In any language, the ability to draw or extract conclusions is a key critical thinking skill.


The Spanish term 'extrañar' translates to 'miss' in English. It's generally used when someone is missing someone else, like missing a friend or relative. However, it is also applicable when talking about missing an event or activity. Similar to how we use 'miss' in various contexts in English, 'extrañar' is a versatile term in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  extrañar

The Spanish word 'extranjero' is used to denote something or someone from another country, not native. It is commonly used in contexts where you are talking about foreign languages, countries, people, goods etc. It is important to note that this term can be both a noun and an adjective, depending on the context in which it is used.

Example sentences with  extranjero
extraviar las maletas
remove the bags

'Extraviar las maletas' is a Spanish term that is often misinterpreted in English. A more accurate translation would be 'to lose the bags' or 'the bags are lost'. This indicates a situation where someone's luggage has been misplaced or lost, most commonly in travel scenarios such as at an airport or bus station. The act of 'extraviar' doesn't imply they were purposefully removed or disposed of, but rather than they were unintentionally or unexpectedly lost.

Example sentences with  extraviar las maletas

The Spanish word 'extremo' translates to 'extreme' in English. This word is generally used in contexts or situations that represent the highest degree or maximum level of something. For example, the phrase 'extremo peligro' would mean 'extreme danger'. The adjective 'extremo' can describe various phenomenons, states, or attributes, such as temperature, difficulty, necessity, etc., signifying they are at their utmost or highest level.

Extremo Oriente
Far East

The term 'Extremo Oriente', translated in English as 'Far East', refers to the easternmost part of a geographic region, often in reference to the continent of Asia. It includes nations such as China, Japan, South Korea, and sometimes even Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam and the Philippines. The term is widely used in historical, social, and geographic contexts.

Example sentences with  Extremo Oriente

The word 'fábrica' in Spanish translates to 'factory' in English. In Spanish-speaking cultures, a 'fábrica' counts as a place where goods are manufactured or assembled chiefly by machine. It could be a place where any type of product is made, from shoes to car parts. Just like in English, the word can describe various sizes of places, from small local factories to huge industrial plants.


The Spanish word 'fabricación' translates to 'manufacturing' in English. It is used in the context of industrial production, where raw materials are transformed into finished goods on a large scale. Another associated meaning could be 'making' or 'creating' something, often in large quantities. It can also relate to the process or methods used to turn raw materials into finished goods. Thus, you would use 'fabricación' when speaking about the creation or production process in industries and factories.

Example sentences with  fabricación

The Spanish word 'fabricante' translates to 'manufacturer' in English. A manufacturer is a person, a group of people, or a company that produces goods in large quantities, often using machinery. This production process involves converting raw materials, components, or parts into finished goods that meet a customer's expectations or specifications. Therefore, in a business context, 'fabricante' plays a vital role in the supply chain, producing and supplying goods to various markets.


The Spanish verb 'fabricar' translates to 'manufacture' in English. This verb is often used in the context of industrial production, where raw materials are transformed into finished goods. 'Fabricar' may also generally denote the act of creating, constructing, or producing something physically or figuratively.

Example sentences with  fabricar

The Spanish word 'fábula' translates to 'fable' in English. A 'fable' is a short story that typically features animals as characters and aims to convey a moral or lesson. This is a common genre in both literature and oral storytelling. It is very likely that you may come across the word 'fábula' while reading Spanish story books or studying Spanish literature. So, 'fábula' is a useful word to know if you plan to immerse yourself in Spanish language storytelling.

Example sentences with  fábula

The Spanish word 'fachada' translates to 'facade' in English. It is often used to describe the front part or exterior of a building. Facades are typically the most decorative and visually appealing aspect of a building, as they are true representation of its architectural design. 'Fachada' can also metaphorically represent a deceptive outward appearance in Spanish just as 'facade' does in English.

Example sentences with  fachada

'Fácil' suggests that something can be achieved or comprehended with ease, and without great effort or difficulty.

Example sentences with  fácil

The Spanish word 'factura' is used to refer to a document commonly given out by sellers to buyers, stating the products, quantities and agreed prices for products or services the seller has provided the one who bought. In English this is known as a 'bill'. Also, in common usage it can refer to the check given in restaurants.

Example sentences with  factura
factura del teléfono
telephone bill

The term 'factura del teléfono' in Spanish translates to 'telephone bill' in English. This refers to a statement of the amount of money that you owe a telephone company, typically for a specific period of time. This may include a summary of calls made, messages sent, and/or data used, along with the charges for such services. Payments for these are usually made monthly.

facturación anual
annual turnover

The Spanish term 'facturación anual' translates to 'annual turnover' in English. It refers to the total sales made by a business over a one year period, without taking into account the cost of goods sold. This term is typically used in business and finance where it is crucial to evaluate and analyze the performance and profitability of a business. Understanding the concept of 'facturación anual' can provide insights into the overall financial health, growth, and sustainability of a business operation.

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