Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

estar prometido
to be promised

The Spanish verb phrase 'estar prometido' translates to 'to be promised' in English. This phrase has a connotation of a binding commitment, typically referring to an engagement or a pledge that something will be given or come to pass. It is often used in the context of interpersonal relationships, where a person promises another something. It can also refer to a state of being, referring to a duty or obligation that was promised.

estar resfriado
being cold

The phrase 'estar resfriado' in Spanish does not directly translate to 'being cold' in English. Rather, it is used to express the state of 'having a cold' or 'being sick with a cold'. It's important to realize the distinction here, as 'cold' in English can imply two things: the temperature being low or a common illness. In this case, 'estar resfriado' refers to the latter.

Example sentences with  estar resfriado
estar retirado
being retired

The Spanish phrase 'estar retirado' translates to 'being retired' in English. It is used to denote the state of someone who has stopped working, typically after reaching the age of retirement. However, it can also mean being withdrawn or removed from a particular situation or position. Correct usage and interpretation of this term often depends on context.

estar roto/estropeado
to be broken / damaged

The term 'estar roto/estropeado' in Spanish translates to 'be broken / damaged' in English. Especially used in the context of objects, this term is an adjective phrase used to describe something that is not functioning as it is supposed to due to some form of physical or functional damage. It can also be used metaphorically to describe a complicated or unfavorable situation.

estar sano
Being healthy

The Spanish phrase 'estar sano' translates to 'being healthy' in English. This phrase can be used to express a person's health condition in a positive manner where 'sano' means 'healthy' and 'estar' is a verb that could mean 'to be', giving a sense of a temporary state, hence 'being healthy'. In context, it is used to describe a person who maintains a good health condition, free from illness or diseases. It can also be used to describe a good health condition resulted from balanced diet and regular exercise.

Example sentences with  estar sano
estar sediento
to be thirsty

The Spanish phrase 'estar sediento' translates to 'to be thirsty' in English. This phrase is used when someone feels the need to drink something. It's used in the same way as it would be in English. For example, after a long run or on a hot day, one might say 'Estoy sediento', which means 'I am thirsty'.

estar sentado

The Spanish phrase 'estar sentado' translates to 'sitting' in English. The phrase is used to describe the action of being seated, or currently resting in a seated position. It is the present participle of the verb 'sentar' in conjunction with the verb 'estar' which is used to indicate ongoing or current states or actions.

estar sin fondos
without funds

The Spanish term 'estar sin fondos' translates to 'without funds' in English. It is often used in financial or economic contexts to describe a situation where an individual or an entity does not have sufficient money or financial resources to meet their required needs or obligations. Similar phrases in English would be 'to be broke' or 'to be out of money'. It's important to understand that 'estar sin fondos' implies a temporary situation. The individual or entity is currently without funds, but that could change in the future.

Example sentences with  estar sin fondos
estar situado
be located

The phrase 'estar situado' in Spanish is translated as 'be located' in English. The phrase is used in similar contexts in both languages, typically to indicate the place or position of something or someone. For instance, if you enquire about the location of a place, someone might use this phrase to describe where it is. It's a common phrase that comes in handy in various situations, such as asking for directions, discussing geography or reporting about events.

Example sentences with  estar situado
estar sobrio
Being sober

'Estar sobrio' in Spanish translates to 'being sober' in English. It is a term used to describe abstinence or restraint from drinking or taking intoxicants or substances that can alter one's normal state of mind. It has a wider usage to explain a state of seriousness, steadiness, or clear-headedness in a person's demeanor and actions. The verb 'estar' indicates a temporary state while 'sobrio' translates to sober. It does not necessarily define a habitual state of sobriety but rather a current condition or state.

estar tiritando (de frío)
to be shivering (cold)

The Spanish phrase 'estar tiritando (de frío)' translates to 'to be shivering (cold)' in English. This is generally used to express a lack of warmth resulting in uncontrollable shaking of the body, which is a typical physiological response to cold in humans and many other animals. It can be used both in literal sense, as in the physical state of being cold, and figuratively, to express fear, nervousness, or anticipation.

estar tonto
to be foolish

The Spanish phrase 'estar tonto' roughly translates into English as 'to be foolish'. This term is often used to describe someone who is behaving in a way that lacks sense or judgement. The usage of 'estar' instead of 'ser' in this context emphasizes a temporary state or condition. Thus, it implies that the person is not always foolish, but is acting foolish at that particular moment.

