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ola de frío

English translation of ola de frío

cold wave

The word 'ola de frío' in Spanish directly translates to 'cold wave' in English. This term is often used in meteorological contexts to denote a significant drop in air temperatures, usually associated with the swift arrival of very cold air over an area, particularly during the colder months of the year. An 'ola de frío' can affect large geographic regions, and lead to unusually cold weather for an extended period of time.

Example sentences using: ola de frío

La ola de frío nos tomó por sorpresa.

English translation of La ola de frío nos tomó por sorpresa.

The cold wave took us by surprise.

This sentence reveals that the cold wave arrived unexpectedly, catching people unprepared.

Las escuelas cerraron debido a la ola de frío.

English translation of Las escuelas cerraron debido a la ola de frío.

The schools closed due to the cold wave.

This sentence implies that the weather was so cold that it was considered unsafe to keep schools open.

La ola de frío nos obligó a quedarnos adentro.

English translation of La ola de frío nos obligó a quedarnos adentro.

The cold wave forced us to stay inside.

This sentence describes how a period of unusually cold weather (a 'cold wave') forced the speaker and others to remain indoors.

Sobrevivimos a la ola de frío gracias a la calefacción.

English translation of Sobrevivimos a la ola de frío gracias a la calefacción.

Thanks to the heating, we survived the cold wave.

This sentence refers to the use of heating as a means of making it through a particularly cold period of weather.

La ola de frío hizo que la gente comprara más ropa de abrigo.

English translation of La ola de frío hizo que la gente comprara más ropa de abrigo.

The cold wave caused people to buy more warm clothes.

This sentence is about an increase in the purchase of warm clothing in response to a cold wave.

Debemos prepararnos para la ola de frío.

English translation of Debemos prepararnos para la ola de frío.

We must prepare for the cold wave.

Speaking about preparation, this sentence suggests that there's an expectation of an upcoming cold wave.

La ola de frío ha dañado las cosechas.

English translation of La ola de frío ha dañado las cosechas.

The cold wave has damaged the crops.

This sentence refers to the negative impact that a cold wave can have on agriculture, specifically crops.

Los alimentos subieron de precio debido a la ola de frío.

English translation of Los alimentos subieron de precio debido a la ola de frío.

Food prices rose due to the cold wave.

This sentence talks about the economic consequence of a cold wave, which can lead to higher food prices due to scarcity or damage to the crops.

La ola de frío causó cortes de energía en la ciudad.

English translation of La ola de frío causó cortes de energía en la ciudad.

The cold wave caused power outages in the city.

This sentence describes a scenario in which a cold wave leads to power outages, a common occurrence during severe weather conditions.

La ola de frío rompió los registros de temperatura.

English translation of La ola de frío rompió los registros de temperatura.

The cold wave broke temperature records.

This sentence indicates that the cold wave was not just cold, but record-breakingly so.