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nuevos comienzos

English translation of nuevos comienzos

new beginnings

The Spanish phrase 'nuevos comienzos' is used in contexts reflecting the start of something new, such as a project, a year, or a phase of life. It can be used both literally and metaphorically, much like its English equivalent 'new beginnings'.

Example sentences using: nuevos comienzos

Los nuevos comienzos siempre son emocionantes

English translation of Los nuevos comienzos siempre son emocionantes

New beginnings are always exciting

This phrase generally means that starting something new or making a change is always a thrilling experience.

Espero que los nuevos comienzos le traigan buena fortuna

English translation of Espero que los nuevos comienzos le traigan buena fortuna

I hope new beginnings bring you good fortune

This phrase is used when wishing someone luck as they start a new chapter in their life.

Nuevos comienzos, nuevas oportunidades

English translation of Nuevos comienzos, nuevas oportunidades

New beginnings, new opportunities

This phrase means that with new situations or phases come new chances for success or advancement.

Todos merecen nuevos comienzos

English translation of Todos merecen nuevos comienzos

Everyone deserves new beginnings

This phrase implies that everyone deserves a chance to start over and make positive changes in their lives.

Abrazo nuevos comienzos con entusiasmo

English translation of Abrazo nuevos comienzos con entusiasmo

I embrace new beginnings with enthusiasm

This phrase means that the speaker is excited and looking forward to starting something new.

Los nuevos comienzos pueden ser desafiantes pero gratificantes

English translation of Los nuevos comienzos pueden ser desafiantes pero gratificantes

New beginnings can be challenging but rewarding

This phrase suggests that although starting something new can be difficult, it can also be fulfilling.

Los nuevos comienzos requieren dejar ir el pasado

English translation of Los nuevos comienzos requieren dejar ir el pasado

New beginnings require letting go of the past

This phrase means in order to start something new or move forward, one must release past experiences and pressures.

Nuevos comienzos abren nuevas puertas

English translation of Nuevos comienzos abren nuevas puertas

New beginnings open new doors

This phrase signifies that starting anew can lead to new opportunities and experiences.

Nuevos comienzos siempre vienen después de un final

English translation of Nuevos comienzos siempre vienen después de un final

New beginnings always come after an ending

This phrase means that when something ends, it gives way to start something new.

Nuevos comienzos son una forma de evolución

English translation of Nuevos comienzos son una forma de evolución

New beginnings are a form of evolution

This phrase suggests that starting something new is part of personal growth and development.