Example sentences with  estar tonto
estar triste
being sad

The Spanish phrase 'estar triste' translates to 'being sad' in English. This phrase is often used to describe someone's emotional state at a particular moment in time. 'Estar' is a verb that means 'to be' and 'triste' is an adjective that means 'sad'. So 'estar triste' in English can be understood as 'to be sad'. In Spanish, feelings are described using 'estar' rather than 'ser', which is generally used for more permanent states of being.


The word 'estatua' in Spanish translates to 'statue' in English. A statue is a free-standing sculpture in which real or imaginary people or animals, or, less commonly, things are represented. Usually found in public places, statues are an integral part of architecture and history, symbolizing important events or people from the past.

Example sentences with  estatua
estatua de barro
statue of clay

The Spanish phrase 'estatua de barro' translates directly into English as 'statue of clay'. In a broader context, this can refer to any sculpture or physical representation created from clay, a type of earthen material that has been used since prehistoric times to create art. The phrase may be used in various fields, such as art, history, and archaeology.

Example sentences with  estatua de barro
estatua de bronce
bronze statue

The phrase 'estatua de bronce' in Spanish translates to 'bronze statue' in English. This phrase is composed of two words - 'estatua' meaning 'statue' and 'de bronce' meaning 'of bronze'. It can be used in various contexts where the presence of a statue made out of bronze is being referred to. In art and architecture, bronze statues have been a significant form of statuary since ancient times due to the durability and strength of bronze. In this case, it could be referring to a piece of art, historical monument, or any figurative representation made of bronze.

Example sentences with  estatua de bronce
estatua de mármol
marble statue

The Spanish phrase 'estatua de mármol' translates to 'marble statue' in English. This phrase can be broken down into two parts: 'estatua' means 'statue' and 'de mármol' means 'of marble'. So, put together, 'estatua de mármol' refers to a statue that has been made from marble, which is a type of hard, typically white stone that is often used for sculptures and buildings.

Example sentences with  estatua de mármol

The Spanish word 'este' is used to describe the cardinal direction east. It is equivalent to the English term and can be used in similar contexts, such as geographical descriptions, navigational instructions, or even more symbolic contexts like referring to the direction of the sunrise.

Example sentences with  este

The Spanish word 'estética' translates to 'aesthetic' in English. It comes from the Greek word 'aisthetikos'. It is primarily used to express concepts associated with beauty and the art. 'Estética' can refer both to the study of beauty and art, especially in philosophy, as well as to a pleasing appearance or arrangement in general. Like the English word 'aesthetic', 'estética' can describe both the philosophical concept and tangible objects or design, lending a broad and complex meaning to the term.

Example sentences with  estética
estilo abstracto
abstract style

The Spanish term 'estilo abstracto' translates to 'abstract style' in English. This term is often used in the context of art, where it denotes a style that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of visual reality. Instead, abstract style uses shapes, colors, forms, and gestural marks to achieve its effect. In essence, 'estilo abstracto' embodies a departure from traditional representational artwork, in favor of artwork that experiments with non-traditional modes of visual expression.

Example sentences with  estilo abstracto
estilo ágil
agile style

The term 'estilo ágil' in Spanish translates to 'agile style' in English. This term is often used within the context of project management and software development to refer to an iterative approach where the requirements and solutions evolve through the collaborative effort of cross-functional teams. It promotes adaptive planning, continuous improvement, and a quick and flexible response to change.

