Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

expedir el carné de conducir
issue the driver's license

The Spanish phrase 'expedir el carné de conducir' translates to 'issue the driver's license' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of administrative or government offices where such licenses are issued. The term 'expedir' specifically means 'to issue or to give out', 'el carné' is 'the card' and 'de conducir' refers to 'driving'. Therefore, if you were to break down the phrase, it would literally translate to 'issue the card of driving'.

expedir el permiso de residencia
issue the residence permit

The Spanish phrase 'expedir el permiso de residencia' translates to 'issue the residence permit' in English. The verb 'expedir' means to 'issue' or 'dispatch', 'el permiso' means 'the permit', and 'de residencia' means 'of residence'. Combined, it is used to refer to the act of granting or issuing permission for a person to legally reside in a specific place or country.


In Spanish, 'experiencia' is commonly used to refer to both, experience one acquires through practice or action and the act of experiencing something. For instance, 'Tengo experiencia en trabajar con niños' translates to 'I have experience working with children', while 'Fue una experiencia increíble' translates to 'It was an incredible experience'. Therefore, this word can be used in a variety of contexts just like in English.

Example sentences with  experiencia

The Spanish word 'experimentado' translates to 'experienced' in English. This adjective is often used to describe someone who has a lot of knowledge or skill in a particular area or field due to having done it for a long period of time. It can be used in various contexts, similar to its English equivalent.

Example sentences with  experimentado
experimentar angustia
experience distress

The Spanish phrase 'experimentar angustia' translates to 'experience distress' in English. It refers to the feeling of extreme worry, anxiety, or pain over a particular situation or circumstance. This phrase may be used in various contexts where emotional or psychological discomfort is discussed.

experimentar dolor
experience pain

The Spanish phrase 'experimentar dolor' translates to 'experience pain' in English. This phrase conveys the act of personally undergoing or feeling physical discomfort or suffering as a result of an injury or illness, or emotional distress from a particular situation.

experimentar miedo
experience fear

The Spanish term 'experimentar miedo' translates to 'experience fear' in English. It is often used in situations where fear is provoked in an individual, whether from external factors such as a scary movie or situation, or from internal elements such as anxiety or personal fears. It describes the act and feeling of going through fear or a scary situation. Therefore, if someone tells you 'No quiero experimentar miedo', they are saying they do not want to experience fear.

experimentar una emoción increíble
experience incredible emotion

The Spanish phrase 'experimentar una emoción increíble' translates to 'experience incredible emotion' in English. It can be used in various contexts where someone is undergoing an intense, often positive, emotional experience. This could be due to an exceptional event, achievement, or observation that evokes strong feelings of joy, amazement, awe, or euphoria. So, when someone says they 'experimentar una emoción increíble', they mean they are having an incredible, profound emotional experience.

experimentar una sensación intensa
experience an intense sensation

The Spanish phrase 'experimentar una sensación intensa' translates to 'experience an intense sensation' in English. This phrase is often used when one is attempting to describe a particularly strong or profound feeling - this could be emotional, physical or even spiritual. The word 'experimentar' suggests a direct, personal experiencing of something, while 'sensación intensa' emphasizes the overpowering or overwhelming nature of this experience.


The Spanish word 'experimento' translates to 'experiment' in English. An experiment is a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact. The term is commonly used in the context of scientific procedures and research, but can also refer to trying out a new idea, method, or activity to see how it works out.

Example sentences with  experimento

The Spanish term 'experto' is translated to 'expert' in English. It is used to denote someone who possesses comprehensive or authoritative knowledge or skill in a particular area. For example, a person who has in-depth knowledge about computers could be referred to as an 'experto en computadoras' - 'computer expert'. The term is often used in professional or academic contexts for people who have gained a significant level of expertise in their field.

experto en la materia
expert on

The Spanish phrase 'experto en la materia' translates to 'expert on' in English. This refers to a person who has extensive knowledge or skill in a particular area or subject. In a professional or academic setting, an 'experto en la materia' is often looked upon for guidance and advice due to their superior understanding of a topic.


The Spanish word 'explicar' is used in similar ways as 'explain' in English. It can be used to make an idea or situation clear by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts. For example, to instruct someone to explain something in Spanish, you would say 'explica esto'.

Example sentences with  explicar
explicar las reglas del juego
explain the rules of the game

explicar las reglas del juego is a Spanish phrase which translates to 'explain the rules of the game' in English. It is often used in context of games, sports, or any competition where certain rules need to be explained or clarified to the participants. It can be divided into four parts: 'explicar' (explain), 'las' (the), 'reglas' (rules), and 'del juego' (of the game).

explicar un tema
explaining a topic

The Spanish expression 'explicar un tema' translates to 'explaining a topic' in English. It is a phrase often used in academic, professional, or general settings where one is expected to elaborate or shed light on a particular subject, concept, or issue. The verb 'explicar' means to explain, and 'un tema' means a topic. Altogether, this phrase encapsulates the action of providing detailed information about a specific topic.

explicar una lección
explaining a lesson

The Spanish phrase 'explicar una lección' translates to 'explaining a lesson' in English. It is often used in educational contexts, where a teacher may 'explicar una lección' to a student. This involves breaking down information, concepts, or skills into understandable parts, providing clarification and making the lesson comprehensible. The verb 'explicar' refers to the act of explaining, and 'una lección' is a singular reference to a lesson or instructional session.


