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English translation of operar


The Spanish verb 'operar' translates to 'operate' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as: in medical terms to perform a surgery, in terms of machinery as to run or control, and in mathematical operations. For example, 'El doctor va a operar al paciente' means 'The doctor is going to operate on the patient'. 'Operar una máquina' means to operate a machine and 'Operar con números' means to operate with numbers.

Example sentences using: operar

El médico necesita operar urgentemente.

English translation of El médico necesita operar urgentemente.

The doctor needs to operate urgently.

This Spanish sentence is illustrating an urgent situation where a doctor is required to perform a surgical procedure. The use of 'operar' in this context refers to the medical procedure of surgery.

Es esencial aprender cómo operar este equipo.

English translation of Es esencial aprender cómo operar este equipo.

It is essential to learn how to operate this equipment.

In this instance, 'operar' is used to describe the operation of equipment or machinery. The sentence implies the necessity of understanding how to effectively use this particular equipment.

La empresa va a operar en un nuevo mercado.

English translation of La empresa va a operar en un nuevo mercado.

The company is going to operate in a new market.

This sentence employs 'operar' to refer to the business function of a company in a specific market. It suggests that the company is expanding its operations to a new geographical or demographic market.

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