Example sentences with  estilo ágil
estilo arquitectónico
architectural style

The phrase 'estilo arquitectónico' in Spanish translates to 'architectural style' in English. An architectural style is a way of classifying architecture primarily by its visual appearance, exclusive of the underlying means of construction. It signifies specific methods that are popular during specific historical periods or at certain geographical locations, and it often reflects cultural and societal trends or values at that time. The term 'estilo arquitectónico' is used in Spanish-speaking cultures to define and categorize these various styles throughout architectural history, such as 'baroque', 'Gothic', or 'modern' architectural style.

Example sentences with  estilo arquitectónico
estilo barroco
Baroque style

The term 'estilo barroco' in Spanish translates to 'baroque style' in English. It represents an artistic style that was prevalent from the late 16th century to the mid 18th century in Europe. This style is characterized by extravagant and highly detailed art, architecture, and music. The baroque style often portrays dramatic themes and is noted for evoking emotional responses from the audience.

Example sentences with  estilo barroco
estilo clásico
classic style

The Spanish term 'estilo clásico' translates to 'classic style' in English. This refers to the traditional artistic and architectural style that is inspired by the principles of ancient Greek and Roman culture. This style is marked by qualities such as simplicity, symmetry, and proportionality. In the broader context, 'classic style' could also refer to the traditional or conventional method, appearance, or design of anything, be it fashion design, literature, music, or other artistic and non-artistic disciplines.

estilo colonial
colonial style

The term 'estilo colonial' is Spanish for 'colonial style'. This is often used to describe architecture and design prevalent during the colonial period in different parts of the world. It commonly refers to structures built by colonizing nations like Spain, France, England and the Netherlands. 'Estilo colonial' has diverse visual identities, primarily influenced by the colonizer's own architectural style fused with elements from indigenous cultures.

estilo cubista
Cubist style

The term 'estilo cubista' translates to 'cubist style' in English. This term is from the field of art and specifically relates to Cubism, an early 20th-century style and movement in art, especially painting, in which perspective with a single viewpoint was abandoned and use was made of simple geometric shapes, interlocking planes, and, later, collage. Popularized by artists like Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, the cubist style breaks the subject into shapes and reconstructs them to create a very abstract and multi-dimensional perspective.

Example sentences with  estilo cubista
estilo cuidado
style care

The Spanish phrase 'estilo cuidado' translates to 'style care' in English. It is a term often used in fashion and beauty industries, signifying the attention, maintenance, or care given to one's personal style or presentation. It can also refer to the aesthetic or stylistic preference of an individual as it pertains to their habits or tastes in fashion, grooming, and personal care.

Example sentences with  estilo cuidado
estilo definido
defined style

The Spanish term 'estilo definido' translates to 'defined style' in English. Often used in contexts such as fashion, design, and arts, 'estilo definido' can refer to a style or aesthetic that is distinct and well-established. It can be applied to clarify a particular form or type that possesses a set of specific characteristics which makes it identifiable as a unique or particular style.

Example sentences with  estilo definido
estilo directo
Direct style

The term 'estilo directo' in Spanish translates to 'direct style' in English. This term is mostly used in literature and grammar, referring to the method of presentation where speech, thoughts, or expressions are presented exactly as they were originally spoken or written, not paraphrased or summarized. It can often be spotted by phrases such as 'he said' or 'she said', followed by a quotation. It gives a form of authenticity to the message as it retains the original words of the speaker or writer.

Example sentences with  estilo directo
estilo elegante
elegant style

The Spanish phrase 'estilo elegante' translates to 'elegant style' in English. It is typically used to describe a high level of sophistication and refinement in one's appearance or decor. An 'estilo elegante' places emphasis on quality, grace, and good taste, often embodying a timeless and classy aesthetic.

Example sentences with  estilo elegante
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