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obtener un indulto

English translation of obtener un indulto

get a pardon

The Spanish phrase 'obtener un indulto' translates to 'get a pardon' in English. This phrase is typically used within legal and judicial contexts. Essentially, when someone is saying 'obtener un indulto', they are speaking about the act of receiving formal forgiveness for a crime, generally from a figure of authority, which results in the cancellation or postponement of the penalty. 'Obtener' means 'to get' or 'to obtain', 'un' is the indefinite article 'a', and 'indulto' is the noun for 'pardon'.

Example sentences using: obtener un indulto

El prisionero esperaba ansiosamente poder obtener un indulto.

English translation of El prisionero esperaba ansiosamente poder obtener un indulto.

The prisoner was anxiously hoping to obtain a pardon.

This sentence is used to express that the prisoner was in a state of anticipation for the potential of being pardoned. 'Obtener un indulto' stands for getting a pardon.

Para obtener un indulto, tienes que mostrar remordimiento por tus acciones.

English translation of Para obtener un indulto, tienes que mostrar remordimiento por tus acciones.

In order to obtain a pardon, you have to show remorse for your actions.

In the context of this sentence, 'obtener un indulto' is a requirement that requires showing remorse for one's actions. It sets a condition for receiving pardon.

Si puedo obtener un indulto, podré volver a empezar mi vida desde cero.

English translation of Si puedo obtener un indulto, podré volver a empezar mi vida desde cero.

If I can get a pardon, I will be able to start my life over again.

This is an example of a conditional sentence, in which 'obtener un indulto' is the condition for starting life anew. It demonstrates the potential impact of a pardon on a person's life.