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obra pictórico

English translation of obra pictórico

pictorial work

The term 'obra pictórico' in Spanish translates to 'pictorial work' in English. It refers to any creation that is made by using techniques of painting either on a surface, like canvas, or creating digital imagery. It could include various forms of art ranging from traditional painting to modern digital and pixel art. The term 'obra pictórico' can encompass a wide variety of artistic expressions, techniques, and styles, all related to the field of visual art.

Example sentences using: obra pictórico

La obra pictórico de Picasso es muy famosa.

English translation of La obra pictórico de Picasso es muy famosa.

Picasso's pictorial work is very famous.

In this sentence, we refer to the collection of paintings done by the well-known artist Picasso. Note the use of 'la' which in this case is the definite article used with singular, feminine nouns.

Estoy realizando un análisis de una obra pictórico para mi clase de arte.

English translation of Estoy realizando un análisis de una obra pictórico para mi clase de arte.

I am conducting an analysis of a pictorial work for my art class.

In this sentence, the speaker conducts an analysis of a work of art for a class they are taking. In Spanish, the pronunciation changes depending on where the emphasis is placed in a sentence. Here, the emphasis is on 'realizando', which means 'conducting'.

La belleza de esta obra pictórico es increíble.

English translation of La belleza de esta obra pictórico es increíble.

The beauty of this pictorial work is incredible.

This sentence is used when expressing admiration for an artwork. The use of 'esta' refers to 'this' in English. In Spanish, adjectives corresponding to a noun in gender and number are placed after the noun they modify.

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