Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

estación (del año)
season (year)

The Spanish term 'estación (del año)' can be translated to 'season (of the year)' in English. It refers to the division of the year into four distinct periods, namely, spring, summer, autumn, and winter, each having its unique weather conditions and day lengths. This term captures the rotational pattern of the Earth around the sun and the subsequent change in our environment. 'Estación del año' is used in various contexts in Spanish-speaking countries including weather forecasts, agriculturality, festivities, and fashion.

Example sentences with  estación (del año)
estación de autobuses
bus station

The Spanish phrase 'estación de autobuses' translates to 'bus station' in English. A 'bus station' is a structure where city or intercity buses stop to pick up and drop off passengers. It's a central hub of public transportation, often located in city centers or busy neighborhoods, where various bus routes converge. In Spanish speaking countries, 'estación de autobuses' are common and an important part of public transportation infrastructure.

Example sentences with  estación de autobuses
estación de metro
metro station

The Spanish term 'estación de metro' translates to 'metro station' in English. It refers to a specified area where the metro, or a type of high-capacity public transportation, stops for passengers to get on or off. These stations are typically found in urban areas and can be located either underground or above ground. They are a central part of public transportation in many cities worldwide.

Example sentences with  estación de metro
estación de servicio
Service station

The Spanish term 'estación de servicio' translates to 'service station' in English. Service station refers to a place where vehicles, especially automobiles, can refuel with gasoline or diesel. In addition to fuel, many service stations also offer services such as car repair and maintenance. Some might also include convenience stores or snack bars, providing essential and immediate services or items to motorists and passengers.

Example sentences with  estación de servicio
estación de tren
train station

The Spanish term 'estación de tren' translates to 'train station' in English. This is a facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers or freight. It generally consists of at least one track-side platform and a station building providing such ancillary services as ticket sales, waiting rooms and baggage/freight service. It's a very common term used in transportation.

Example sentences with  estación de tren
estación espacial
Space station

The Spanish term 'estación espacial' translates to 'space station' in English. A space station is a large spacecraft that remains in low Earth orbit for extended periods of time. It is a home where astronauts live and work. The International Space Station, known as 'la Estación Espacial Internacional' in Spanish, is a space station inhabited by astronauts from around the world, conducting scientific research and experiments in a variety of fields.

Example sentences with  estación espacial
estacionamiento prohibido
prohibited parking

The Spanish phrase 'estacionamiento prohibido' translates to 'prohibited parking' in English. This phrase is often seen on signs to indicate areas where vehicles are not allowed to park. Both the words 'estacionamiento' and 'prohibido' are used in a wide range of context. 'Estacionamiento' refers to the action of parking or place where you park, whereas 'prohibido' refers to something that is forbidden or prohibited. Understanding of such phrases is crucial while navigating in Spanish speaking areas to adhere to local law enforcement rules and etiquette.

Example sentences with  estacionamiento prohibido

An 'Estadio' is a large structure or venue for sports, concerts, or events. It usually has a field or stage surrounded by tiers of seating for spectators.

Example sentences with  estadio
estadio municipal
Municipal stadium

The term 'estadio municipal' in Spanish translates to 'municipal stadium' in English. The term is typically used to refer a sports arena or a facility where sporting events are usually held, and it's owned and operated by a municipality or local government. These stadiums can host a variety of sports, including football, baseball, or athletics, serving as important venues for local team games, competitions and community events.

Example sentences with  estadio municipal

The Spanish word 'estadística' translates to 'statistics' in English. 'Estadística' can refer to both the science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large amounts, especially for inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample. It also refers to a fact or piece of data from statistical study. Like the English word 'statistics', 'estadística' is used in both a singular and plural sense in Spanish.

Example sentences with  estadística

The word 'estado' in Spanish translates to 'state' in English. It's used in a similar context, such as when referring to the condition of someone or something, a state in a country, or expressing a particular condition that something is in. An example phrase would be 'El estado de la habitación' which translates to 'The state of the room.'

