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English translation of mural


The word 'mural' in Spanish refers to an impactful piece of artwork typically painted or applied directly on a wall, ceiling or other large permanent surface. The great scale and integration with the architectural elements, often bringing context to the surrounding space, distinguishes murals from other forms of paintings. Spanish murals can be found in churches, government buildings, and even on city walls, often telling a story or carrying a message. They express the culture, history, and perspective of the artist or the society they represent.

Example sentences using: mural

Ella está pintando un mural en la pared.

English translation of Ella está pintando un mural en la pared.

She is painting a mural on the wall.

In this sentence, 'mural' is referring to a large painting which is done directly on the wall or ceiling. The verb 'está pintando' is indicating that the action is happening at the present moment.

El mural del museo es muy famoso.

English translation of El mural del museo es muy famoso.

The mural of the museum is very famous.

In this statement, 'el mural del museo' can refer to a well-known mural located inside a museum. 'Muy famoso' implies the artwork has wide recognition.

El artista creó un mural interactivo.

English translation of El artista creó un mural interactivo.

The artist created an interactive mural.

In this statement, 'un mural interactivo' refers to a piece of art on a wall that involves or enables direct physical interaction from those viewing it. The fact that an 'artista creó' it means that it was made by a person skilled in the arts.

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