Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


A pillow is a bag filled with soft material, that you put your head on when you sleep. They provide comfort and support for the neck and head.

Example sentences with  almohada

The Spanish word 'almohadilla' translates to 'pad' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a soft cushioning material typically used for comfort or protection. This could include items such as seat pads, mattress pads, note pads, and so forth. In some contexts, it could also refer to a key or button on a musical or electronic device. It's important to interpret the meaning based on the context in which it's used.

alojamiento y desayuno
bed and breakfast

The Spanish term 'alojamiento y desayuno' directly translates to 'lodging and breakfast' in English. However, it is commonly understood as 'bed and breakfast', a hospitality service that offers overnight accommodation and breakfast the following morning, often in a small, cozy, and home-like setting. This type of accommodation is popular among travelers seeking a more personalized and local experience compared to traditional hotels.

Example sentences with  alojamiento y desayuno
alojarse en
to stay

The Spanish phrase 'alojarse en' translates to 'to stay' in English. It is usually used in the context of remaining in a particular place, especially when on vacation or living temporarily, such as in a hotel or a guest house. For instance, when you book a hotel for a vacation, you would 'alojarse en' the hotel. It can also imply extending your stay at a particular place.

alojarse en un apartamento
stay in an apartment

The Spanish phrase 'alojarse en un apartamento' directly translates to 'stay in an apartment' in English. This is often used in the context of living or residing temporarily in an apartment, typically when someone is on vacation or a business trip. It could also be used in a general context to mean living or staying in an apartment as part of one's normal life. The verb 'alojarse' is the reflexive form of 'alojar', which means to house or to lodge.

Example sentences with  alojarse en un apartamento
alojarse en un bungaló
stay in a bungalow

The Spanish phrase 'alojarse en un bungaló' translates to 'stay in a bungalow' in English. It can be used when talking about visiting, travelling or planning a vacation and deciding to stay in a small house or cottage, commonly known as a bungalow.

Example sentences with  alojarse en un bungaló
alojarse en un hotel
stay in a hotel

The Spanish phrase 'alojarse en un hotel' translates to 'stay in a hotel' in English. This phrase is typically used in travel or vacation contexts, when someone is making arrangements for accommodation. In Spanish-speaking countries, when people plan to stay somewhere other than a private residence, they often use 'alojarse en un hotel' to indicate that they will be staying at a hotel.

Example sentences with  alojarse en un hotel
alojarse en una cabaña
stay in a cabin

The Spanish phrase 'alojarse en una cabaña' translates to 'stay in a cabin' in English. In Spanish, 'alojarse' means to stay or to lodge, 'en' translates to 'in', 'una' means 'a' and 'cabaña' is translated as 'cabin'. This phrase can be used in a variety of contexts such as when talking about vacation plans or describing different types of accommodations.

Example sentences with  alojarse en una cabaña
alquilar un apartamento
rent an apartment

The term 'alquilar un apartamento' in Spanish translates to 'rent an apartment' in English. This phrase is often used in conversations related to housing and accommodation. It involves paying the owner of the property (the landlord) a certain amount of money on a regular basis, usually monthly, for the right to live in the property. Renting an apartment can allow a person to live in a desired location without the long-term financial commitment of buying property.

alquilar un bungaló
rent a bungalow

The Spanish phrase 'alquilar un bungaló' translates to 'rent a bungalow' in English. The verb 'alquilar' means to rent and 'un bungaló' refers to a bungalow, which is a type of single-story house. This phrase might be used in a context where someone is looking for holiday accommodations or a rental property.

Example sentences with  alquilar un bungaló
alquilar un piso
rent a flat

The Spanish phrase 'alquilar un piso' translates to 'rent a flat' in English. This is a common phrase used in Spain when someone is looking to rent an apartment or a flat. Other Spanish-speaking countries might use different words for 'piso', like 'departamento' or 'apartamento', but 'alquilar' remains the word for 'rent'.

alquilar una cabaña
rent a cabin

The Spanish phrase 'alquilar una cabaña' translates to 'rent a cabin' in English. This phrase could be useful in many situations, for instance, when you're looking for accommodations during a vacation or a trip to nature areas where cabins are common lodging places. It's important to note that 'cabaña' specifically refers to a small wooden house or hut, often situated in a wild or natural setting, and 'alquilar' means to obtain temporary possession or use of (a cabin, in this context) in return for payment, much like the English word 'rent'.

Example sentences with  alquilar una cabaña

The Spanish word 'alquiler' translates to 'rental' in English. It could be used to refer to the temporary provision of a vehicle, property, service or good, usually for an agreed period of time and at a fixed price. Thus, it covers contexts such as car rental, property rental, and even services like equipment rental. A very useful term to know when navigating accommodation, travel or services in Spanish-speaking countries.


The Spanish word 'alrededor' is used in much the same contexts as 'around' is used in English. This could mean in a physical sense, e.g. to describe something being surrounding or encircling something else. It can also be used in a metaphorical sense, e.g. to describe when something is happening nearby or in the vicinity. A thing to note is that 'alrededor' is usually accompanied by 'de' when used before a noun, similar to saying 'around of' in English.

Example sentences with  alrededor
surrounding area

The Spanish word 'alrededores' translates into English as 'surrounding area'. This is typically used to describe the area or environment immediately around a particular place or location. It might refer to a neighborhood around a house, the terrain around a city, or even the countries bordering a specific nation. This term is common in contexts where geographical or spatial description is needed.

