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nocivo para la salud

English translation of nocivo para la salud

harmful to health

The Spanish phrase 'nocivo para la salud' translates to 'harmful to health' in English. It is typically used to describe something that detrimentally impacts health, such as certain behaviors, substances, or environmental conditions. For example, smoking, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, or exposure to toxic pollutants may be described as 'nocivo para la salud'. The phrase can be used in a variety of contexts and with a broad range of subjects, from individuals to society as a whole.

Example sentences using: nocivo para la salud

La contaminación del aire puede ser nociva para la salud.

English translation of La contaminación del aire puede ser nociva para la salud.

Air pollution can be harmful to health.

In this sentence, it's stated that poor air quality or pollution can potentially be detrimental to one's health.

El tabaco es nocivo para la salud.

English translation of El tabaco es nocivo para la salud.

Tobacco is harmful to health.

This sentence emphasizes that tobacco usage has negative impacts on a person's health.

El consumo excesivo de azúcar es nocivo para la salud.

English translation of El consumo excesivo de azúcar es nocivo para la salud.

Excessive sugar consumption is harmful to health.

This sentence highlights the health issue caused by consuming excessive amounts of sugar, indicating that it's harmful.

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