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nota a pie de página

English translation of nota a pie de página


The Spanish term 'nota a pie de página' translates to 'footnote' in English. It is a comment or citation placed at the end of a page, article, or chapter of a book. It is used to supplement the main text with extra information which couldn't be easily included in the text's flow. 'Footnote' can also stand metaphorically for something that is an afterthought or tangential to the main topic. This is a concept used in writing, editing, reading and understanding texts.

Example sentences using: nota a pie de página

El autor ha aclarado el punto en una nota a pie de página en la página siete.

English translation of El autor ha aclarado el punto en una nota a pie de página en la página siete.

The author has clarified the point in a footnote on page seven.

In this example, the author uses a footnote, known as 'nota a pie de página' in Spanish, to provide additional information or clarification about a point being made in the text on page seven.

Debes revisar la nota a pie de página para entender completamente el argumento del escritor.

English translation of Debes revisar la nota a pie de página para entender completamente el argumento del escritor.

You must review the footnote to fully understand the writer's argument.

Here, the user is being instructed to refer to a footnote, or 'nota a pie de página', to gain a complete understanding of an argument that the writer is making in the text.

Encontrará detalles adicionales en la nota a pie de página correspondiente.

English translation of Encontrará detalles adicionales en la nota a pie de página correspondiente.

You will find additional details in the corresponding footnote.

In this case, 'nota a pie de página' is used to indicate that further details on a topic can be found in the associated footnote of the document.

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