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nuevas tecnologías

English translation of nuevas tecnologías

new technologies

The term 'nuevas tecnologías' in Spanish translates to 'new technologies' in English. It refers to the latest inventions and innovations in the technological sphere. These could include advancements in computing, artificial intelligence, robotics, and other related fields. This term embodies the ongoing progress and development prevalent in the technology sector.

Example sentences using: nuevas tecnologías

Las nuevas tecnologías están cambiando la forma en que vivimos.

English translation of Las nuevas tecnologías están cambiando la forma en que vivimos.

New technologies are changing the way we live.

This sentence speaks about the impact that new technologies are having on our daily lives, stating that they are changing the manner in which we live.

Estoy estudiando para comprender mejor las nuevas tecnologías.

English translation of Estoy estudiando para comprender mejor las nuevas tecnologías.

I am studying to better understand new technologies.

In this sentence, the speaker is saying they are studying in order to gain a better understanding of new technologies. It implies that the speaker sees value in learning about these new technologies.

Las empresas están invirtiendo en nuevas tecnologías para mejorar su eficiencia.

English translation of Las empresas están invirtiendo en nuevas tecnologías para mejorar su eficiencia.

Companies are investing in new technologies to improve their efficiency.

This sentence discusses how businesses are investing money into new technology as a means to become more efficient and perhaps improve their operations or output.