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English translation of negligencia


The Spanish word 'negligencia' in English translates to 'negligence'. The term refers to the failure to take proper care in doing something. It generally implies a person's careless or indifferent attitude towards their responsibilities which can result in unintended harm or errors. This can be applicable in various sectors such as law, healthcare, and general personal behaviour, where one is expected to adhere to a certain standard of care.

Example sentences using: negligencia

La negligencia del médico fue inexcusable.

English translation of La negligencia del médico fue inexcusable.

The doctor's negligence was inexcusable.

This sentence indicates that the doctor's lack of proper care or attention was not pardonable.

Su negligencia causó un accidente terrible.

English translation of Su negligencia causó un accidente terrible.

His negligence caused a terrible accident.

This sentence suggests that due to someone's carelessness a terrible accident happened.

No podemos tolerar la negligencia en nuestro trabajo.

English translation of No podemos tolerar la negligencia en nuestro trabajo.

We cannot tolerate negligence in our work.

This sentence expresses that carelessness or lack of attention is not acceptable at work.

La negligencia resultó en pérdidas financieras para la compañía.

English translation of La negligencia resultó en pérdidas financieras para la compañía.

Negligence resulted in financial losses for the company.

This phrase suggests that due to carelessness, the company suffered from financial losses.

El juez desestimó el caso por negligencia.

English translation of El juez desestimó el caso por negligencia.

The judge dismissed the case for negligence.

This sentence states that the judge dismissed the case because it was not properly taken care of.

La negligencia será castigada con multas.

English translation of La negligencia será castigada con multas.

Negligence will be punished with fines.

This phrase emphasizes that a lack of care or attention will result in financial penalties.

Su negligencia casi cuesta vidas.

English translation of Su negligencia casi cuesta vidas.

His negligence almost cost lives.

This sentence implies that someone's carelessness nearly caused harm to other people's lives.

Nuestra compañía no promueve la negligencia.

English translation of Nuestra compañía no promueve la negligencia.

Our company does not promote negligence.

This sentence expresses that the company does not endorse careless behavior.

La negligencia puede costarle su empleo.

English translation of La negligencia puede costarle su empleo.

Negligence could cost you your job.

This phrase shows the potential negative consequence of negligence at the workplace.

La negligencia es un crimen penal.

English translation of La negligencia es un crimen penal.

Negligence is a criminal offense.

This phrase points out that not providing the necessary attention or care, especially in professional matters, can be considered a crime.

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