Example sentences with  estado
estado autonómico
autonomous state

The term 'estado autonómico' in Spanish translates to 'autonomous state' in English. An autonomous state is a state or region that has a high degree of self-governance, or autonomy, from a federal or national government. It operates independently in certain matters while still being part of a larger entity. It is often used to refer to regions or provinces within larger nations that have their own local governments, and may have their own laws, regulations, and constitutions. Examples of autonomous states include Catalonia in Spain, Scotland in the UK, and Tibet in China.

Example sentences with  estado autonómico
estado civil
marital status

The Spanish phrase 'estado civil' translates to 'marital status' in English. It refers to the formal ranking, recognized by the society and law, that an individual holds in terms of his or her relationship commitment. This status could indicate whether the person is single, married, divorced, widowed, separated, etc. It is often used in official documents and forms.

estado de derecho
rule of law

The Spanish term 'estado de derecho' translates to 'rule of law' in English. This term refers to the principle that law should govern a nation, as opposed to being governed by arbitrary decisions of individual government officials. It primarily refers to the influence and authority of law within society, particularly as a constraint upon behavior, including behavior of government officials. 'Estado de derecho' is a fundamental principle in much of the western world where the power of the state is limited in order to protect citizens' rights.

Example sentences with  estado de derecho
estado democrático
democratic state

The term 'estado democrático' in Spanish translates to 'democratic state' in English. A democratic state is a form of government where the people have the authority to choose their governing legislature. It is a type of political system that is shaped by citizens and their participation, emphasizing equal rights, freedom of speech, and a fair rule of law.

Example sentences with  estado democrático
estado federal
federal state

'Estado federal' is a term in Spanish referring to 'federal state' in English. It is a specific political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing provinces, states, or other regions under a central federal government. This term encapsulates the political structure found in nations such as the United States, where individual states have powers that are independent of the federal government, but are still under its regulation. In translation, 'estado' stands for 'state' and 'federal' remains identical in English.

Example sentences with  estado federal
estado gaseoso
Gaseous state

The term 'estado gaseoso' in Spanish translates to 'gaseous state' in English. It is one of the three fundamental states of matter, alongside 'estado sólido' (solid state) and 'estado líquido' (liquid state). In the gaseous state, particles move around freely, subjected to very little force of attraction, causing them to occupy the entire available space.

Example sentences with  estado gaseoso
estado líquido
Liquid state

The term 'estado líquido' in Spanish translates to 'liquid state' in English. It's a phrase associated with the state of matter in science where a material is in a state that's free-flowing but doesn't expand indefinitely, like water or oil. It's one of the basic states of matter, alongside solid and gas. This term is commonly used in physical and chemical education or conversations about nature and substances.

Example sentences with  estado líquido
estado sólido
solid state

The term 'estado sólido' in Spanish is translated as 'solid state' in English. In the field of physics, 'estado sólido' refers to one of the four fundamental states of matter where particles are closely packed together, resulting in a shape that is resistant to deformation or change unlike other states such as liquid or gas. It also refers to a state in electronics, particularly in semiconductors, where devices operate without moving parts, making them more efficient and hard-wearing.

Example sentences with  estado sólido
estallar un (artefacto) explosivo
explode an explosive (artfact)

The Spanish phrase 'estallar un (artefacto) explosivo' translates to 'explode an explosive (artifact)' in English. This term typically refers to the act of causing an item, specifically a device or mechanism designed to generate an explosion, to violently burst apart and release energy through rapid expansion of gas. It's commonly used in contexts related to military actions, science experiments, pyrotechnics, or criminal activities involving the use of explosives.

estallar una bomba
explode a bomb.

