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música tradicional

English translation of música tradicional

traditional music

'Música tradicional' is a Spanish term that translates to 'traditional music' in English. This term often refers to historical, indigenous, or culturally ingrained styles of music found within a given region or population. It includes genres that have been passed down from generation to generation, typically within a specific community or cultural group. Traditional music varies worldwide, reflecting the diverse cultural, social, and historical contexts from which it originates.

Example sentences using: música tradicional

Yo siempre escucho música tradicional en casa.

English translation of Yo siempre escucho música tradicional en casa.

I always listen to traditional music at home.

In this sentence, the subject 'I' is represented by 'Yo'. 'Siempre' means always, 'escucho' is the first person singular of the verb 'escuchar' which means to listen, 'música tradicional' is the object referring to the type of music the speaker listens to, and 'en casa' means at home.

Nos encanta la variedad de la música tradicional mexicana.

English translation of Nos encanta la variedad de la música tradicional mexicana.

We love the variety of traditional Mexican music.

In this sentence, 'Nos encanta' translates to 'we love', 'la variedad de' means 'the variety of', 'música tradicional mexicana' specifies the type of music which is appreciated for its variety, indicating that it is traditional music from Mexico.

Mi abuela siempre baila al son de la música tradicional.

English translation of Mi abuela siempre baila al son de la música tradicional.

My grandmother always dances to the rhythm of traditional music.

In this sentence, 'Mi abuela' means 'my grandmother', 'siempre' translates to 'always', 'baila' means 'dances', 'al son de' is a phrase that means 'to the rhythm of', and 'música tradicional' refers to the type of music the grandmother dances to.