Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

estilo escultórico
sculptural style

The term 'estilo escultórico' directly translates from Spanish to English as 'sculptural style'. It refers to the distinct techniques, methods, and aesthetic principles that a sculptor uses in the creation of their work. Much like a writer might have a unique writing style, a sculptor has a unique sculptural style. This can include decisions about form, material, texture, scale, and more. Recognizing and understanding different sculptural styles can deepen the appreciation and analysis of sculptures.

Example sentences with  estilo escultórico
estilo expresionista
Expressionist style

The phrase 'estilo expresionista' in Spanish translates to 'expressionist style' in English. This phrase is widely used in the elegance of visual, literary, and performing art forms where the expression of strong emotional resonance or response preoccupies the artist. Emphasis is placed on representing the subjective experience over objective reality, hence it's widely used to describe works of art that communicate intense emotion or a distorted perception of reality.

Example sentences with  estilo expresionista
estilo florido
flowery style

The Spanish phrase 'estilo florido' is an idiom that translates directly to 'flowery style' in English. It refers to a way of speaking or writing that is ornate and filled with decorative or figurative language. This is typically used to enhance the beauty and appeal of the speech or text, often in a poetic or artistic context. Therefore, if someone's language or prose is referred to as 'estilo florido', it means that it is particularly descriptive, ornamental, or elaborate.

Example sentences with  estilo florido
estilo futurista
futuristic style

The Spanish phrase 'estilo futurista' translates to 'futuristic style' in English. It is a term often used in the context of design, architecture, and fashion to describe a style that is innovative, forward-thinking, and often characterized by sleek lines, shiny or metallic materials, and a sense of looking towards the future. This can include anything from clothing designs to building structures to product design. The term can also be applied in art, literature, and other areas of creative expression.

Example sentences with  estilo futurista
estilo gótico
Gothic style

The term 'estilo gótico' translates to 'gothic style' in English. Generally, this phrase is used to denote a style of art or architecture that flourished in Europe from the 12th through the 16th centuries. With typical features including pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses, gothic style represents a significant period in the historical timeline of European culture. 'Estilo gótico' might also refer to gothic style in other aspects such as fashion or literature, which emerged in the late 18th and early 19th centuries marked by a fascination with the mysterious, the supernatural, and the grotesque.

Example sentences with  estilo gótico
estilo impresionista
Impressionist style

The term 'estilo impresionista' is Spanish and translates to 'impressionist style' in English. Primarily associated with the field of visual arts, the impressionism style focuses on capturing the sensory effect of a moment or scene, putting emphasis on perception and immediate observation instead of a meticulous, detail-orientated rendition. This term is also used in literature and music to describe similar stylistic approaches. It flourished primarily in France during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Example sentences with  estilo impresionista
estilo literario
literary style

The Spanish term 'estilo literario' translates to 'literary style' in English. In literature, it refers to the way in which a work of literature is written, i.e., the techniques, tone, and format the author uses to express his or her ideas. Different authors have unique literary styles, and these styles can further be categorized into several broad categories such as formal, informal, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative, each with its unique characteristics. The understanding of 'estilo literario' is vital in the analysis and appreciation of literary works.

Example sentences with  estilo literario
estilo minimalista
minimalist style

The Spanish term 'estilo minimalista' translates to 'minimalist style' in English. This concept is often used in the context of art, fashion, and interior design. The minimalist style focuses on simplicity and considers the saying 'less is more'. Everything unnecessary is removed to bring attention to the most essential elements. In art, minimalist works are typically devoid of personal expression or detailed depictions. In interior design, a minimalist space is characterized by simplicity and a lack of excessive decoration or furniture. In fashion, minimalist style often involves monochrome color schemes and simple, functional designs.

estilo modernista
Modernist style

'Estilo modernista' is a Spanish term that refers to the modernist style. It often refers to a movement in the arts that originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This style is characterized by its departure from traditional forms and techniques and emphasizes freedom of expression, originality, and individuality. Just like in English, the term can be applied in various contexts such as architecture, literature, and other forms of art and design.

