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muestra de arte

English translation of muestra de arte

art exhibition

The Spanish phrase 'muestra de arte' is translated as 'art exhibition' in English. An art exhibition is a space or a venue where any form of art is displayed for the public to see. This can include works of fine arts like paintings, sculptures, installations, or graphics. It can be a one-time event or a long-term display. Similarly, 'muestra de arte' in Spanish signifies the same - an event or location where works of art are exhibited.

Example sentences using: muestra de arte

La muestra de arte de Pablo está abierta al público.

English translation of La muestra de arte de Pablo está abierta al público.

Pablo's art exhibition is open to the public.

This phrase is used when someone's art exhibition, in this case a person named Pablo, is open for public viewing.

Mi hermana está preparándose para su nueva muestra de arte.

English translation of Mi hermana está preparándose para su nueva muestra de arte.

My sister is getting ready for her new art exhibition.

In this phrase, it's mentioned that the speaker's sister is preparing for an art exhibition. It expresses the action of getting ready for an event.

¿Has visitado la reciente muestra de arte en el museo?

English translation of ¿Has visitado la reciente muestra de arte en el museo?

Have you visited the recent art exhibition at the museum?


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