Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'etiqueta' translates to 'tag' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a type or kind of something. In a store, you find etiquetas on items which provide information about the product. It is also used in a digital context to categorize or label posts, articles or items on the internet.


The term 'euro' in Spanish is directly translated to 'euro' in English, which is the official currency of 19 of the 27 member states of the European Union. This group of states is known as the Eurozone or Euro area, and includes major countries like Germany, France, and Italy among others. The euro is the second largest reserve currency as well as the second most traded currency in the world after the United States dollar.


The Spanish word 'Europa' translates to 'Europe' in English. Europe is a continent with a vast diversity of languages, cultures, and histories. It is the second smallest continent, yet it has the second largest population. Composed of 50 countries, some of which have territories and dependencies around the world, Europe has had a profound impact on the world's economy, history, and culture.

Example sentences with  Europa
evaluación final
Final evaluation

The Spanish term 'evaluación final' translates to 'final evaluation' in English. This phrase is often used in education or professional settings to represent a definitive or conclusive assessment or examination, usually after a specific period of study or performance. It is the final judgment or decision after a process or experience, similar to a final exam in education, or a final review at the end of a project or job period.

evaluación parcial
partial evaluation

The Spanish term 'evaluación parcial' is translated as 'partial evaluation' in English. It is a phrase commonly used in academic settings, notably in course syllabi or academic schedules. In this context, a 'evaluación parcial' often refers to an examination or assessment that does not cover the entire content of a course, but rather a particular portion or segment of it. This might refer to a mid-semester or mid-term examination, or a quiz on a particular unit or chapter of study. The word 'evaluación' stands for evaluation, and 'parcial' translates to partial, when combined they imply a part or segment of a complete or whole evaluation.


The Spanish word 'evaluar' translates to 'evaluate' in English. It is a verb, and it is typically used in scenarios where there is an assessment or judgement of someone's performance, abilities, or qualities. It could refer to measuring the value or worth of something or someone. For example, an instructor could 'evaluar' a student's performance in a class, or a company could 'evaluar' the viability of a potential new product or project.


The Spanish word 'Evangelio' translates to 'Gospel' in English. It is predominantly used in a religious context, particularly in Christianity, to refer to the teachings or revelation of Christ. The term 'Gospel' can also be used metaphorically to signify any doctrine or message that a person believes wholeheartedly.

Example sentences with  Evangelio

The Spanish word 'evaporarse' translates to 'evaporate' in English. It is a verb and it is usually used in the context of a liquid turning into vapor, especially as a result of heat. It can also be used in a metaphorical sense, for example when something disappears or ceases to exist suddenly and completely, it could be said to have 'evaporated'.

Example sentences with  evaporarse

The Spanish term for 'evidence' is 'evidencia'. It is used exactly the same way as in English, referring to the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. For example, 'Hay evidencia de que estuvo allí' - 'There is evidence that he was there'.

Example sentences with  evidencia

The Spanish word 'evitar' translates to 'avoid' in English. It is a verb that is used in situations where you need to shun, prevent or abstain from doing something. For instance, you might 'evitar' going to a party if you want to stay away from crowds.

Example sentences with  evitar

The Spanish word 'evolucionar' translates to 'evolve' in English. In science, 'evolve' refers to the process of development or growth, often in context of natural selection and genetic adaptation over time. However, it can also be used in a more general sense to describe any process of gradual, progressive change, improvement or development. Thus, 'evolucionar' holds the same connotation in Spanish, used commonly in both scientific and everyday contexts.

evolucionar una especie
evolve a species

The Spanish phrase 'evolucionar una especie' translates to 'evolve a species' in English. It is typically used in biological or scientific contexts to describe the process by which a species changes and adapts over time due to changes in physical or environmental conditions. The process of evolution can result in new, more complex, or simply different species. Thus, 'evolucionar una especie' could be used in a conversation about natural history, geography, or biology, among other subjects.

Example sentences with  evolucionar una especie
ex marido

The Spanish word 'ex marido' translates to 'ex-husband' in English. It is used to refer to a man to whom someone was formerly married, similar to how the term 'ex-husband' is used in English. Typically, it refers to a previous partner in a dissolved marriage.

ex mujer

The Spanish term 'ex mujer' translates to 'ex-wife' in English. It is used to refer to a woman to whom one was formerly married. The term describes a past marital relationship that has been legally ended through divorce. As such, an ex-wife once held the role of a legal spouse but currently holds a different status, denoted by the prefix 'ex' which signifies a past association.


In Spanish, the word 'exactamente' is used in similar contexts as 'exactly' in English. It is used to express total agreement, precision or to emphasize the truthfulness of a statement. For example, if someone says 'El examen fue muy difícil' (The exam was very hard), you could respond with 'Exactamente' to express that you completely agree.

