Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

estrenar una película
premiere a movie

The Spanish term 'estrenar una película' translates to 'premiere a movie' in English. This is an action, often associated with the film industry, where a movie is publicly shown for the first time. This usually takes place at a special event, often attended by the film's crew and cast members, before the movie is released to the general public. This term can also be used more broadly to refer to any first time a product or service is used or introduced.

Example sentences with  estrenar una película

The Spanish word 'estreno' translates to 'premiere' in English. It is often used in the context of debut of a play, a film, or a musical performance. For example, if a new movie is releasing, you would use the word 'estreno' to denote the first public performance or showing of this movie. You can also use it to indicate the first performance of a play or a concert. It is a noun and can be paired with various adjectives to describe the premiere in greater detail.

estreno cinematográfico
Film premiere

The Spanish phrase 'estreno cinematográfico' translates to 'film premiere' in English. This refers to the initial showing or presentation of a movie. This event often takes place in a specific location, where the cast and crew of the movie convene to witness the first public viewing of their project. Such events are usually glamorized and are hallmarks of the film industry.

Example sentences with  estreno cinematográfico

The Spanish word 'estrés' is translated into English as 'stress'. This term often refers to a feeling of emotional or physical tension, which can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry or nervous. Stress is a normal part of life and can be beneficial in some situations, providing a boost of energy or helping to meet daily challenges. But if it becomes chronic, it can become harmful and lead to significant health problems.


The Spanish word 'estresarse' is a word that refers to the psychological reaction to excess pressure or demands. In English, it is translated as 'to get stressed' or 'to stress'. It is a reflexive verb that implies an action which is performed onto oneself. Therefore, 'estresarse' does not simply mean 'stress', but it describes the action of causing oneself to experience stress.


The Spanish word 'estropajo' does not exactly translate to 'ruin' in English. Instead, it is most commonly referred to as 'scouring pad' or 'scrub brush'. It is typically used to refer to a coarse or rough cleaning tool often used for scrubbing pots and other kitchen utensils.


The Spanish word 'estropearse' is a verb that translates to 'spoil' in English. It is often used to refer to something that has been wrecked or ruined over time. This can apply to various contexts, such as food becoming rotten or spoiled, an object getting damaged, or a situation turning unfavorable. The verb is reflexive in Spanish, meaning the action is performed on the subject itself, hence the 'se' ending.

Example sentences with  estropearse
estropearse el día
ruin the day

The term 'estropearse el día' in Spanish translates to 'ruin the day' in English. It is a common phrase used when a plan or a day doesn't go as expected due to an unfortunate event or mishap. The literal meaning is when a day gets spoiled or messed up. This phrase can be used in both formal and informal conversations, and it is a way of expressing discontent or dissatisfaction with the way events are proceeding during a particular day.

Example sentences with  estropearse el día
estropearse el tiempo
spoil time

The Spanish phrase 'estropearse el tiempo' literally translates to 'spoil time' in English. However, the phrase is typically used to describe a situation where the weather turns bad or deteriorates. So, a more practical translation may be 'the weather turns bad' or 'the weather spoils'. It's important to note the difference between literal and contextual translation when learning new languages.

Example sentences with  estropearse el tiempo
estropearse un alimento
spoil a food

The Spanish phrase 'estropearse un alimento' translates to 'spoil a food' in English. This phrase refers to the process when a food item becomes unfit for eating due to bacteria or fungus growth, change in color, odor or texture, or it has stayed long beyond its expiry date. It is usually recommended to discard such spoiled food to avoid health problems.

estropearse un electrodoméstico
spoil an appliance

The Spanish phrase 'estropearse un electrodoméstico' translates to 'spoil an appliance' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe a situation where an household appliance like a refrigerator, oven, or microwave, has broken down or is no longer functioning properly. In other words, it signifies that a home appliance has become damaged or ruined in some way. Therefore, if you hear someone say 'estropearse un electrodoméstico', it can be inferred that there is a faulty or malfunctioning appliance.

estructura textual
textual structure

The term 'estructura textual' in Spanish translates to 'textual structure' in English. Textual structure is the organization and framework of a piece of text. It refers to how content is arranged within a text- whether it's a direct statement, a sequence, or structured in a more complex method. Understanding the textual structure helps the reader to comprehend the content and the writer's intentions.

Example sentences with  estructura textual
estudiante en prácticas
student in internship

The term 'estudiante en prácticas' in Spanish refers to a student who is currently obtaining practical experience in their field of study as part of their curriculum. This is usually accomplished through a temporary job placement known as an internship. An internship allows the student to apply their theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, often under the supervision and guidance of an experienced professional.


'Estudiar' translates to 'study' in English. It's used when referring to the act of acquiring knowledge or skill by studying, practicing or being taught.

