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English translation of multiplicar


The Spanish word 'multiplicar' translates to 'multiply' in English. In math, it means to get the product by combining two or more quantities. For instance, multiplying 2 by 3 gives 6. In the context of daily usage, it may be used in the context of increasing or augmenting something, as in the phrase 'Los problemas se multiplicaron rápidamente', which means 'The problems multiplied rapidly'. Learning verbs such as 'multiplicar' can help in understanding a fundamental aspect of the Spanish language, mathematics, and general usage.

Example sentences using: multiplicar

Debes multiplicar el número por dos para obtener el resultado.

English translation of Debes multiplicar el número por dos para obtener el resultado.

You should multiply the number by two to get the result.

In this sentence, the verb 'multiplicar' is used to express the mathematical operation of multiplying a number by two. The speaker is giving an instruction or advice on how to obtain a result.

El maestro enseña a los niños cómo multiplicar.

English translation of El maestro enseña a los niños cómo multiplicar.

The teacher teaches the children how to multiply.

This sentence describes a situation in which a teacher is showing children the process of multiplication. 'Multiplicar' here is an action undertaken by the teacher to teach the children.

Si no puedes multiplicar mentalmente, usa una calculadora.

English translation of Si no puedes multiplicar mentalmente, usa una calculadora.

If you can't multiply mentally, use a calculator.

This sentence is giving advice. If the subject finds it difficult to do the mathematical operation of multiplication in their head ('multiplicar mentalmente'), they should use a calculator.

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