Example sentences with  alrededores
alta tecnología
high technology

The Spanish term 'alta tecnología' translates to 'high technology' in English. It refers to the latest and most sophisticated or advanced technical methods, materials, or systems. This phrase is commonly used in various fields such as engineering, information technology, and telecommunications. It describes technologies that are at the cutting-edge and often associated with potential significant advancements or progress in one's field.

Example sentences with  alta tecnología

The word 'altar' originates from Spanish and has the same meaning in English. An altar can be referred to as a table or a flat-topped block used for religious rituals, especially in offerings or sacrifices to a deity. It has a significant place in places of worship such as churches, temples, or homes where it often holds religious symbols or objects.

Example sentences with  altar
altas presiones
high pressure

The Spanish phrase 'altas presiones' translates to 'high pressure' in English. This phrase can be found in various contexts, including meteorological (related to atmospheric weather conditions), medical (involves the state of your blood pressure), and physical (regarding the force applied to an area). It is used to describe a situation where a high level of force or influence is being exerted. Learning this phrase can be particularly useful, especially for those pursuing studies or careers in science, healthcare, and meteorology, or simply aim to enhance their Spanish vocabulary for day-to-day conversation.

Example sentences with  altas presiones

The Spanish word 'altavoz' translates to 'speaker' in English. It is a noun and typically refers to a device, component, or part of a system that converts electrical signals into sound. Used commonly in various devices such as radios, televisions, and computers, 'altavoz' may also be referred to an individual who speaks publicly or the one who speaks on behalf of a group or an organization.

Example sentences with  altavoz

The Spanish word 'altitud' translates to 'altitude' in English. It is a noun and used in various contexts. One common usage is when talking about the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level. It is often used in geography, aviation, and various scientific fields. For example, 'La montaña tiene una altitud de 2000 metros' means 'The mountain has an altitude of 2000 meters'. In general, 'altitud' is used to describe how high something is.

Example sentences with  altitud
alto el fuego
Stop the fire

'Alto el fuego' is a Spanish phrase which literally translates to 'stop the fire' in English. However, this phrase is more commonly used to mean 'ceasefire' in a military context. It refers to an agreement made between two or more parties to stop fighting or warfare for a certain period of time. It's not typically used to refer to extinguishing a physical fire.

Example sentences with  alto el fuego

The Spanish word 'altruismo' translates to 'altruism' in English. It denotes the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others. This moral doctrine often opposes selfishness and emphasizes actions benefiting others, extending kindness and self-sacrifice for the good of other people. 'Altruismo' is often used in the context of actions, beliefs, or behavior patterns that emphasize self-less acts or contributing to the welfare of others.


The Spanish word 'altruista' translates to 'altruist' in English. An altruist is a person who is unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others. In other words, altruists place the needs and well-being of others before their own. They believe in the philosophy of putting others first and can often be seen participating in philanthropic activities. 'Altruista' embodies a crucial societal value, and understanding this term reflects a more profound knowledge of Spanish and its cultural implications.


The Spanish word 'alubias' translates to 'beans' in English. It refers to a type of legume, which is a diverse class of vegetables that encompasses different types of beans, peas, lentils, and many more. Beans or 'alubias' are a popular ingredient in many Spanish dishes, providing essential nutrients such as protein, fiber, iron and complex carbohydrates. They are often used in soups, stews, salads, and as a side dish.


The Spanish word 'alucinar' translates to 'hallucinate' in English. This verb is commonly used in both the medical and colloquial context. In the medical field, it refers to the experience of seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not there as a result of illness or medication. In a more casual context, 'alucinar' can also be used to describe a state of disbelief or amazement. For instance, you might use it to say that you are 'hallucinating' if something unbelievable or unexpected happens.

alumbrado público
street lighting

The phrase 'alumbrado público' in Spanish translates to 'street lighting' in English. This term refers to the infrastructure that provides illumination on streets and public spaces during nighttime. It includes all the artificial light sources like lamps, light fixtures, and other elements designed to provide visibility and safety in urban areas when natural light is insufficient.

alumbrado urbano
urban lighting

The term 'alumbrado urbano' in Spanish translates to 'urban lighting' in English. This term usually refers to the infrastructure that includes all public street lighting, lighting in parks, squares and other public areas in cities. It's vital for the security and functionality of neighborhoods, enhancing visibility during the night. Moreover, urban lighting often plays a significant role in shaping the aesthetic appeal of a city or town.


The Spanish word 'aluminio' translates to 'aluminum' in English. Aluminum is a chemical element of the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13. It is a silvery-white, soft, non-magnetic, ductile metal. Aluminum is the third most abundant element (after oxygen and silicon), and the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust. It makes up about 8% of the Earth's solid surface by weight. 'Aluminio' is used in a similar context in Spanish.

Example sentences with  aluminio

The word 'alumnado' is a term used in the Spanish language, referring to a collective body of students within an educational context, like a school or a university. This can be all of the students currently enrolled in an institution, a certain course, or certain year. In English, it is usually translated as 'student body' or simply 'students'. It is a noun and when used within a sentence, it is regarding to large group of people undertaking an academic study altogether.

alumno brillante
brilliant student

The Spanish phrase 'alumno brillante' directly translates to 'brilliant student' in English. In this context, 'alumno' pertains to a learner or pupil, primarily in a school or educational context, and 'brillante' refers to being bright or intelligent. Therefore, 'alumno brillante' describes a student who is exceptionally smart, talented, and shows a high level of intelligence or ability in their learning.

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