Spanish Spanish

Vocab Builder for commonly used words in Spanish.

alimento bajo en azúcar
low sugar food

The Spanish term 'alimento bajo en azúcar' translates to 'low sugar food' in English. This is a nutritional description used to label and identify foods that contain minimal amounts of sugar. This term is frequenty used in dietary and health contexts, where sugar intake needs to be monitored or reduced. The individual words translate to 'alimento' (food), 'bajo' (low) and 'en azúcar' (in sugar).

alimento bajo en calorías
low calorie food

The Spanish term 'alimento bajo en calorías' translates to 'low calorie food' in English. This is generally used to refer to foods that are nourishing but have a reduced energy value, which are often consumed by individuals wanting to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle. These foods tend to be rich in fiber, protein, and other nutrients but are low in fats, sugars, and carbohydrates, the major sources of calories.

alimento bajo en sal
low-salt food

The Spanish phrase 'alimento bajo en sal' translates to 'low-salt food' in English. In dietary and nutrition contexts, this points to food items that are specifically prepared with a minimal amount of salt or sodium in order to cater to individuals who are on a low-sodium diet. These kind of meals are notably beneficial for people who are facing heart related health issues or high blood pressure, as reducing salt intake can help in managing these conditions.

alimento básico
basic food

The Spanish term 'alimento básico' can be translated as 'basic food' in English. This term usually refers to a primary or fundamental food source that makes up a large portion of a diet and is essential in adequately providing essential nutrients and energy. Examples of 'alimento básico' could include bread, rice, or potatoes in different cultures worldwide.

alimento congelado
frozen food

The Spanish phrase 'alimento congelado' translates to 'frozen food' in English. This term refers to food that has been subjected to rapid freezing and is kept frozen until used. 'Alimento' means food and 'congelado' means frozen. It is commonly used in reference to processed, ready to cook, or pre-packaged meals which are preserved by freezing.

alimento de primera necesidad
staple food

The Spanish phrase 'alimento de primera necesidad' translates to 'staple food' in English. Staples foods are those that have a long shelf life and can be stored for a considerable amount of time. They form a dominant part of a standard diet and are commonly consumed by people. These include foods like rice, potatoes, wheat, and other similar grains. They are basic dietary items that people eat regularly and in such quantities that they constitute a significant proportion of a diet and supply a large fraction of energy and nutritional needs.

alimento dietético
dietary food

The Spanish phrase 'alimento dietético' translates to 'dietary food' in English. This phrase refers to any food or drink whose recipe has been altered in some way to make it part of a healthful diet, usually to reduce fat, sodium, or sugar content. 'Alimento dietético' can also refer to foods with added nutrients to benefit health or to supplement a diet lacking in particular nutrients.

alimento fresco
fresh food

The term 'alimento fresco' in Spanish directly translates to 'fresh food' in English. In Spanish-speaking cultures, emphasis is traditionally placed on the freshness and quality of ingredients in the preparation of meals. The phrase 'alimento fresco' is often used in the context of markets, cooking, or dining, where it suggests food that is not processed or preserved. It could refer to a variety of food items, including fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, or seafood.

alimento ligero
light food

The Spanish phrase 'alimento ligero' translates to 'light food' in English. This refers to food that is not heavy on the stomach and is easy to digest. It often relates to meals that are low in calories, satiating without being overly filling. It could include foods such as salads, fruits, and lean proteins. This phrase may be used in contexts where health, dieting, or ease of digestion are being discussed.

alimento nutritivo

The Spanish term 'alimento nutritivo' translates to 'nutritious food' in English. This term is often used to describe food items that are high in nutrients essential for the body's growth, development, and overall health. These can include foods rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, good fats, and complex carbohydrates. 'Alimento nutritivo' is therefore a concept deeply linked with balanced diets and health-conscious practices.

alimento orgánico
organic food

The Spanish phrase 'alimento orgánico' directly translates to 'organic food' in English. Organic food is food produced by methods that comply with the standards of organic farming. Standards vary worldwide, but organic farming features practices that cycle resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. It primarily avoids the use of certain artificial substances, like synthetic pesticides and chemical fertilizers, and does not contain genetically modified organisms. 'Alimento orgánico' is a common term used in many Spanish-speaking countries to represent food items that are grown and produced naturally and without the use of artificial elements.

alimento pesado
heavy food

The Spanish term 'alimento pesado' translates to 'heavy food' in English. This phrase is often used to describe food that is dense or rich, typically causing a feeling of fullness or satiety quickly. It can also refer to food perceived as unhealthy or high in calories such as fast food, fried foods, or food high in sugar. The term does not necessarily imply the physical weight of the food, but rather its impact on the eater's sensation of fullness or digestive process.

alimento rico en calcio
calcium-rich food

The Spanish phrase 'alimento rico en calcio' translates into English as 'calcium-rich food'. This term is often used in health and diet contexts to refer to foods that are a great source of calcium, an essential dietary mineral. Calcium is crucial for many bodily functions including bone health, and foods rich in calcium can include dairy products, certain green vegetables, and some types of fish and nuts.

alimento rico en calorías
calorie rich food

The Spanish phrase 'alimento rico en calorías' translates to 'calorie-rich food' in English. This is usually referred to food with a high level of calories or energy content. These foods could include fatty foods, sweet dishes, or food that has been heavily processed. Consumption of such foods should be balanced with regular exercise and a healthy diet to maintain proper health.

