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English translation of Oceanía


The word 'Oceanía' represents a region in the world, translated as 'Oceania' in English. Including Australasia, Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia, the region consists of oceans and islands, notably Australia and New Zealand among thousands of other island states and territories. It also includes the Pacific Ocean. This geographical term was derived from the Greek word 'Ωκεανός' (Okeanos, Oceanus) meaning 'Ocean'.

Example sentences using: Oceanía

Oceanía es el continente más pequeño en el mundo.

English translation of Oceanía es el continente más pequeño en el mundo.

Oceania is the smallest continent in the world.

This is a simple sentence stating a geographical fact about Oceania. It follows the subject-verb-object sentence structure common in both English and Spanish.

Australia es el país más grande en Oceanía.

English translation of Australia es el país más grande en Oceanía.

Australia is the biggest country in Oceania.

This sentence describes a fact about Australia's size in relation to other countries in Oceania. This is another example of subject-verb-object sentence structure.

English translation of Muchas islas de Oceanía son populares destinos turísticos.

Many islands in Oceania are popular tourist destinations.

This sentence tells us about the popularity of Oceania's islands among tourists. The subject here ('Muchas islas de Oceanía') is a complex noun phrase, but the sentence retains the standard subject-verb-object structure.

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