Example sentences with  estudiar
estudiar de memoria
study memory

The Spanish phrase 'estudiar de memoria' directly translates to 'study from memory' in English. However, it is more conceptually similar to the English phrase 'to memorize'. It refers to the process of thoroughly learning and remembering information for future use, often in the context of academic study or preparing for tests. In many cultures, this is a common method for learning and internalizing knowledge.

estudiar el bachillerato
to study high school

The Spanish phrase 'estudiar el bachillerato' translates to 'study high school' in English. It indicates the action of receiving an education at the high school level. It is often used in regard to academic studies or when discussing educational achievement or plans.

estudiar en el conservatorio
study in the conservatory

The Spanish phrase 'estudiar en el conservatorio' translates to 'study in the conservatory' in English. It is typically used in the context of someone pursuing musical or art education in a specialized school, often called a conservatory. Those who 'estudian en el conservatorio' are usually students focusing on a particular aspect of music or arts, practicing and honing their skills within a structured curriculum. It can also be used generally for any kind of study or work done in a conservatory setting.

Example sentences with  estudiar en el conservatorio
estudiar un doctorado
study a doctorate

The phrase 'estudiar un doctorado' in Spanish translates to 'study a doctorate' in English. This phrase is typically used in the context of higher education, specifying one's intention to engage in advanced studies beyond a master's degree, leading to a doctoral degree. A person who says 'estudiar un doctorado' is likely to be communicating their plan or desire to pursue a PhD or any similar highest level of university degree given in many countries.

estudiar un máster
study a master's degree

The Spanish phrase 'estudiar un máster' translates to 'study a master's degree' in English. This refers to the act of engaging in a postgraduate program that results in earning a master's degree. This high level of academic study typically comes after completion of an undergraduate degree and can encompass a wide range of specific fields, such as arts, sciences, business, and more. The phrase can be used in various contexts such as expressing future educational goals or discussing academic accomplishments.

estudiar una carrera
study a career

The Spanish phrase 'estudiar una carrera' translates to 'study a career' in English. This generally refers to specializing in a specific field of study at a university or other higher education institution with the intention of pursuing that field as a career. For example, 'estudiar una carrera en medicina' would mean to study a career in medicine, implying that the individual is studying to become a medical professional.

estudio de mercado
market study

The term 'estudio de mercado' in Spanish translates to 'market study' in English. A market study is an evaluation of the market for a certain product or service, in regard to its commercial attractiveness and competitiveness. This kind of study typically probes into size, trends, habits and other attributes of the identified market. It is commonly conducted by businesses to help in strategic planning and decision-making processes.

Example sentences with  estudio de mercado
estudios de grado medio
middle-grade studies

The Spanish term 'estudios de grado medio' translates to 'middle-grade studies' in English. This term is generally used in the context of education to refer to a set of studies or courses that are intended to provide students with intermediate knowledge and skills specific to a particular field or academic area. The 'middle-grade studies' typically refer to a study level that is higher than primary or basic studies, but lower than university studies or advanced-degree studies.

estudios de grado superior
higher grade studies

The Spanish phrase 'estudios de grado superior' translates to 'higher grade studies' in English. This typically refers to post-secondary education, similar to what we would call a bachelor's degree or higher in the English speaking world. These are advanced programs of study that follow high school and are often provided by universities or similar educational institutions.

estudios primarios
primary studies

The word 'estudios primarios' is a Spanish term which translates to 'primary studies' in English. These refer to the fundamental and initial level of education that children receive, often between the ages of 6-12. These studies are mandatory in many countries and typically include subjects such as mathematics, science, social studies, arts, and a first language ('Lengua/Literatura' in Spanish speaking countries). 'Estudios primarios' forms the baseline of a child's formal education and development.

estudios secundarios
Secondary studies

The Spanish term 'estudios secundarios' is translated as 'secondary studies' in English. It generally refers to high school education or any education level that follows the primary or elementary school. Given the educational systems differ around the world, the exact nature and level of studies could vary from one place to another. However, in general, it indicates the intermediate level of formal education that is usually essential before entering higher educational institutions like universities or colleges.

estudios universitarios
University studies

The Spanish words 'estudios universitarios' directly translate into English as 'university studies'. This term is commonly used to refer to the advanced, tertiary level of education received at a university. This might include various academic disciplines like humanities, sciences, engineering, and more, which are generally pursued after completion of secondary education or high school.


The Spanish word 'estupendo' is used to describe something that is very good, impressive, or admirable. It can be a person, place or situation. It's versatile and used in various contexts, much like its English counterpart 'great'.

Example sentences with  estupendo
etapa educativa
educational stage

The Spanish term 'etapa educativa' translates to 'educational stage' in English. This refers to the particular phase of education a person is in. These stages are generally categorized as preschool, primary school, secondary school, and higher education, including college or university. The term is often used in educational contexts to refer to the scope and sequence of a person's formal education journey.

etapa formativa
formative stage

The Spanish phrase 'etapa formativa' translates as 'formative stage' in English. It refers to a period of growth and development, often used in reference to education, psychology, and child development. During this stage, individuals or entities undergo significant changes that play a crucial role in defining their fundamental characteristics.


The Spanish word 'eternidad' translates to 'eternity' in English. It is a noun and it is used to refer to a state to which time has no end, the state which comes after death, or existing for a time that has no end. It can also signify an infinite or countless periods of time. Situations or feelings that appear to have no end or limit, or that last for a very extended period can also be described as 'eternity'. 'Eternidad' is often used in spiritual or poetic contexts in Spanish.

Example sentences with  eternidad
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