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obra cumbre

English translation of obra cumbre


The Spanish term 'obra cumbre' does not actually translate to 'summit' in English. Instead, it is a phrase that literally translates to 'summit work' or 'pinnacle work'. It is often used to describe a person's greatest piece of work or masterpiece. For example, in the context of literature, 'obra cumbre' would refer to an author's most iconic or influential book or piece of writing.

Example sentences using: obra cumbre

Don Quijote de Cervantes es una obra cumbre de la literatura mundial.

English translation of Don Quijote de Cervantes es una obra cumbre de la literatura mundial.

Don Quixote by Cervantes is a masterwork of world literature.

This sentence points out that Don Quixote, written by Cervantes, is considered a top work or masterpiece (obra cumbre) in the international context, acknowledging the significance of this work in the world literature.

La obra cumbre de Picasso es Guernica.

English translation of La obra cumbre de Picasso es Guernica.

The masterwork of Picasso is Guernica.

This sentence implies that Guernica is considered the most important or representative work (obra cumbre) of Picasso, a renowned painter, asserting the importance of this painting in Picasso's career.

En su obra cumbre, el autor explora la naturaleza humana.

English translation of En su obra cumbre, el autor explora la naturaleza humana.

In his masterpiece, the author explores human nature.

This sentence indicates that the most important work (obra cumbre) of a specific author delves into the exploration of human nature. This statement emphasizes the thematic depth associated with the author's major work.

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