The Spanish word 'explotación' translates into English as 'exploitation'. It is used to describe a situation where someone benefits unfairly from the work or resources of another. This could occur in a variety of contexts, such as within economic systems, in interpersonal relationships, or in relation to natural resources. 'Explotación' can carry negative connotations, as it often implies that the person or resource being exploited is not receiving their fair share in return.

Example sentences with  explotación
explotación laboral(es)
labour exploitation(s)

The Spanish term 'explotación laboral(es)' translates to 'labour exploitation(s)' in English. This term is often used in areas of human rights and labor regulations to denote situations where workers are being taken advantage of by their employers. These exploitations can occur in various forms such as below-minimum wages, forced overtime, unsafe working conditions, and lack of benefits that are entitled to the worker. The term encapsulates a wide range of conditions and situations that violate the fundamental rights of workers.

expose exp exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp expose exp exp expose exp expose exp expose exp exp expose exp expose exp expose exp exp exp expose exp exp exp exp exp exp expose exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp expose exp expose exp exp expose exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp

The Spanish verb 'exponer' translates to 'expose' in English. It can be used in several contexts such as uncovering, revealing, or making something visible. For instance, in the context of a presentation, 'exponer' could mean to present or demonstrate information. In a photographic scenario, it would refer to exposing a film to light. Thus, the context significantly determines the English connotation.

exponerse a la radiación solar
exposure to solar radiation

The Spanish phrase 'exponerse a la radiación solar' is translated into English as 'exposure to solar radiation'. This term relates to the process or condition of being subjected to solar rays or sunlight, which can potentially have harmful effects such as sunburn, skin damage, or even skin cancer. It is frequently used in health and environmental contexts, often when discussing the importance of protective measures such as using sunscreen, wearing protective clothing, or limiting time spent under direct sunlight.

Example sentences with  exponerse a la radiación solar

The Spanish word 'exportación' translates to 'export' in English. Export refers to sending goods or services from one country for sale in another country. It is a term used in economics and international trade. Used as a noun, exportación indicates the idea or act of shipping goods or services out of the port of a country in question. It has similar usage and context in both languages.

Example sentences with  exportación
exportación de mercancías
export of goods

The Spanish phrase 'exportación de mercancías' translates to 'export of goods' in English. This is a term that is commonly used in commerce and trade discussions. It refers to the action of sending goods or products from one country to other foreign countries for the purpose of selling them there. The products being exported are often produced or manufactured in the exporting country, benefiting the local economy and businesses there, while providing necessary or desired goods to the importing country. 'Exportación de mercancías' is a key concept in the field of international trade and economics.

Example sentences with  exportación de mercancías

In Spanish, the word 'exportador' means 'exporter' in English. This term is often used in business and economics contexts. A 'exportador' is an individual, company, or country that sells and sends goods or services to another country, typically in return for monetary compensation. 'Exportador' is a noun and therefore is used to represent people, places, things, ideas, or conditions associated with exporting. The concept of an exporter is integral to international trade, as it denotes the party responsible for transferring goods or services abroad.

Example sentences with  exportador

The Spanish word 'exposición' translates to 'exhibition' in English. The term 'exposición' can refer to a presentation or display of a selection of items. Typically, these items can be works of art, historical objects, scientific or artistic installations, among others. 'Exposición' is commonly used in academic, cultural, and commercial environments and it represents an important aspect of learning, knowledge sharing, and business promotion in Spanish-speaking cultures.

exposición antológica
anthological exposure

The Spanish phrase 'exposición antológica' translates to 'anthological exhibition' in English. This is a term commonly used in art and literature to describe a collection or an exhibition that showcases the best or most representative works of an artist or a writer over a period of time. It provides an extensive overview of their creative journey, highlighting their growth, evolution, and major artistic milestones.

exposición colectiva
collective exposure

The Spanish phrase 'exposición colectiva' translates to 'collective exposure' in English. It generally refers to a situation where a group of people or entities is subjected to the same condition or influence. It is commonly used in context of art exhibitions, where multiple artists are given the opportunity to display their work to the public simultaneously. This can also refer to a shared or communal experience or event, such as a scientific exposition or cultural fair, where various elements are present for the collective understanding or appreciation.

exposición itinerante
travelling exhibition

The term 'exposición itinerante' in Spanish refers to a type of exhibition that does not remain stationary in one place or museum. Instead, it travels from location to location, allowing a broad audience to view the display. This could encompass a diverse range of materials from art, history, science exhibits, among others. Essentially, an 'exposición itinerante' allows for a broader geographic exposure, reaching audiences who might not typically have access to such exhibitions.

exposición permanente
permanent exposure

The Spanish term 'exposición permanente' translates directly to 'permanent exposure' in English. However, in a museum or art gallery context, it can be used to mean 'permanent exhibition' or 'permanent display'. It refers to a selection of items or works of art that are always on show to the public, as opposed to temporary exhibitions that change from time to time.


The Spanish word 'expresión' translates to 'expression' in English. This term can refer to something that is said, a way of saying something, or the process of making one's thoughts, feelings, or ideas known to others, often through speech, writing or some form of art. Additionally, it can also denote a mathematical or computational statement that represents a particular operation or series of operations.

expresión amable
kind expression

The Spanish phrase 'expresión amable' translates to 'kind expression' in English. This can refer to a facial expression that is kind or friendly, or to any expression, verbal or nonverbal, that conveys kindness. It is a compound noun, made up of the word 'expresión' meaning expression, and 'amable' meaning kind or friendly.

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