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música clásica

English translation of música clásica

classical music

The Spanish term 'música clásica' translates to 'classical music' in English. In the context of Western art music, 'classical music' is generally defined as music produced or rooted in the traditions of Western culture, including both liturgical (religious) and secular music. It covers a broad period from roughly the 11th century to the present day. Much like its English equivalent, 'música clásica' is a broad term that is typically used to refer to music that was written in a formal style, often for large ensembles, from roughly the late 1700s to the early 1900s in Spanish-speaking countries.

Example sentences using: música clásica

A ella le gusta mucho la música clásica.

English translation of A ella le gusta mucho la música clásica.

She likes classical music a lot.

In this sentence, the phrase 'música clásica' is used as the object of the verb 'gusta'. The verb 'gusta' is typically used to express likes or preferences in Spanish.

Nuestra profesora de música clásica es muy exigente.

English translation of Nuestra profesora de música clásica es muy exigente.

Our classical music teacher is very demanding.

The phrase 'música clásica' is used as an adjective to describe the type of music that the teacher teaches. It comes before the noun it modifies, which is a common placement for adjectives in Spanish.

La música clásica es mejor cuando se disfruta en silencio.

English translation of La música clásica es mejor cuando se disfruta en silencio.

Classical music is better when enjoyed in silence.

The phrase 'música clásica' serves as the subject of the sentence. The sentence expresses a subjective opinion about the best way to enjoy classical music.