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English translation of negro


The Spanish word 'negro' is most often used as an adjective to describe the color of an object. It can be used similarly to how 'black' is used in English, referring to the color of clothing, animals, text, and more. It can also be used metaphorically to refer to a dark or ominous situation or event. It is essential to remember pertaining its usage according to the gender and number of the noun it modifies, negra if the noun is feminine and negros or negras for plural masculine and feminine nouns respectively.

Example sentences using: negro

Tengo un perro negro.

English translation of Tengo un perro negro.

I have a black dog.

In this example, 'negro' is used to describe the color of the speaker's dog.

Me gusta llevar ropa de color negro.

English translation of Me gusta llevar ropa de color negro.

I like to wear black clothes.

In this sentence, 'negro' is used as an adjective to describe the color of the clothes the speaker likes to wear.

El gato negro está durmiendo.

English translation of El gato negro está durmiendo.

The black cat is sleeping.

In this example, 'negro' is used to describe the color of the cat that is sleeping.

El tablero negro está al frente de la clase.

English translation of El tablero negro está al frente de la clase.

The blackboard is at the front of the class.

Here, 'negro' is used as an adjective to describe the object 'tablero' which is the blackboard in English.

Mi coche negro está aparcado fuera.

English translation of Mi coche negro está aparcado fuera.

My black car is parked outside.

In this sentence, 'negro' is being used as an adjective to describe the speaker's car.

El café negro es fuerte.

English translation of El café negro es fuerte.

Black coffee is strong.

In the example, 'negro' describes the type of coffee, which is black, indicating no milk or creamer.

Mi color favorito es el negro.

English translation of Mi color favorito es el negro.

My favourite color is black.

In this expression, 'negro' is again used as an adjective to describe the speaker's favourite color.

El cuervo negro está en el árbol.

English translation of El cuervo negro está en el árbol.

The black crow is in the tree.

Here, 'negro' is used as a descriptor for the crow.

El cielo es negro en la noche.

English translation of El cielo es negro en la noche.

The sky is black at night.

In this phrase, 'negro' is used to describe the color of the sky during the nighttime.

El chocolate negro es amargo.

English translation of El chocolate negro es amargo.

Dark chocolate is bitter.

In this sentence, 'negro' is used in the context of food to describe the type of chocolate.

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