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ola de calor

English translation of ola de calor

heat wave

The Spanish term 'ola de calor' translates to 'heat wave' in English. The phrase is often used to describe a prolonged period of excessively hot weather, which may be accompanied by high humidity. This term is commonly found in meteorological reports and weather forecasts. Traditional heat wave periods are typically characterized by static high pressure and prolonged increase in temperatures over an extended geographical area. They are usually associated with significant discomfort or health risks, particularly when there is no relief during nighttime.

Example sentences using: ola de calor

La ola de calor causó una sequía severa en la región.

English translation of La ola de calor causó una sequía severa en la región.

The heatwave caused severe drought in the region.

Here, 'ola de calor' is utilized to describe the cause of the severe drought, which is a heatwave.

La oficina estaba cerrada debido a la ola de calor.

English translation of La oficina estaba cerrada debido a la ola de calor.

The office was closed due to the heatwave.

In this sentence, 'ola de calor' is used to indicate the reason for the office closure, which is a heatwave.

Debido a la ola de calor, muchos animales buscaron refugio en el bosque.

English translation of Debido a la ola de calor, muchos animales buscaron refugio en el bosque.

Due to the heatwave, many animals sought shelter in the forest.

In this context, 'ola de calor' is used to explain why animals sought shelter in the forest. The heatwave is the reason for this action.

La ola de calor afectó la producción de los cultivos.

English translation of La ola de calor afectó la producción de los cultivos.

The heatwave affected the crop production.

The phrase 'ola de calor' here is used to explain what affected the crop production, which is a heatwave.

Anticipan que la ola de calor continuará durante la semana.

English translation of Anticipan que la ola de calor continuará durante la semana.

They anticipate the heatwave will continue throughout the week.

In this sentence, 'ola de calor' refers to the anticipated weather which is expected to continue throughout the week.

La ola de calor causó el colapso del sistema energético.

English translation of La ola de calor causó el colapso del sistema energético.

The heatwave caused the collapse of the energy system.

Here, 'ola de calor' describes the cause of the collapse of the energy system, which is a heatwave.

La ola de calor llevó a una mayor utilización de aires acondicionados.

English translation of La ola de calor llevó a una mayor utilización de aires acondicionados.

The heatwave led to increased utilization of air conditioners.

The phrase 'ola de calor' explains why there was an increased utilization of air conditioners. A heatwave was the reason.

Se canceló el evento al aire libre debido a la ola de calor.

English translation of Se canceló el evento al aire libre debido a la ola de calor.

The outdoor event was canceled due to the heatwave.

In this sentence, 'ola de calor' provides the reason for the cancellation of the outdoor event, which is the heatwave.

La ola de calor alejó a los turistas de la ciudad.

English translation of La ola de calor alejó a los turistas de la ciudad.

The heatwave drove tourists away from the city.

Here, 'ola de calor' is used to specify what drove the tourists away from the city, which is a heatwave.

La ola de calor causó incendios forestales en la zona.

English translation of La ola de calor causó incendios forestales en la zona.

The heatwave caused wildfires in the area.

In this use, 'ola de calor' denotes the cause of the wildfires in the area, which is the heatwave.