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English translation of olivo


The Spanish word 'olivo' translates to 'olive' in English. This can refer to the small oval fruit of the olive tree, which is typically green or black, commonly used as food when processed. It can also denote the olive tree itself, which is native to the Mediterranean region and is known for its fruit and the oil produced from it. Not only is it a main component of the region's cuisine, but olives have also had significant symbolic and religious uses throughout history.

Example sentences using: olivo

El olivo en el patio es antiguo.

English translation of El olivo en el patio es antiguo.

The olive tree in the yard is old.

The sentence refers to an olive tree (olivo) located in the yard, specifying that it is old. This could imply the tree has been there for a long time, and it indicates the speaker's familiarity with it.

Cosecharon las aceitunas del olivo.

English translation of Cosecharon las aceitunas del olivo.

They harvested the olives from the olive tree.

In this context, the parties referred to are engaged in the act of harvesting olives from an olive tree (olivo).

La sombra del olivo se ve calmante.

English translation of La sombra del olivo se ve calmante.

The shadow of the olive tree looks soothing.

The speaker observes the soft or soothing quality of the shade given by an olivo (olive tree).

Vicente plantó un olivo en el jardín.

English translation of Vicente plantó un olivo en el jardín.

Vicente planted an olive tree in the garden.

The sentence tells us that a person named Vicente put an olive tree (un olivo) in the ground in a garden with the expectation that it will grow.

Los pájaros anidaron en el olivo.

English translation of Los pájaros anidaron en el olivo.

The birds nested in the olive tree.

The sentence is describing a natural occurrence where birds have made a nest in an olive tree (olivo).

No hay olivo en esta región.

English translation of No hay olivo en esta región.

There is no olive tree in this region.

The sentence expresses the absence of any olive tree (olivo) in a particular geographical area.

El olivo necesita suficiente agua.

English translation of El olivo necesita suficiente agua.

The olive tree needs enough water.

The speaker talks about the need for proper watering for the growth and sustenance of an olivo (olive tree).

El olivo es símbolo de paz.

English translation of El olivo es símbolo de paz.

The olive tree is a symbol of peace.

The sentence is a figurative statement that associates an olive tree (olivo) with the concept of peace.

Este poema habla sobre un olivo.

English translation of Este poema habla sobre un olivo.

This poem talks about an olive tree.

The speaker points out that an olive tree (un olivo) is the main subject or theme of a particular poem.

El olivo que plantamos está creciendo rápidamente.

English translation of El olivo que plantamos está creciendo rápidamente.

The olive tree we planted is growing fast.

The sentence conveys that an olive tree (olivo), which was planted by the speaker and potentially others, is growing at a high rate.

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