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mostrar una confianza total

English translation of mostrar una confianza total

show total confidence

The Spanish phrase 'mostrar una confianza total' translates to 'show total confidence' in English. This phrase is typically used to convey the act of demonstrating complete trust or faith in a person or situation. For example, one might use it under contexts reflecting unwavering belief in someone's abilities or a scenario's ultimate outcome.

Example sentences using: mostrar una confianza total

Vamos a mostrar una confianza total en el equipo.

English translation of Vamos a mostrar una confianza total en el equipo.

We are going to show complete confidence in the team.

This sentence expresses a full belief in a team, often used in situations involving teamwork.

A pesar de la dificultad, debes mostrar una confianza total en ti mismo.

English translation of A pesar de la dificultad, debes mostrar una confianza total en ti mismo.

Despite the difficulty, you must show complete confidence in yourself.

This sentence encourages a person to trust in himself or herself regardless of the circumstances.

Es importante mostrar una confianza total en tus habilidades.

English translation of Es importante mostrar una confianza total en tus habilidades.

It is important to show complete confidence in your abilities.

This sentence advises on the importance of believing in oneself when one possesses abilities or skills.

La manera en que hablas debe mostrar una confianza total.

English translation of La manera en que hablas debe mostrar una confianza total.

The way you speak should show complete confidence.

This sentence advises that when speaking, one should do so with self-assuredness.

El entrenador espera que el equipo pueda mostrar una confianza total en el partido.

English translation of El entrenador espera que el equipo pueda mostrar una confianza total en el partido.

The coach expects the team to be able to show complete confidence in the match.

This sentence expresses the coach's expectation that the team will display full confidence in a match.

Aunque es joven, puede mostrar una confianza total en su trabajo.

English translation of Aunque es joven, puede mostrar una confianza total en su trabajo.

Although he is young, he can show complete confidence in his work.

This sentence speaks about a young person's ability to display great self-assuredness in his or her work.

En el debate, es necesario mostrar una confianza total.

English translation of En el debate, es necesario mostrar una confianza total.

In the debate, it is necessary to show complete confidence.

This sentence suggests that it's essential to exude complete confidence during a debate.

Ella siempre logra mostrar una confianza total, sin importar la situación.

English translation of Ella siempre logra mostrar una confianza total, sin importar la situación.

She always manages to show complete confidence, regardless of the situation.

This sentence praises a person's ability to display confidence in any circumstance.

Para liderar a otros, debes mostrar una confianza total.

English translation of Para liderar a otros, debes mostrar una confianza total.

To lead others, you must show complete confidence.

This sentence advises that displaying full confidence is a prerequisite to leading others.

Para ganar el respeto de los demás, tienes que mostrar una confianza total.

English translation of Para ganar el respeto de los demás, tienes que mostrar una confianza total.

To win the respect of others, you have to show complete confidence.

This sentence suggests that self-confidence can earn one the respect of others.

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