Example sentences with  estilo modernista
estilo moderno
Modern style

The phrase 'estilo moderno' in Spanish translates to 'modern style' in English. It is commonly used in reference to contemporary, up-to-date fashions or designs. This term is applicable to various fields, such as art, architecture, fashion, interior design, and more. Being of the 'modern style' generally signifies being current, trendy, or aligned with the styles and tastes of the present or recent times.

estilo particular
particular style

The Spanish phrase 'estilo particular' translates to 'particular style' in English. It is typically used to describe a unique or individual sense of style, whether related to fashion, design, approach, or methodology. For example, in art, each artist may have their 'estilo particular' that differentiates their work from others. The same can be applied across a wide array of subjects, indicating a characteristic or distinctive way of doing things. This phrase is used frequently in both conversational and formal Spanish.

Example sentences with  estilo particular
estilo pictórico
pictorial style

The term 'estilo pictórico' in Spanish translates to 'pictorial style' in English. This is a term often used in the art world to refer to the unique and distinct manner in which an artist paints, or the characteristics and techniques used in their artwork. It can be used to categorize art into various types or periods based on these stylistic features. The specific 'estilo pictórico' of a work can often give us insight into the artist's intentions and influences.

Example sentences with  estilo pictórico
estilo prerrománico
Pre-Romantic style

The term 'estilo prerrománico' refers to an architectural style that emerged before the Romanesque period. This pre-Romanesque style encompasses several styles in Europe dating from the 5th to the 10th century. The designs in this style are distinctively different from Roman architecture with its rounded arches and massive proportions. 'Estilo prerrománico' often features design elements like horseshoe arches, ribbed vaults or barrel vaults, and uses materials like stone, brick or wood.

Example sentences with  estilo prerrománico
estilo propio

'Estilo propio' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'own style' in English. It does not merely refer to style in a generic sense but to a style that is distinctive or unique to a person or thing. It could pertain to one's personal fashion sense, a unique method of doing things, or an individual artistic expression, among others things. This phrase emphasizes individuality and personal touch in the context it is used.

Example sentences with  estilo propio
estilo realista
realistic style

The Spanish term 'estilo realista' can be translated into English as 'realistic style'. This phrase is often used in the context of art and literature, referring to work that aims to reflect reality in a non-abstract and detailed manner. Realistic style is characterized by the accurate and detailed depiction of scenery, objects, and characters as they appear in the real world, rather than stylized or abstract representations.

Example sentences with  estilo realista
estilo románico
Romanesque style

The 'estilo románico' translates to 'Romanesque style' in English. It refers to an architectural style of medieval Europe characterized by semi-circular arches, a massive quality, thick walls, and symmetrical plan. Its features include round arches, robust appearance, stout pillars, barrel vaults, large towers and decorative arcading. This style was prevalent from the late 10th to the early 13th centuries.

Example sentences with  estilo románico
estilo rústico
rustic style

The term 'estilo rústico' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'rustic style' in English. In design and architecture, 'rustic style' embodies raw, natural beauty, often incorporating elements like wood and stone, and uses more traditional, earthy colors. In Spanish, whenever people refer to the 'estilo rústico', they are speaking about a design or style that represents a warm, natural, and ageless aesthetic typically found in country homes, outdoor settings, or old-fashioned establishments.

estilo sobrio
Sober style

The Spanish term 'estilo sobrio' translates to 'sober style' in English. This term is predominantly used in the world of fashion and interior design to describe styles that are restrained, simple, and elegant in nature. Similarly, it can also refer to a lifestyle or behavior that is disciplined and serious. The adjective 'sober' carries a connotation of moderation, avoiding excesses and extreme flamboyance.

Example sentences with  estilo sobrio

The Spanish word 'esto' is used similarly to the English word 'this', it's a demonstrative pronoun that is gender neutral. It's often utilized to refer to a singular thing or idea that is close in space or time, or to something that's being introduced in the discourse. Compared to its English counterpart, 'esto' does not change based on gender or plural form, making it slightly simpler in usage.

