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English translation of muy


In Spanish, 'muy' is an adverb that is used to intensify the meaning of an adjective or another adverb. It is equivalent to the English word 'very'. Just like in English, the adverb 'muy' is typically positioned before the word it modifies.

Example sentences using: muy

Hoy estoy muy feliz.

English translation of Hoy estoy muy feliz.

Today, I am very happy.

'muy' is used to specify an extreme degree of happiness on this particular day.

Está muy lejos de aquí.

English translation of Está muy lejos de aquí.

It's very far from here.

'muy' is used to elaborate on the significant distance from the speaker's current location.

Este libro es muy caro.

English translation of Este libro es muy caro.

This book is very expensive.

When 'muy' is used in this context, it's to express that the cost of the book is atypically high.

Eres muy amable.

English translation of Eres muy amable.

You are very kind.

'muy' is used to state a high level of kindness in the person being addressed.

España es un país muy bonito.

English translation of España es un país muy bonito.

Spain is a very beautiful country.

In this case, 'muy' is placed before 'bonito' to express a high degree of beauty.

Estoy muy cansado.

English translation of Estoy muy cansado.

I am very tired.

This sentence translates directly to English. 'muy' is used to emphasize the degree of tiredness.

Ella es muy inteligente.

English translation of Ella es muy inteligente.

She is very smart.

'muy' is used before 'inteligente' to denote a high degree of intelligence.

La película es muy interesante.

English translation of La película es muy interesante.

The movie is very interesting.

'muy' is utilized to signify an especially notable level of interest.