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English translation of Nordeste


Northeast, known as 'Nordeste' in Spanish, refers to the direction that is at an angle of 45 degrees on a compass. In Geography, it is often used to describe the region of a country, area, or city that is situated towards the northeast. In context, it can refer to the part of a place (such as a country or region) that is towards the northeast, or it can also refer to the northeastern part of a particular place.

Example sentences using: Nordeste

El nordeste de España es conocido por su clima agradable.

English translation of El nordeste de España es conocido por su clima agradable.

The northeast of Spain is known for its pleasant weather.

This is a geographical observation pertaining to the pleasant weather often experienced in Northeast Spain. In geographical contexts, 'nordeste' is used to refer to 'northeast' in English.

Vivo en el nordeste del país.

English translation of Vivo en el nordeste del país.

I live in the northeast of the country.

This is a simple statement expressing the speaker's place of residence. In this context, 'nordeste' refers to a cardinal direction, 'northeast', in a country.

El viento viene del nordeste.

English translation of El viento viene del nordeste.

The wind comes from the northeast.

This is a statement about weather patterns. 'Nordeste' is used here to refer to the direction from which the wind is coming, specified as 'northeast' in English.

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