Example sentences with  exactamente

The Spanish word 'examen' translates to 'review' in English. It is commonly used in an academic or work context, reflecting the practice of evaluating or inspecting something thoroughly. For example, a teacher might give an 'examen' to students to assess their understanding of the course material. Similarly, a worker might conduct an 'examen' of a project or work process to identify any areas for improvement.

examen anual
annual review

The term 'examen anual' in Spanish translates to 'annual review' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of recurring assessments or inspections that occur on a yearly basis. These could relate to various contexts such as one's health, performance at work, or the status of a specific project or program.

examen cuatrimestral
quarterly review

The Spanish term 'examen cuatrimestral' translates to 'quarterly review' in English. This phrase is commonly used in academic and business contexts. In academics, it generally refers to a review or exam that is held at the end of a four-month period, or quarter. In business, it often denotes a comprehensive report or analysis conducted every quarter, used to review and assess overall performance, progress or metrics within this set timeframe.

examen final
Final review

The Spanish phrase 'examen final' translates to 'final exam' in English. It usually refers to the comprehensive evaluation given at the end of an academic term or course of study. In some cultures, these exams are weighted heavily and can greatly affect a student's grade. It serves as an assessment of everything that has been covered in the course or throughout the year. Preparing for this exam often involves a review of all topics, hence it is occasionally referred to as a 'final review' as well.

examen parcial
Partial review

The Spanish term 'examen parcial' translates into English as 'partial exam' or 'midterm exam'. This term is typically used in an academic context to refer to tests that are conducted in the middle of a term. These exams may cover all topics studied up to that point in the course. It is not the equivalent to 'partial review', as it typically includes an element of assessment or testing of one's knowledge or skills.


The word 'examinarse' in Spanish does not mean 'consideration'. 'Examinarse' is a reflexive verb often used to indicate someone taking an examination or test. For instance, in situations related to school or any process where one's knowledge, skills, or qualifications are being assessed.

exceso de equipaje
excess baggage

The term 'exceso de equipaje' in Spanish translates to 'excess baggage' in English. It is commonly used in context of travel, particularly at airlines and airports. It refers to luggage that is beyond an airline's allowance in terms of weight or number of luggage pieces. Passengers with 'exceso de equipaje' usually have to pay additional fees. It can also be used metaphorically in daily conversation to refer to excess or unnecessary burden.

Example sentences with  exceso de equipaje

The Spanish verb 'excluir' translates as 'to exclude' in English. It is used to denote someone or something being left out or not included within a group or category. It can be conjugated into different forms as per the tense and subject. This verb is commonly used in different contexts and is an important word in Spanish.


The word 'excursión' in Spanish translates to 'excursion' in English. An excursion is a short journey or trip, especially one engaged in as a leisure activity. For example, an individual might take an excursion to a nearby city to explore its attractions. In a school context, an excursion often refers to a trip taken by students and teachers outside the classroom for educational purposes, such as visiting a museum, a historical site, a company or a natural park.

Example sentences with  excursión

The Spanish word for 'exist' is 'existir'. It is used in the same context as it is in English, to denote the state of being in existence or reality. Like its English counterpart, 'existir' is used in conversational and written Spanish in various contexts, from philosophical discussions about existence to everyday conversation about the existence of a thing or phenomena.

Example sentences with  existir

In Spanish, 'éxito' is used in very similar contexts as 'success' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the achievement of goals, triumphs, or the positive results of an undertaking or situation. For example, you might say 'Tuve éxito en el examen' to mean 'I had success in the exam'. It can also be used to mean a hit, as in a successful song, movie, or other work.

Example sentences with  éxito
éxito de taquilla
box office success

The Spanish term 'éxito de taquilla' translates to 'box office success' in English. This term is commonly used in the cinematic industry to describe a film that is extremely popular and financial successful, often surpassing projected earnings at the box office. Success at the box office can often be a significant financial driver for a film's profitability.

Example sentences with  éxito de taquilla
expandirse (el universo)
expand (the universe)

The Spanish phrase 'expandirse (el universo)' translates to 'expand (the universe)' in English. It is used in the context of explaining phenomena in physics and cosmology. 'Expandirse' is a reflexive verb, indicating a process or change happening to the subject itself, in this case, the universe. It's derived from 'expandir' which means to expand or to spread. 'El universo' refers to 'the universe'. Combined, 'expandirse (el universo)' is used to describe the action of the universe expanding.

Example sentences with  expandirse (el universo)
expandirse una empresa
expand a company

The term 'expandirse una empresa' in Spanish refers to the process by which a company increases its operations, branches, or scale of production. This could involve opening up new branches in various locations, increasing the range of products or services being offered, or enhancing its production capacity. In English, this translates to 'expand a company'. This process is critical for businesses seeking increased revenues and market reach. It allows for more customer engagement and potentially, a larger customer pool.

Example sentences with  expandirse una empresa

The Spanish word 'expansión' translates to 'expansion' in English. It is used in a variety of scenarios. For example, in the context of business, it involves increasing business or trade activities. Additionally, it can also refer to the act of becoming larger or more extensive. It is a noun and is commonly used in fields like physics, economics, and geography to describe proper waning or growth of a certain entity or area.

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