The Spanish term 'estallar una bomba' translates to 'explode a bomb' in English. It refers to the act of causing an explosive device referred to as a 'bomba' to detonate or 'estallar', creating a large-scale explosion. This is a phrase that is typically used in a literal sense to refer to the act of detonating explosives, although it can also be used figuratively to refer to situations that rapidly intensify or escalate.


The Spanish word 'estampado' translates to 'printed' in English. This word is often used to describe objects or materials, particularly fabrics, that have had a picture or pattern applied to them by pressure. This could be through a variety of ways such as dyed, painted, or more commonly pressed onto the surface. For example, if a shirt has a colorful design or pattern, you could say that the shirt is 'estampado'. Please note that it's an adjective, so it would often be used in conjunction with the item that has been printed. In usage, the placement and arrangement may change as per Spanish grammar.


The given information is incorrect. 'Estanco' does not translate to 'staircase'. 'Estanco' is a Spanish word which is generally used to represent a small shop or kiosk that sells tobacco, stamps, and other public documents in Spain. Sometimes it could also mean a place where the sale of an item is strictly controlled by the state or 'a monopoly'. A closer Spanish word for 'staircase' is 'escalera'.


The Spanish word 'estándar' is used much like its English counterpart 'standard'. It can refer to a level of quality, a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment, or an average or normal requirement. It is often used in the context of conformity, guidelines, specifications, or measurements.

Example sentences with  estándar

The Spanish word 'estantería' translates to 'shelf' in English. It typically refers to a flat horizontal plane used for storage. They are most commonly found in homes, offices, libraries, and many other places, used to hold items such as books, decorative objects, kitchen utensils, and various equipment. In a broader sense, estantería might refer to a bookcase or shelving unit, which is a structure consisting of several shelves.

estar (contra)indicado para una enfermedad
being (contra)indicated for a disease

The Spanish phrase 'estar (contra)indicado para una enfermedad' translates to 'being (contra)indicated for a disease' in English. This usually refers to a situation where a specific medication or treatment is strongly advised for a certain disease (indicated), or where a specific medication or treatment should not be used for a certain disease (contra-indicated) because it might be harmful or ineffective.

Example sentences with  estar (contra)indicado para una enfermedad
estar (el público) enfervorizado
being (the public) sick

The phrase 'estar (el público) enfervorizado' in Spanish does not translate to 'being (the public) sick' in English. Instead, it roughly translates to 'the audience becoming fervent or extremely excited or enthusiastic'. It is often used when describing an audience reaction in performances or public speeches, where the audience is deeply moved or passionately engaged with the presented content. Spanish, like many languages, uses rich idiomatic expressions, and this phrase is a good example of that. In summary, 'estar (el público) enfervorizado' could be the audience being passionate, enthralled, or fervently engaged.

estar (el público) entregado
being (the public) delivered

The Spanish phrase 'estar (el público) entregado' has a more metaphorical meaning in English than simply 'being (the public) delivered'. It is used to describe a situation where the audience or public is fully engaged or captivated by something or someone. It can be used in contexts such as concerts, speeches, performances, etc., where the performer has the total attention and emotional investment of the audience.

estar (sordo) como una tapia
being (sorted) as a plug

The phrase 'estar (sordo) como una tapia' in Spanish is an idiomatic expression that is translated as 'being (deaf) as a post' in English. This phrase is used to describe someone who is extremely hard of hearing or is not paying attention to what is being said. It is similar to the English phrases 'deaf as a post' or 'turning a deaf ear'. Please note, this phrase is not literal and using it requires understanding of the context.

estar a dieta
being on a diet

The Spanish phrase 'estar a dieta' directly translates to 'being on a diet' in English. This is commonly used to express the state or situation where one is intentionally managing or restricting their food intake for health or weight management purposes. 'Estar' is a verb which denotes a transient or changing state here indicating the temporary nature of a diet, while 'a dieta' means 'on a diet'. Thus altogether, 'estar a dieta' equates to 'being on a diet'.

Example sentences with  estar a dieta
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