Example sentences with  esto

The word 'estómago' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'stomach' in English. It is often used in both medical and everyday contexts. In anatomy, the 'estómago' is part of the digestive system where the process of digestion begins. The word is masculine and so it would be 'el estómago'.


The Spanish word 'estornudar' means to sneeze in English. This is a verb, and it refers to the act of forcibly ejecting air or other substances from the lungs through the nose and mouth generally caused by irritation in the nasal mucus. It is a common physiological phenomena often associated with colds, allergies, or certain physical stimuli.


The Spanish word 'estos' stands for 'these' in English. It is used as a demonstrative adjective in Spanish, referring to nearby things or people within the speaker's sight. For example, 'estos libros' can be translated as 'these books'. The word undergoes gender and number agreement so it can change to 'estas', 'este', or 'esta' depending on the noun it modifies.

Example sentences with  estos

The Spanish word for strategy is 'estrategia', which is used in the context of planning or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. It can be related to various contexts like war, politics, negotiations, businesses, games, or in a more general sense while developing a plan or a method or a series of maneuvers to achieve a specific goal.

Example sentences with  estrategia
estrategia de aprendizaje
learning strategy

The Spanish phrase 'estrategia de aprendizaje' translates to 'learning strategy' in English. It refers to the specific method or approach that a person uses to understand and remember new information or skills. Learning strategies can vary from person to person and can include techniques like repetition, note-taking, summarizing, or self-testing. The goal of these strategies is to enable effective and efficient learning.

estrechamiento de calzada

The Spanish term 'estrechamiento de calzada' translates to 'road narrowing' or 'narrowing of the road' in English. It is a phrase that speaks to traffic and road conditions, typically used to warn drivers of upcoming changes in the road's width. It does not mean 'close-up' as stated earlier. Please note that contextual translation might vary slightly, however, it is widely understood to indicate a change in road conditions that requires drivers to take caution.

Example sentences with  estrechamiento de calzada
estrechar lazos (de amistad)
strengthen bonds (of friendship)

The Spanish phrase 'estrechar lazos (de amistad)' translates to 'strengthen bonds (of friendship)' in English. It is used to describe the act of improving, fortifying or deepening relationships or friendships. This can be done through various means such as spending quality time together, expressing mutual respect and love, understanding and supporting each other. The literal translation is 'to narrow' or 'tighten' 'ties (of friendship)', which is a metaphor for making the connection or relationship closer or stronger.

estrechar(se) un vínculo

'Estrechar(se) un vínculo' is a Spanish phrase meaning 'to tighten a bond' or 'strengthen a connection'. It is composed of the verb 'estrechar' that translates to 'tighten' or 'narrow' and the noun 'vínculo' that is translated as 'bond' or 'link'. The phrase usually implies improving a relationship or connection, often through shared experiences or time spent together.


The word 'estrecho' in Spanish does not mean 'straight' in English. It actually translates to 'narrow'. Estrecho can be used to describe anything from a narrow road, a gap or even a tight squeeze in a situation. It is also used to describe close relationships between people, such as 'estrecha amistad' which means 'close friendship.'

Example sentences with  estrecho
estrella fugaz
shooting star

The Spanish term 'estrella fugaz' translates to 'shooting star' in English. A shooting star, scientifically known as a meteor, is a small, rapidly moving celestial object that burns up in the Earth's atmosphere, creating a streak of light visible from our planet. This spectacular natural phenomenon can often be seen on a clear night sky. The term 'estrella fugaz' is often used in literature and poetry, symbolising fleeting moments or transient beauty.

Example sentences with  estrella fugaz

The Spanish word 'estremecerse' translates to 'shudder' in English. This word is a reflexive verb which denotes the action of trembling, usually as a response to fear, cold, or excitement. It can be used in various contexts, for instance in describing physical reactions, emotional responses or metaphorical situations.

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