alimento rico en fibra
fiber-rich food

The Spanish phrase 'alimento rico en fibra' translates to 'fiber-rich food' in English. Fiber-rich foods are those that contain a high level of dietary fiber, a nutrient that is beneficial for digestion. Examples of fiber-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Eating fiber-rich food can help with maintaining a healthy diet and support overall well-being.

alimento rico en hierro
food rich in iron

The Spanish phrase 'alimento rico en hierro' translates to 'food rich in iron' in English. This refers to any type of food that contains a high amount of iron, which is a nutrient that is essential for the healthy function of the body. Foods rich in iron include red meats, fish, poultry, lentils, beans, and dark leafy greens among others.

alimento rico en proteínas
protein-rich food

The Spanish phrase 'alimento rico en proteínas' is translated directly into English as 'food rich in proteins'. This phrase refers to any food that contains a high amount of proteins, which are essential nutrients for the human body. These types of foods include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts, among many others. Consuming a diet rich in these foods is essential for key processes in the body such as growth and development, cellular repair, enzyme and hormone production, and maintaining a strong immune system.

alimento rico en vitaminas
food rich in vitamins

The Spanish phrase 'alimento rico en vitaminas' translates to 'food rich in vitamins' in English. This phrase is referring to any kind of food that is abundant in vitamins, which are essential nutrients that the body needs in small amounts for normal growth and development. These foods could be fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, grains and dairy products.

alimento sin colorantes
food without coloring

The Spanish phrase 'alimento sin colorantes' translates to 'food without coloring' in English. This phrase is often used on nutrition labels, food packaging, and in dietary contexts to refer to food that has not been artificially colored or dyed. This practice of avoiding artificial colorings is generally considered better for health. In summation, 'alimento sin colorantes' is Spanish for food products that have no artificial colors added to them.

alimento sin conservantes
food without preservatives

The Spanish phrase 'alimento sin conservantes' translates to 'food without preservatives' in English. This indicates food items that have not been treated with substances that prolong their shelf life and maintain their quality. These foods are often perceived to be healthier and more natural. However, they may not last as long and require proper storage conditions.

alimento sin edulcorantes
food without sweeteners

The term 'alimento sin edulcorantes' in Spanish refers to food that does not contain any kind of sweeteners. Sweeteners are substances that are used to sweeten food and drinks, and can be natural (like sugar or honey) or artificial. This phrase is commonly used on food labels to inform consumers that the product does not contain sweeteners, and is therefore not artificially sweetened.

alimentos transgénicos
gmo foods

The Spanish term 'alimentos transgénicos' translates to 'gmo foods' in English. This term refers to food products that have been derived from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA via genetic engineering. The modification aims at improving the food's trait, such as increasing its resistance to pests. While the use and consumption of GMO foods are widespread, they are also a subject of public debate regarding their safety and impact on the environment.

Example sentences with  alimentos transgénicos
to relieve

The Spanish verb 'aliñar' translates to 'to season' or 'to dress' in English. It is commonly used in the context of preparing food by adding spices or other condiments. For example, 'aliñar la ensalada' would mean 'to dress the salad'. It does not have the meaning of 'to relieve' in English. That would be 'aliviar' in Spanish.

aliñar una ensalada
add a salad

The Spanish phrase 'aliñar una ensalada' is directly translated as 'dress a salad' in English. This phrase is used to describe the action of adding dressing, condiments, and flavors to a salad. The word 'aliñar' generally means to season or add flavor to something, and 'una ensalada' is simply one salad in Spanish. Therefore, this phrase could be utilized in the context of preparing a meal, specifically when improving the taste of a salad by adding different elements such as sauce, vegetables, fruits, or seasonings.

alistarse en el ejército
enlisting in the army

The phrase 'alistarse en el ejército' in Spanish translates to 'enlisting in the army' in English. It is used when someone intends to join or sign up to serve in the military forces, in this case, the army. This could be due to a sense of duty, patriotism or any other personal reason. The phrase can be broken down into 'alistarse', which means to enlist or sign up, 'en', meaning in, 'el', meaning the, and 'ejército', which means army.

Example sentences with  alistarse en el ejército

The Spanish word 'allí' translates to 'there' in English. It is typically used to point toward a specific place that is distant or to describe a location (either physically or figuratively). It can also be used to introduce a new piece of information or a set of circumstances. The usage of 'allí' is similar to how we use 'there' in English. For example, 'La casa está allí' means 'The house is there'.

Example sentences with  allí

The Spanish word 'alma' translates into English as 'soul'. In various contexts, it refers to the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, often regarded as immortal. It is also used metaphorically in a variety of phrases and expressions to denote the essential part or fundamental nature of a person, thing, or phenomenon.

Example sentences with  alma

The Spanish word 'almacén' translates to 'warehouse' in English. It refers to a large commercial building for storing goods. Factories and manufacturers often use warehouses to store their goods until they are ready to be shipped to retailers or customers. The term 'almacén' can also refer to a place where goods or supplies are stored in a home or other non-commercial context. But, it most commonly refers to a retail establishment selling goods to the public similar to a department store.


The Spanish word 'almeja' is translated in English as 'clam'. It refers to a kind of sea creature found often in shallow, sandy areas of the ocean. Clams are also known for their edible soft body, and they are used in various cuisines worldwide. Clams have a hard shell with two halves that can open and close. They are an important part of oceanic ecosystems and aquaculture.


The Spanish word 'almendras' translates to 'almonds' in English. Almonds are edible seeds from the almond tree. They are highly nutritious, being a source of healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

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