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obra arquitectónico

English translation of obra arquitectónico

architectural work

The term 'obra arquitectónico' in Spanish translates to 'architectural work' in English. It refers to the planning, designing, and constructing of buildings or other physical structures by architects. Architectural works are perceived as cultural and political symbols and works of art. The term can be used to describe anything from a single room to an entire complex of buildings. Architectural works can come in a variety of forms indicative of the era, culture and location in which they were created.

Example sentences using: obra arquitectónico

El museo presenta una obra arquitectónica impresionante.

English translation of El museo presenta una obra arquitectónica impresionante.

The museum presents an impressive architectural work.

This sentence refers to an architectural work, which can be any building or structure, that is housed or presented in a museum. Such works are often considered impressive due to their design, size, or historical significance.

La obra arquitectónica de Antoni Gaudí es única en el mundo.

English translation of La obra arquitectónica de Antoni Gaudí es única en el mundo.

The architectural work of Antoni Gaudí is unique in the world.

This sentence is making a statement about the architectural works of Antoni Gaudí, a famous Spanish architect. It describes his work as being unique in the world, indicating that it is distinctive and cannot be found elsewhere.

Espero visitar esta obra arquitectónica en mi próximo viaje.

English translation of Espero visitar esta obra arquitectónica en mi próximo viaje.

I hope to visit this architectural work on my next trip.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing their wish or hope to visit a particular architectural work when they go on their next trip. This could be any building or monument that they are specifically interested in seeing.

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