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océano Pacífico

English translation of océano Pacífico

Pacific Ocean

The term 'océano Pacífico' refers to what is known in English as the Pacific Ocean. This is the largest and deepest ocean on earth, known for its immeasurable biodiversity and critical role in the worldwide water cycle. Translated literally, 'océano Pacífico' means tranquil or peaceful ocean, however, with its occasional typhoons, tsunamis, and its notorious 'Ring of Fire', it can often be anything but. It is recognized as one of the world's major oceanic divisions, bounded by the continents of Asia and Australia in the west, and the Americas in the east.

Example sentences using: océano Pacífico

El océano Pacífico es el más grande del mundo.

English translation of El océano Pacífico es el más grande del mundo.

The Pacific Ocean is the biggest in the world.

This sentence is an example of a simple declarative sentence stating a fact about the Pacific Ocean. In this context, 'es' is the third person singular of the verb 'ser', used to describe the permanent qualities, characteristics, identities, and categories of things or people.

Vamos a navegar a través del océano Pacífico.

English translation of Vamos a navegar a través del océano Pacífico.

We are going to sail through the Pacific Ocean.

This sentence uses the 'ir + a + infinitive' structure to express future actions. In this context, 'Vamos' is the first person plural of 'ir', followed by 'a' and the infinitive form 'navegar'. Also, the preposition 'a través de' is used to express the idea of going through or across something.

He encontrado una entrada para el océano Pacífico en el mapa.

English translation of He encontrado una entrada para el océano Pacífico en el mapa.

I have found an entry for the Pacific Ocean on the map.

This sentence is a perfect example of using the present perfect tense 'he encontrado'. It is used to say something that happened at an unspecified time before now. 'He' is the auxiliary verb 'haber' and 'encontrado' is the past participle of the verb 'encontrar'. The phrase 'en el mapa' is a prepositional phrase which shows the location where something is found.

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