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obra escultórico

English translation of obra escultórico

sculptural work

The Spanish phrase 'obra escultórico' translates to 'sculptural work' in English. This term is typically used to refer to a piece of artwork, often in a three-dimensional form, created by shaping or combining hard or plastic material, sound, text, light, commonly stone (either rock or marble), metal, or wood. It represents any forms of art that are tangible or physically constructed by the artists. This may include statues, figurines, installations, and structures, among others.

Example sentences using: obra escultórico

La obra escultórico de Picasso es verdaderamente única.

English translation of La obra escultórico de Picasso es verdaderamente única.

Picasso's sculptural work is truly unique.

This sentence is highlighting the uniqueness of Picasso's sculptural art. The noun phrase 'obra escultórico de Picasso' refers to the body of sculptural work created by Pablo Picasso, a renowned Spanish artist.

El museo exhibe una impresionante obra escultórico romana.

English translation of El museo exhibe una impresionante obra escultórico romana.

The museum exhibits an impressive Roman sculptural work.

In the given sentence, 'obra escultórico romana' refers to a piece of Roman sculpture displayed in a museum. The adjective 'romana' specifies the origin of the sculpture.

La obra escultórico en el jardín atrae a muchos visitantes.

English translation of La obra escultórico en el jardín atrae a muchos visitantes.

The sculptural work in the garden attracts many visitors.

This statement emphasizes the fact that the garden's sculptural art attracts a high number of visitors. Here, 'obra escultórico en el jardín' refers to an outdoor sculpture.

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