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música moderna

English translation of música moderna

Modern music

The term 'música moderna' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'modern music' in English. It is used to describe a broad variety of contemporary and popular music genres that have emerged after the 1950s, ranging from rock, pop, hip-hop to electronic music. This term examines music that is currently in the mainstream or has been recently developed, demonstrating an evolution of different music styles and aesthetic trends over time.

Example sentences using: música moderna

La música moderna está cargada de electrónica y sonidos sintéticos.

English translation of La música moderna está cargada de electrónica y sonidos sintéticos.

Modern music is loaded with electronics and synthetic sounds.

This sentence simply refers to the prevalent use of electronic elements and synthetic sounds in modern music, contrasting it with traditional or classical music which often relied on acoustic instruments.

English translation of No puedo entender por qué la música moderna es tan popular.

I cannot understand why modern music is so popular.

This sentence expresses a personal lack of understanding or appreciation for the popularity of modern music, indicating a subjective preference for other types of music or a generational gap in musical tastes.

Aunque prefiero la música clásica, escucho música moderna para mantenerme actualizado.

English translation of Aunque prefiero la música clásica, escucho música moderna para mantenerme actualizado.

Although I prefer classical music, I listen to modern music to keep up to date.

This sentence illustrates a person who prefers classical music but makes an effort to listen to modern music in order to stay connected with current trends, implying a willingness to step out of their comfort zone.