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mundo vegetal

English translation of mundo vegetal

Plant world

The term 'mundo vegetal' originates from the Spanish language and it translates to 'plant world' in English. In a broader sense, it can refer to the entirety of plant life, biodiversity, and ecosystems on Earth. It can also imply the study and exploration of plants, their types, their growth, and their significance in the world. It's widely used in scientific, educational, and environmental contexts. Its use might also suggest a focus on the importance of plants in our daily lives and for the planet's sustainability.

Example sentences using: mundo vegetal

Dedico mi vida a la investigación del mundo vegetal.

English translation of Dedico mi vida a la investigación del mundo vegetal.

I dedicate my life to researching the plant world.

This sentence showcases someone committing their life to plant research.

El mundo vegetal ofrece innumerables beneficios a la humanidad.

English translation of El mundo vegetal ofrece innumerables beneficios a la humanidad.

The plant world offers countless benefits to humanity.

This phrase highlights the numerous benefits the plant world offers to humans.

El mundo vegetal es fascinante y diverso.

English translation of El mundo vegetal es fascinante y diverso.

The plant world is fascinating and diverse.

This sentence talks about the diversity and the fascination in the world of plants.

La belleza del mundo vegetal es inigualable.

English translation of La belleza del mundo vegetal es inigualable.

The beauty of the plant world is unmatched.

This sentence expresses admiration for the unmatched beauty of the plant world.

En el mundo vegetal, la supervivencia es una lucha constante.

English translation of En el mundo vegetal, la supervivencia es una lucha constante.

In the plant world, survival is a constant struggle.

This sentence refers to the constant struggle for survival in the plant world.

Descubrir el mundo vegetal es una aventura cargada de sorpresas.

English translation of Descubrir el mundo vegetal es una aventura cargada de sorpresas.

Discovering the plant world is an adventure full of surprises.

This phrase regards exploring the plant world as an adventurous journey with a lot of surprises.

Voy a estudiar la biología del mundo vegetal.

English translation of Voy a estudiar la biología del mundo vegetal.

I'm going to study the biology of the plant world.

This expression is about someone's intention to study plant biology.

El mundo vegetal tiene una sutil belleza.

English translation of El mundo vegetal tiene una sutil belleza.

The plant world has a subtle beauty.

This remark points to the understated beauty of the plant world.

El cambio climático afecta al mundo vegetal.

English translation of El cambio climático afecta al mundo vegetal.

Climate change affects the plant world.

This statement concerns the impact of climate change on the world of plants.

El mundo vegetal es esencial para la vida en la tierra.

English translation of El mundo vegetal es esencial para la vida en la tierra.

The plant world is essential for life on earth.

This phrase emphasizes the importance of the plant world to life on earth.