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número exacto

English translation of número exacto

exact number

The Spanish term 'número exacto' translates to 'exact number' in English. This refers to a numerical value or figure that is not approximated or rounded, but rather precise and specific. This term is often used in calculations, statistics, and scientific contexts where precision is crucial. Learning this term can strengthen your grasp of the Spanish language and enhance your ability to communicate mathematical and numerical concepts effectively.

Example sentences using: número exacto

No sé el número exacto de personas en la ciudad.

English translation of No sé el número exacto de personas en la ciudad.

I don't know the exact number of people in the city.

In this phrase, number is referred to as a count or total of people in a specified location. It shows uncertainty on the exact count.

Trate de obtener el número exacto de manzanas que necesita para la receta.

English translation of Trate de obtener el número exacto de manzanas que necesita para la receta.

Try to get the exact number of apples that you need for the recipe.

This sentence refers to the number as quantity or count of an item needed for a particular purpose. It implies precision and accuracy.

El número exacto de dias en un año es 365.

English translation of El número exacto de dias en un año es 365.

The exact number of days in a year is 365.

In this sentence, the number '365' is referred to as the precise count or total of days present in a year. It is a common knowledge that a non-leap year consists of 365 days.

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