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novela policiaca

English translation of novela policiaca

detective novel

The term 'novela policiaca' refers to a genre of literature originating in the Spanish-speaking world. This genre, akin to the mystery genre in English literature, typically involves stories centered around investigation and crime-solving scenarios. Historically, 'novelas policiacas' revolve around a dominant detective figure who is instrumental in solving crimes that are intricately woven into the plot. Much like detective novels in English, these Spanish novels often explore themes of criminality, justice, and the human psyche.

Example sentences using: novela policiaca

Mi hermano está leyendo una novela policiaca muy interesante

English translation of Mi hermano está leyendo una novela policiaca muy interesante

My brother is reading a very interesting detective novel

In this phrase, 'novela policiaca' means detective novel and 'mi hermano está leyendo' means my brother is reading. Therefore, the whole sentence means 'my brother is reading a very interesting detective novel'.

La novela policiaca fue tan emocionante que la terminé en un día

English translation of La novela policiaca fue tan emocionante que la terminé en un día

The detective novel was so exciting that I finished it in one day

In this example, 'La novela policiaca' means the detective novel and 'fue tan emocionante que la terminé en un día' means was so exciting that I finished it in one day. So, the whole sentence means 'The detective novel was so exciting that I finished it in one day'.

¿Podrías recomendarme una buena novela policiaca?

English translation of ¿Podrías recomendarme una buena novela policiaca?

Could you recommend me a good detective novel?

In this case, '¿Podrías recomendarme una buena novela policiaca?' is a question that means 'Could you recommend me a good detective novel?'. 'Podrías' is a polite form for could you, 'recomendarme' means recommend me, and 'una buena novela policiaca' means a good detective novel.