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English translation of nota


Nota represents the 'Note' in English. It's a sign which symbolizes the relative duration and pitch of a sound.

Example sentences using: nota

Tengo una nota para ti.

English translation of Tengo una nota para ti.

I have a note for you.

Here 'nota' is used as a message or a piece of brief written information. The speaker has a message or information to give to the listener.

La nota para el examen de matemáticas es alta.

English translation of La nota para el examen de matemáticas es alta.

The note for the math exam is high.

In this context, 'nota' is used to refer to a grade or score for an exam. The phrase suggests that the grade for the math exam is high.

¿Es esta la nota correcta para la canción?

English translation of ¿Es esta la nota correcta para la canción?

Is this the right note for the song?

In this sentence, 'nota' is referring to a musical note. The speaker is asking if the musical note they are playing or singing is the correct one for the song.

Anota esto en tu cuaderno.

English translation of Anota esto en tu cuaderno.

Note this in your notebook.

Here 'anota' is a verb derived from 'nota' and it means to write down or record something in writing. In this case, the speaker instructs the listener to write something in their notebook.

La nota de crédito está en el correo.

English translation of La nota de crédito está en el correo.

The credit note is in the mail.

In the business context, 'nota' can refer to a document acknowledging a sum owed. Here, 'nota de crédito' means 'credit note,' which is a document sent by a seller to a buyer. The sentence indicates that this document is in the mail.

Esta es la nota que dejó

English translation of Esta es la nota que dejó

This is the note that he/she left.

'Nota' here, refers to a piece of paper or a message that someone left. The sentence indicates that this is the message that he/she left.

Su nota en el examen fue excelente.

English translation of Su nota en el examen fue excelente.

Your grade on the exam was excellent.

In this context, 'nota' refers to a grade or score on an exam. The speaker is complimenting the listener for their high score on the exam.

¿Qué dice la nota?

English translation of ¿Qué dice la nota?

What does the note say?

In this sentence, 'nota' refers to a piece of written information or a message. The speaker is asking the listener about the content or information in the note.

¿Has tomado nota de los cambios?

English translation of ¿Has tomado nota de los cambios?

Have you taken note of the changes?

Here 'tomar nota' is an expression that means 'to take note' in English. The speaker is asking the listener if they have written down the changes or if they are aware of the changes.

Esas son las notas del profesor.

English translation of Esas son las notas del profesor.

Those are the professor's notes.

'Nota' here refers to brief pieces of written information, usually facts or understanding gained from a lecture or meeting. This sentence suggests that those pieces of written information belong to the professor.

Ana sacó una buena nota en su examen.

English translation of Ana sacó una buena nota en su examen.

Ana got a good grade on her exam.

'Sacar una buena nota' means to achieve a high grade on a test or exam.

¿Cuál es tu nota en matemáticas?

English translation of ¿Cuál es tu nota en matemáticas?

What is your grade in math?

In this example, 'nota' is used to refer to the grade someone receives in a school subject. It's a common usage in academic settings.

La nota del perfume es floral.

English translation of La nota del perfume es floral.

The note of the perfume is floral.

In the context of perfumery, 'nota' refers to the different layers of scents or smells.

Noté una diferencia en su actitud.

English translation of Noté una diferencia en su actitud.

I noticed a difference in his attitude.

'Noté' is the past tense of 'notar', meaning to perceive or notice a change or difference.

Déjame una nota recordatoria en el refrigerador.

English translation of Déjame una nota recordatoria en el refrigerador.

Leave me a reminder note on the refrigerator.

'Nota' can also mean a short message or memo left for someone.

Debes tomar nota de la dirección.

English translation of Debes tomar nota de la dirección.

You should take note of the address.

'Tomar nota' is a phrase used in Spanish to refer to the act of writing down or remembering a piece of information.

La nota de la cata de vinos fue excelente.

English translation of La nota de la cata de vinos fue excelente.

The wine tasting note was excellent.

In this context, 'nota' refers to a brief comment or review about a wine's quality, flavors, and characteristics.

La nota musical Do se representa con la letra C en inglés.

English translation of La nota musical Do se representa con la letra C en inglés.

The musical note Do is represented by the letter C in English.

'Nota' also means musical note, which is a sound in music.

He estado estudiando para mejorar mi nota.

English translation of He estado estudiando para mejorar mi nota.

I've been studying to improve my grade.

In this instance, 'nota' refers to the grade received in school.

Por favor, respecta la nota de no molestar en la puerta.

English translation of Por favor, respecta la nota de no molestar en la puerta.

Please respect the do not disturb notice on the door.

'Nota' can also refer to a sign or notice. In this context, it's a request for privacy, often seen in hotels.

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