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English translation of nobleza


The Spanish word 'nobleza' translates to 'nobility' in English. It is a noun that is used to describe the quality of being noble in character or high in moral qualities. This word is commonly used in the context of aristocracy or upper classes in society, but it can also refer to a person's noble qualities or actions. So, in a broader sense, 'nobleza' could mean decent, ethical, or honorable behavior that showcases one's good character or high moral standards.

Example sentences using: nobleza

La nobleza de su corazón es indiscutible.

English translation of La nobleza de su corazón es indiscutible.

The nobility of his heart is indisputable.

This sentence is using 'nobleza' to describe the noble qualities of someone's heart, indicating the person's honorable characteristics.

A pesar de su nacimiento, él no tenía nobleza.

English translation of A pesar de su nacimiento, él no tenía nobleza.

Despite his birth, he had no nobility.

Here, 'nobleza' is being used to describe the noble status or rank that one might expect to associate with a person's birth, especially in a royal or aristocratic family.

Su nobleza fue reconocida por todos en el pueblo.

English translation of Su nobleza fue reconocida por todos en el pueblo.

His nobility was recognized by everyone in the town.

This sentence is commenting on the widespread recognition of a person's nobility, or 'nobleza', amongst the people of a town. It suggests the person's actions or demeanor that earned them such recognition.

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