The Spanish word 'naturaleza' is used to refer to the natural world encompassing all the living and non-living things occurring naturally. It can also refer to the inherent or fundamental qualities or characteristics of something or someone. Just like in English, it can be used in different contexts including science, philosophy, and everyday conversations.
Nature is very beautiful
In this phrase, 'La naturaleza' refers to nature, 'es' is the verb 'to be' used for permanent or lasting attributes, and 'muy hermosa' is an expression meaning 'very beautiful'. This sentence states an appreciation for nature's beauty.
We should protect nature
This is an imperative sentence saying we should ('debemos') protect ('proteger') nature ('la naturaleza'). This sentence is generally used when discussing sustainability and environmental issues.
I like nature
'Me gusta' translates to 'I like', and 'la naturaleza' means nature. In Spanish usage, it's more common to say 'The nature pleases me' instead of 'I like nature', hence the verb gustar is used differently than the English 'to like'.
Nature is unpredictable
In this sentence, 'La naturaleza' means Nature, 'es' is the verb 'to be' used for permanent or lasting attributes, and 'impredecible' means unpredictable. It is used to describe the unpredictability of nature.
The beauty of nature is amazing
In this sentence, 'La belleza dela naturaleza' means 'The beauty of nature' and 'es asombrosa' means 'is amazing'. This phrase could be used to appreciate the breathtaking view or beauty of nature.
Nature inspires me
'La naturaleza' means nature, 'me' is the object pronoun of 'I', and 'inspira' means inspires. This phrase is often used by people who take inspiration from nature for their work or creativity.
Nature is recovering
This phrase uses 'La naturaleza' which means Nature, 'se está recuperando' means is recovering. It might refer to a situation where the environment is starting to rejuvenate after some form of harm, like pollution reduction.
I go hiking to enjoy nature
In this sentence, 'Voy de excursión' translates as 'I go hiking'. 'A disfrutar de' literally translates as 'to enjoy of', and 'la naturaleza' means nature. It expresses the speaker's intention of enjoying nature while on a hike.
The color green is dominant in nature
This phrase uses 'El color verde' which means 'The color green', 'es dominante' means 'is dominant', and 'en la naturaleza' means 'in nature'. This is a statement about the abundance of green color seen in nature, largely from plants.
I am studying nature for my science project
Here, 'Estudio' means I am studying, 'la naturaleza' refers to nature, and 'para mi proyecto de ciencia' translates to for my science project. This statement is usually stated by students studying elements of nature for a project at school.